Digital invasion: mission accomplished!
Art and technology may seem opposites, two worlds characterized by different languages. On the contrary, The dialogue is open, the opportunities for synergy are multiple.
This was the topic of discussion on May 3 at Museion, the Bolzano Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, on the occasion of the Invasioni Digitali event. In the context of a magnificent exhibition space, a heterogeneous audience, sensitive to different keywords, was invited to listen to introductory talks on technology applied to the museum context and then to peacefully “invade” the halls of the museum and to capture with their smartphones and tablets, and share on social Networks, the experience of the visit, thus letting art and culture cross their boundaries (“Culture has no borders” is the slogan of the 2017 edition of Digital Invasion).
For me, as a researcher in the field of computer science, it was the perfect opportunity to share the results of the meSch European project that explored the new opportunities offered by the Internet of Things to incorporate technology in a more pervasive way, but above all to point out the importance of collaboration in the design of technology interventions, where digitally enhanced visit experiences are the result of the dialogue between museum curators, user experience experts and developers. For the curators of Museion, it was a chance to tell with passion how the choice of an art installation comes into existence, what the meaning s narrated by the works are, what the communication intent with the public, called to be the protagonist of a personal interpretation, is.
The wide presence of researchers and faculty from the Computer Science School from the Free University of Bozen and of professionals from local companies operating in the field among the audience enlivened the dialogue that followed, which suggests a lively wave of ideas and further opportunities for exploration.
Image source: Wikimedia