The EDUCA Festival is launching a contest for schools. There is time until March 16
After the success of the two previous editions, the "L'EDUCAZIONE MI STA A CUORE" (I care about education) contest is back, promoted by the organizing committee of the EDUCA festival and dedicated to school students of all levels across the nation. The initiative, organized thanks to the support of the Casse Rurali Trentine bank and the Rovereto and Vallagarina Tourism Agency, was started with the aim of giving a voice to children and young people on education. The winners will be announced and awarded on Friday, April 13, the first day of EDUCA entirely dedicated to schools
The works made in recent years by hundreds of children and young people who participated in the “L’EDUCAZIONE MI STA A CUORE” contest now in its third edition, are thinking, poetic and open to the world. The contest aims to stimulate the participation and reflection of children and young people (as well as their teachers) on education matters, while deepening current issues. This year the organizing committee of EDUCA has in fact decided to further subdivide the thematic framework of the competition: a new element compared to past editions. The topic to be explored will be that linked to “Educational Algorithms“, theme of the 9th edition of the festival (which will take place in Rovereto April 13 to 15) divided into “Real or virtual” for elementary and middle school kids and “Digital feelings” for high school kids. An opportunity to hear the voices of those who were born in the digital revolution.
Also in this third edition of the competition, kids are invited to create an original work using different expressive languages: visual (a drawing, a painting, a collage, a photograph or a sculpture); or multimedia (a short film, a videoclip, a documentary or an interview). The rules and procedures for participation are published on the website www.educaonline.it
The art works, presented by March 16, will be evaluated by school levels (elementary, middle and high) by a committee of experts, chosen among the promoters, who will select the most deserving four (three from Trentino and one for the out-of-Province categories), paying particular attention to the educational-pedagogical work done in the class. A selection of the works will be on display throughout the event. The winners will be announced on April 13 – the first day of the festival – on the occasion of the celebration of the awareness campaign of the same name: “L’EDUCAZIONE MI STA A CUORE”.
Thanks to the support of Casse Rurali Trentine, the Trentino winning classes will each receive a €550.00 voucher (€412.00 after taxes) to be used for a trip or study visit consistent with their school curriculum. The Rovereto and Vallagarina Tourism Agency, together with the local Museums, on the other hand, will offer the winning out-of-Province class a stay in Rovereto with the opportunity to visit the local natural, historical and artistic attractions and to participate in educational workshops specifically designed for them. The Tourism Agency offers as well family and school packages to facilitate participation in the festival.
For information: www.educaonline.it
Phone: +39 349 6127046