“KIDS GO GREEN”, small steps in sustainable mobility
1800 kids participated in the project for elementary schools in Trentino coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
1,800 children from 109 classes in 28 Trentino elementary schools are participating this year in the Kids Go Green project, the educational game that uses a number of technology innovations developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s Digital Society Center to promote sustainable mobility habits.
Thanks to the success of previous editions, 58 routes have been activated again for 2022, specifically in schools in Trento, Rovereto, Pergine, Borgo Valsugana, Aldeno, Albiano, Dro, Pietramurata, Sarche, Arco, Vigo di Ton, Moena, Vigo Di Fassa, Pozza di Fassa, Canazei, Marter, Castelnuovo, Telve, and Novaledo.
The participants all together committed to 178,000 car-free kilometers (equal to 4.5 laps around the Earth). This is an educational game involving schools, children and families in an adventure to discover the world and under the banner of more sustainable mobility. As part of the school curriculum, teachers, with the help of the Kids Go Green Web app developed specifically for the initiative, design theme routes by identifying stages to which they associate multimedia educational content. The children in the classroom report daily about their home-school trips and the sustainable kilometers traveled by each one of them make the group advance along the route. Once a stage is reached, the multimedia content is unlocked, thus creating the opportunity to start a new topic. The stages reached and the interesting content are a motivation to advance along the route.
Compared to previous editions, an increasing number of routes address environment and ecological transition related issues, bringing them down to the local area and daily lives of students. These include, for example, routes dedicated to the goals of Agenda 2030 in Trentino, green professions of the future, renewable energy, and the water cycle.
The initiative is organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Cooperativa Kaleidoscopio, in collaboration with local governments and with the support of ITAS Mutua and Casse Rurali Trentine.
“There is a lot of discussion about digital transition and ecological transition, two major transformations that we will face in the coming years. Kids Go Green is a concrete and successful example of how these two transitions can be addressed together: it is in fact a digital innovation that steps into schools and promotes environmental sustainability. – Marco Pistore, Director of FBK’s Digital Society Center, commented – Of course, this is a small action compared to what is needed to address the issues of the ecological and digital transition, but great results also stem from many small steps: a concept that is precisely at the heart of the challenge offered by Kids Go Green to elementary school children.
“For the Municipality of Trento – Elisabetta Bozzarelli, the Councillor for Youth Policies, Education, Culture, Libraries and Tourism explained – Kids go green, within the Bambini a piedi sicuri (Safe children on foot) prohject, represents an innovative and important activity for primary schools in town. The routes focus on raising awareness on environmental issues related to the 2030 Agenda, in particular sustainable mobility in home-school trips. KGG therefore helps children to be citizens that are responsible for the present and the future. Thanks to all those who collaborate in the project.”
“The success of this project is the best proof of how the responsible education of the new generations is central to the development of our society,” ITAS president Giuseppe Consoli said – Sharing, sustainability and attention to the common good are basic elements of our mutual aid actions, and placing them at the center of these important initiatives dedicated to young people allows them to grow increasingly aware and attentive citizens. Characteristics we badly need, today more than ever, view the sad international events.”
“Respect for the local area and social function. With this in mind, Casse Rurali Trentine supports cultural and training initiatives such as the Kids Go Green project” Silvio Mucchi, president of the Common Fund of Casse Rurali Trentine concluded.