Enrico Piras

Holding a PhD in “Information Systems and Organization” (University of Trento), he is a researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Digital Health Research Group (DHRes).
His research activity focuses on health infomation managament and sharing, healthcare infrastructures, and the technology-mediated coordination of healthcare professionals and patient in telemonitoring.
He’s also a member of the university-based Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning and Aesthetics of the Trento University and adjunct professor at University of Verona where he teaches “Methodology of Organizational Research” and “Sociology of Organizational Processes”
Spotlight's articles
November 29, 2019FBK research at EIT Digital Italy’s Innovation Day 2019The Innovation Village featured also digital products and services developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for industry, cities, wellbeing and finance
March 12, 2018Preventing cyberbullying with artificial intelligence: the CREEP European project kicks off in TrentinoCyberbullying, i.e. the systematic and repeated aggression carried out on digital media through technological means, is a growing phenomenon