Mobility Stories: Cecilia Nubola
Cecilia Nubola, researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Italian and German Historical Studies, tell us about her mobility period at Glasgow Strathclyde University.
“The Mobility Program is one of the most important initiatives that FBK offers”.
Cecilia Nubola, a researcher with the Italian and German Histotical Studies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, has recently returned from her Mobility stay at Strathclyde University in Glasgow.
“I’m convinced that going abroad, facing new experiences and contexts, networking, is really important”, she says.
Cecilia has participated in the Foundation’s Mobility Program twice. She defines them as “two fundamental and complementary experiences” that allowed her “not just to create a network and to become acquainted with an excellent department of Oral History, but also to deepen a field that I missed out on during my first Mobility stay and that I miss out on in Trento, i.e. Teaching Methods”.
The advice to colleagues is that they should, if possible, take up the opportunity offered by the Foundation.
“Of course, one has to consider one’s personal situation and needs, but personally I feel I can recommend it to all those colleagues who can do this experience – she adds. Moreover, the various collaborations and relationships that become consolidated in Mobility are a very important asset not only for the researcher but also for the Foundation, and can translate into jointly organized conferences, small or large projects, the chance to invite experts who one has met in person during Mobility… networking, which is what we need in our work”.