Search results: "cimatti"
July 16, 2018The prestigious award concerned studies for the realization of the so-called Bounded Model Checking, an algorithm used in the electronic circuit and software design systems
April 27, 2017In an ever-changing and fast-moving field like software is, not everybody gets to make an internationally ground-breaking and far-reaching scientific work that will influence the industry for years to come. Alessandro Cimatti, with Fondazione Bruno Kessler's ICT Center, has succeeded: he received the "Test of Time Award" from ETAPS in Uppsala, Sweden.
July 26, 2021The two researchers, from FBK and the University of Trento respectively, received the prize awarded by CAV 2021, the most important international conference on the verification of correctness of hardware and software systems and one of the most prestigious in computer science.
Director Digital Industry Center, FBK
October 2, 2020Cimatti will lead the digital industry center, Crema the one for sustainable energy, Pistore the one for the digital society and Ranise the one for cybersecurity. As for health, there will be three new centers: health and wellness services will be entrusted to Forti, health emergencies to Merler and artificial intelligence for health and well-being to Ghidini.
July 3, 2023There is also Alessandro Cimatti (FBK) among the signatories of the most influential field study over the period 2002-2022, which won the Thoralf Skolem 2023 award, presented yesterday in Rome at the CADE-29 conference.
July 17, 2023A focus on digital technologies for the changing industry: FBK's applied research in manufacturing, aerospace, rail, automotive, energy and precision agriculture.
October 18, 2022The involvement of Trentino based businesses, the creation of demonstrator sites, and the development of solutions easily adaptable to the local area are being promoted
September 19, 2024Agriculture, manufacturing and digitization were the topics addressed on the day dedicated to companies
September 5, 2017Trento is hosting three international conferences in September
May 15, 2016A joint scientific study by the Trentino based Research Center and the aerospace giant has been presented in San Francisco during the most important world conference in the area of formal verification and validation.
September 1, 2016His name is Andrea Micheli; he was born in 1987 and has just won the EurAI European Award for the best PhD thesis in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
October 4, 2024Center for Digital Industry's Demo Day: an event to present ongoing projects to the FBK community and to create new collaborations among research teams
January 31, 2025Artificial Intelligence makes the difference: presentation and launch of the European project "AI Matters", for tomorrow's manufacturing.
December 2, 2022Together with FBK, University of Trento and Dolomiti Robotics, an innovative solution was created to make the GPI Group's Riedl Phasys warehouse system more globally competitive.
December 4, 2023Among the most cited researchers in the world (Top 2%) for their publications in science-technology are FBK scholars Binosi, Bovolo, Cimatti, Dapor, Dragoni, Ghulinyan, Magnini, Massa, Perini, Pistore, Remondino, Stock and Strapparava. The analysis, published in Elsevier Data Repository, is based on Scopus data updated to 2022
February 20, 2017Fondazione Bruno Kessler is presenting the project involving more than 100 students from around the world, in collaboration with Italian and international universities.
July 7, 2017From June 18, in Val di Non (Trentino), the young participants worked alongside experts and researchers with the aim of creating a new Artificial Intelligence solution to anticipate fruit ripening and quality.
September 11, 2017The fifteenth edition is being held in Trento from September 6 to 10, and aims to bring together leading researchers and professionals from academia, industry and administration to advance the state of the art in Formal Methods.
January 22, 2019From non-recyclable plastic to Eco Fuel, a fuel oil that meets transportation standards, can be used in existing engines or in industrial plants
May 29, 2019The first flight tests have already been carried out this spring in Trentino
December 15, 2020We highlighted the scientific results of Francesca Bovolo, Alessandro Cimatti, Manlio De Domenico, Paolo Massa, Fabio Remondino and Carlo Strapparava. The Scopus data analysis was published in the international journal Plos Biology
December 30, 2020Starting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.
September 28, 2021The Austrian research center Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) and the Italian research institute Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) are launching a bilateral research collaboration to develop methods and processes that increase the dependability of electronic based systems.
December 17, 2021Richard John Hall-Wilton, Massimo Leone and Mirco Tonin appointed today by the Board of Directors to lead the S&D, ISR and IRVAPP centers
April 27, 2022The FBK scientist Luciano Serafini has become fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EURAI). Head of Data and Knowledge Management Research Unit at FBK, his reaserch interests include Knowledge representation, Artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, Applied Ontology and Neuro-Symbolic architectures.