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FBK technology in space: the TG2 DOSSIER story

March 4, 2019

Aired on RAI 2, Giorgio Pacifici's story showed the best Italian research and technology for the study and exploration of Space. Among the major innovations, the story mentioned also the LOFT device made in the laboratories of the Foundation

Fondazione Bruno Kessler could not have been left out of the TG2 Dossier “L’Italia nello Spazio” dedicated to the Italian excellence in this field. Aired on RAI2 on March 3, Giorgio Pacifici‘s story showed the best Italian research and technology for the study and exploration of Space. Among the major innovations shown was the LOFT device, a chip made with FBK technology at the Foundation’s Micro Nano Facility (MNF), as part of a collaboration with INFN, INAF and the Italian Space Agency. It is, in fact, the largest X-ray detector ever made in the world.

“The name of this device”, explains Pierluigi Bellutti, head of the MNF laboratory at Fondazione Bruno Kessler” stands for Large Observatory for X-ray Timing, and it has been named after the project in which its use was proposed for the first time. This result shows the increasingly relevant presence of high-quality, reliable technological research for space applications at the FBK Center for Materials and Microsystems. An important aspect is also the ability to transfer these technologies into terrestrial applications, the so-called benefits of research linked to the exploration of space. Specifically, the X-ray sensor technology that is ever more pervasively being used in material quality control, thus entering the supply chain of raw materials control and the quality characterization of products to be brought to the market”.

To find out more: watch the TG2 Dossier “L’Italia nello Spazio”

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