All the events organized by FBK and a selection of those involving our researchers.
February 11, 2025Agriculture 4.0 is worth €2.3 billionIn Italy, agriculture 4.0 solutions, such as artificial intelligence, robotics and sensor technology, have come to be worth 2.3 billion euros; in 2017 it was only 100 million.
February 10, 2025Women and Girls in Science: Michela Milano’s journey between mentoring, AI and inclusionThe experience of FBK's Center for Digital Society Director Michela Milano in a conversation with researcher Elena Donini
January 27, 2025Do you take care of your cyber hygiene?Tips from the Center for Cybersecurity on the Data Protection Day
January 24, 2025“Should we believe in artificial intelligence?”The topic was the focus of a panel discussion organized at Fondazione Bruno Kessler at the conclusion of the REBE research project on January 21
January 17, 2025Climate change in agriculture: a platform for risk mitigation and secure data exchangeLeading the AGRICLIMA project, Fondazione Bruno Kessler will implement an innovative technology platform for analyzing the impact of climate change in agriculture, developing tools for risk mitigation, and managing and securely exchanging data.
December 20, 2024AI Act: a guide to Europe’s first regulation of artificial intelligenceMetterei Exploring the balance between technology innovation and the protection of human rights.
December 19, 2024Il senso incantato | enchantment: Massimo Leone and the dialogue between spirituality and innovationFrom rocky Imperviousness to aeriform Enchantment: 3 years of reflections and work at the Center for Religious Studies
December 9, 2024With PIZ-Gamma, scientific research and innovative education meet at high altitudeThe project brought more than 150 students from Trentino to the heart of gamma-ray research
December 4, 2024Borderline places: reflections on religion in contemporary cultureThe 2024 edition of the Davide Zordan Lecture, an annual event organized by ondazione Bruno Kessler's Center for Religious Studies to honor the memory of Davide Zordan, a researcher who died prematurely in 2015, was held on November 26 in Trento.
December 2, 2024Inclusive research: actions to integrate talents with disabilitiesA renewed plan of initiatives aimed at enhancing the attractiveness and recruitment of Law 68/99 beneficiaries in research positions
December 2, 20245VREAL project: technology innovation for sportsThe project was designed and implemented by the Free University of Bolzano with EMG Italy, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Small Pixels and Vodafone Italia. 5VREAL combines 5G and Artificial Intelligence to improve technical analysis and the sports experience, from playing fields to television broadcasting.
November 28, 2024Lab to Market journeys: innovation and impact storiesChallenges, opportunities and inspirations to transform research into an enterprise
November 25, 2024Bruno Kessler. Cent’anniTeatro Sociale to host, on December 10, Andrea Castelli's performance conceived and promoted by FBK and UniTrento.
November 8, 2024AI at the Edge and Sensors: technological opportunities for sustainable Artificial IntelligenceA discussion among researchers and experts to explore challenges and opportunities of the integration between state-of-the-art microelectronic devices and AI algorithms.
October 30, 2024Toward district heating of the future: efficiency and sustainability in focus in USES4HEAT projectAt the General Assembly at FBK, 27 European partners discuss innovations in geothermal district heating for a sustainable energy transition with focus on demonstrators in Riva del Garda and Oslo
October 29, 2024The Nobel Prize in physics explained by our physicist Federica MantegazziniInterview by Claudio Ferlan, editor of FBK Magazine, on the occasion of the researcher's participation in the “Semplicemente Nobel” event.
October 17, 2024Paving the Way for a Hydrogen-Powered Future in the AlpsThe Midterm-Conference of AMETHyST Project
October 9, 2024Michela Milano appointed Director of the Center for Digital Society at FBKMichela Milano, a full professor at the Department of Computer Science, Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna and director of the Interdepartmental Center “Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence,” will lead FBK's Center for Digital Society.
October 4, 2024Best innovations for digital industry, agritech and local communitiesCenter for Digital Industry's Demo Day: an event to present ongoing projects to the FBK community and to create new collaborations among research teams
October 2, 2024Agreement between FBK and Politecnico di Milano signedThe agreement will see the two institutions engaged in joint actions in strategic areas ranging from microelectronics to photonics, artificial intelligence and MedTech.
September 29, 2024Renewable hydrogenFBK researcher Elena Crespi's talk at the Wired Next Fest in Rovereto
September 29, 2024What the weather is going to be like: artificial intelligence for weather forecastingFBK's Elena Tomasi tells Wired Next Fest about the science behind climate studies
September 29, 2024Orbiting companiesElena Donini tells Wired Next Fest about research in the space field
September 29, 2024How far away are Quantum Technologies?FBK researcher Federica Mantegazzini's talk at the Wired Next Fest in Rovereto
September 28, 2024Digital farmers: artificial intelligence takes “the field”Fabio Antonelli (FBK) and @Matt the Farmer today featured at Wired Next Fest on AI, data and agritech
September 27, 2024Trentino per la Ricerca: eight innovation awards to young FBK researchersThe award to enhance the research and innovation work of young people in the Trentino region
September 27, 2024Artificial intelligence, for realA conversation between President Ferruccio Resta, Chamber of Deputies Vice President Anna Ascani and Wired editor Federico Ferrazza
September 27, 2024The culture of cybersecurityFBK researcher Giada Sciarretta's talk at the Wired Next Fest in Rovereto
September 19, 2024AI-based innovative solutions for SMEs presented at FBKAgriculture, manufacturing and digitization were the topics addressed on the day dedicated to companies
September 17, 2024The role of new nuclear power technology in Italy’s energy transition: President Resta at the Cernobbio forumHe took part in the presentation of the new study by Edison, Ansaldo Nucleare and Teha Group during the 50th Teha forum in Cernobbio
July 29, 2024Artificial intelligence for weather forecasting and climate studiesAt FBK an autumn school whose target audience are university students, researchers and professionals.
July 8, 2024Regulating and learning about Artificial Intelligence through the challenges of deepfakesRegulating AI is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a balanced approach.
July 5, 2024WebValley 2024: the results of the summer school for young data scientists that studied the ionosphere using AIThe 2024 edition of WebValley, FBK's summer school, is wrapping up with the closing event on July 5.
July 2, 2024The European MiSS project has kicked offCoordinated by FBK in Trento, Italy, it will aim to develop quantum devices beyond the state-of-the-art.
July 2, 2024Towards new scientific frontiers: CNR’s role in TrentinoFBK hosted an event and CNR President Maria Chiara Carrozza to reflect on the prospects for research in Trentino
July 1, 2024FBK and UniTN together again for researchJoint research projects and labs, shared doctoral programs: Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento have renewed their strategic collaboration for another three years.
June 12, 2024OPEN Trento x3What is meant by open artificial intelligence? Openness in AI not only has to do with the availability of software, but also with key issues such as transparency, reusability and sustainability of systems, while respecting essential ethical constraints imposed by standards.
June 12, 2024Introducing FBK’s 25 Future Science AmbassadorsThe project aims to enhance the people and the current topics of our Research in line with FBK's Talent Program
June 10, 2024Discovering SPAD sensorsThe 2024 edition of the ISSW biennial conference and related school to understand how SPAD sensors work and how they can be used in modern technologies.
June 7, 2024Trento, Italy, sees the first digitized atlas of the human brainThe neurosurgery international scientific community will gather in Trento for the “Connect brain” conference June 13 through 15. Neuroscientists from around the world will be participating in the event. An opportunity to learn about and test an innovative technology that reconstructs maps of brain connections. A useful tool against head tumors.
June 7, 2024LEGO Brick ChallengeFondazione Bruno Kessler hosted the Trentino leg of the EXPLORE program of the FIRST® LEGO® League Italia on May 11, 2024.
June 4, 2024First meeting of the new Advisory BoardEnterprises, start-ups, Europe, universities and research,health care, manufacturing and AI for industry, fintech, agritech and the local area were the topics at the center of the discussion
May 30, 2024Innovation and research, new Pwc Center of Excellence in TrentoAndrea Simoni, Secretary general at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and Silvio Ranise, Director of the Center for Cybersecurity at Fondazione Bruno Kessler attended the event.
May 30, 2024AIXPAThe presentation event of the AIxPA project dedicated to artificial intelligence for Public Administration was held at FBK's Povo site
May 25, 2024Money and ReligionsThe 19th Edition of the Trento Festival of Economics hosted the Panel entitled "Money and Religions" May 25, 2024 at the Vittoria cinema.
May 25, 2024The sustainability of living"Making full use of the existing housing has been the goal of several innovative pathways on the topic of housing that I have been involved in over the years."
May 25, 2024How artificial intelligence is changing professional firms"I bring the point of view of research and those who develop AI solutions to enhance data generation and interpretation processes with the aim of improving the quality of services in the field of professional firms and Public Administration."
May 24, 2024Artificial intelligence and the future of medicineProtecting health with data medicine
May 24, 2024Artificial intelligence: the strategies of Big TechThis afternoon, Palazzo Geremia hosted the panel organized as part of the Trento Festival of Economics with the participation of Paolo Traverso
May 24, 2024Small and medium-sized enterprises, productivity and cognitive automationResta, FBK: "In times of rapid technology evolution, collaboration between SMEs and R&D centers is essential.".
May 24, 2024The Future of the AI in Europe with the AI ActThe Festival of Economics, hosted a debate on recently passed European legislation
May 23, 2024Digital infrastructure for citizens and businessesThe Autonomous Province of Trento as a cutting-edge laboratory in Europe for digital public infrastructure
May 23, 2024The challenge of the future: beyond rare earths, rare peopleSTEM talent and skills today at the Festival of Economics
May 23, 2024The delicate balance between economy, energy and the environmentToday, as part of the 19th Edition of the Trento Festival of Economics, Fondazione Caritro hosted the panel "Finding the balance between economy, energy and the environment".
May 15, 2024FBK at the Trento Festival of EconomicsHealthcare, artificial intelligence and new professions in industry among FBK's contributions to the debate to outline the future
April 30, 2024At the Frontiers of Digital IdentityTwo international conferences organized in Rome by Fondazione Bruno Kessler brought together experts from around the world to talk about security in electronic identification
April 29, 2024Work-family balance: a study highlights the main effects of the 2007 parental reform in GermanyA new study highlights the opportunities for work-family balance, in connection with the 2007 parental leave reform in Germany
April 16, 2024Glimpses of artificial intelligence “against the tide”A discussion between leading representatives of AI and Augmented Intelligence research was held on March 25 at FBK. We collected the video testimony of Alessandro Sperduti, Marco Gori and Oliviero Stock, guests of "Some Pills of AI Against the Tide."
April 4, 2024Society suspended between a no longer and a not yetThe relationship between technology and society resembles the relationship in a couple: one influences the other and vice versa, but in order for this to happen there must be a party of two. With this interpretation key, through the examination of case studies that embody the most pressing discussion nodes around innovation, digital media sociologist Davide Bennato tells how our society is rapidly changing and what risks and opportunities can be expected
March 27, 2024Trento capital of hydrogen: the Zero Carbon Community meeting held at FBKDuring the TEH Ambrosetti event on March 26, 2024, the discussion covered the need for common national strategies and Trentino's main sustainability projects
March 15, 2024Butti: “Foundations and AI, a combination to develop synergies”On March 14, Undersecretary of State for the President of the Council of Ministers' Office Alessio Butti visited Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) ahead of the G7 meeting dedicated to Artificial Intelligence to be held in Trento, Italy.
March 11, 2024Mission for health: promoting health in different contexts around the worldA summary of the proceedings and a video interview with the speaker of the "Global Faith-Based Healthcare Systems" conference, which starts with a metaphor about redwood trees to talk about how health is promoted within the various socio-cultural contexts.
February 28, 2024Thinking curious. Communicating science to the scientists of tomorrowWhen organizing events directed at so-called popularization, those engaged in research as their profession often ask the question, "What do I have to do to engage young people?" The matter refers both to the unquestionable pleasure of having an audience to communicate to, sometimes to be retained, and to the belief that one has something to say, and consequently, that one deserves to be heard by those who will build the future. The idea of seeding is as appealing as it is fulfilling.
February 28, 2024The indelible faintness of tracesA new joint FBK-ISIG and 3DOM project that reveals the face of the city of Trento from the profound changes that have affected it over the years and the effects these have had on the community.
February 22, 2024Countering violence against women together, Memorandum of Understanding renewed and expandedFBK is among the signatories of the "Memorandum of Understanding for the Prevention and Combating of Gender-Based Violence in the Province of Trento," which was officially signed this morning by representatives of the authorities.
February 21, 2024AI4EducationA meeting on Artificial Intelligence dedicated to high school teachers, with a focus on scientific research and educational experimentation
February 15, 2024Bruno Kessler, on stageFebruary 17 will mark one hundred years since his birth. Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento are dedicating a project to the man who promoted them. A celebratory moment with Andrea Castelli in December
February 12, 2024European Testing and Experimentation Facilities, xTEF, are open for BusinessThe four European Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) announce their readiness for business.
February 10, 2024World Artificial Intelligence Festival: FBK among representatives of the Trentino system in CannesThe French Riviera will be hosting the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival, one of the world's most important fairs on artificial intelligence, February 8 through 10, 2024.
February 5, 2024Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s new Advisory BoardThe new advisory board members were officially appointed. The board’s Chair is Francesca Pasinelli (Telethon)
January 29, 2024European project revitalises rural areas with smart innovation packagesThe EU-funded project SMART ERA, worth €6.5 million, aims to revitalise rural areas using smart innovation packages to combat depopulation.
January 26, 2024People at the center of artificial intelligenceA growth of 50% in strategic agreements with national companies and 30% in patents and startups through the development of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence, the only tools to face change, now a distinctive daily feature of our time.
January 25, 2024President Ferruccio Resta presented a preview of the 2024-2027 office term plan in Trento.Concrete and measurable goals redefine Fondazione Bruno Kessler's new mission and a new organization to achieve them more effectively.
January 24, 2024Leadership in a context of scientific excellenceFondazione Bruno Kessler is a research and knowledge production organization. By virtue of these identity characteristics, FBK decided to open 2024 with an inspirational talk on the topic of scientific leadership, dedicated to its staff.
January 11, 2024Clinical ethics and new technologies: open issues in healthcareA public conference to take stock of clinical ethics and new technologies was held on December 14 and 15, 2023. Organized by FBK through the interdisciplinary collaboration between the Digital Health & Wellbeing and the Religious Studies centers, in cooperation with Interdisciplinary Group of Clinical Bioethics and Ethical Counseling in Health Care, Italian Society for Health Technology Assessment and Pontifical Academy for Life.
December 18, 2023Innovation refraction that come from afarFrom October 26 to December 8, 2023, the 00A Gallery in Trento hosted an unusual photography exhibit, the result of the determination of artist/inventor Andrea Salvà who beats an innovation path interrupted for decades
December 18, 2023In memory of AlbertoOn Saturday, December 16 Alberto Franzoi lost his life swept away by an avalanche while engaged in a ski mountaineering excursion with his brother Marco, who fortunately escaped such a tragic fate.
December 14, 2023The 50th anniversary of FBK’s Italian-German Historical InstituteThe latest issue of the "Annali" is dedicated to the anniversary, while the traditional Study Week will focus on some of the main historiographical turning points that have emerged in recent decades
December 12, 2023AquilAir Project’s Closing EventThe closing event of the AquilAir project was held on December 12, 2023 at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila, Italy, that involved four schools in Abruzzo applying the Domosens innovative educational model devised by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and already activated in previous years in Trentino
December 6, 2023The results of the SismaSens project for realtime earthquake monitoring.The results of the project involving four Trentino high schools presented at FBK in Povo
November 29, 2023Gender-based violence: data, culture, contrastThe interview of FBK Magazine to the FBK-IRVAPP director on the hot topic of gender-based violence from the perspective of public policies.
November 21, 2023The immersed meaning. Freedom and bewilderments of the digital bodyFour days of meetings, scientific talks, debates, musical and film events dedicated to the concept of "immersiveness," in the field of digital technologies but also in the religious, social and artistic fields.
November 10, 202330 years of ECT*A public event with scientist Laura Fabbietti dedicated to the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics was held at FBK
October 16, 2023Ultraman. An interview with Anton KrupickaThe Third episode of FBK Magazine's experience at the Trento Sports Festival. It is the turn of an interview with Anton Krupicka, a 40-year-old American ultrarunner, who told us about his relationship with curiosity, nature, and competition. All in all, he told us about the relentless quest that drives us to get to know ourselves more and more deeply.
October 2, 2023The spread of automation in Europe and the impact on family income inequalityPiotr Lewandowski, a well-known Polish economist, presented preliminary results of a joint research study aimed at assessing the impact of automation (industrial robots) on household income inequality in 14 European countries.
September 21, 2023Loving winterA parallelism between the approaching winter season and the need to learn to express and respect even the most difficult moments that life imposes on us. And to better cope with the end of summer, on 29th September the Researchers' Night returns!
September 20, 2023Book of the month. A cycle of events to ponder over history through the written pageA series of events entitled "Book of the month", organized by the Italian-German Historical Institute in cooperation with the Foundation's Library, will be starting on Sept. 28, at Fondazione Bruno Kessler's location in via Santa Croce 77.
July 24, 2023Effects of using non-compete agreements in the Italian labor marketLorenzo Luisetto, Doctoral Candidate - Michigan University, presented at FBK-IRVAPP the results of an empirical study about the regulatory framework, use, incidence and content of non-compete agreements in the Italian labor market.
July 17, 2023Research and innovation inside industry’s digital transitionA focus on digital technologies for the changing industry: FBK's applied research in manufacturing, aerospace, rail, automotive, energy and precision agriculture.
July 13, 2023WebValley and the Communication of ScienceJuly 7 marked the wrapping up of Webvalley, FBK's summer school dedicated this year to air quality analysis. Eighteen youths took part in it, and they had to focus also on telling the results of their work, which was accomplished with the help of exceptional mentors.
July 13, 2023Co-Innovation Day 2023Dedagroup e Fondazione Bruno Kessler: il co-innovation lab come esperienza virtuosa di collaborazione tra ricerca e impresa. Dai casi d’uso per il mondo finanziario, della moda e della pubblica amministrazione alla roadmap evolutiva futura.
July 12, 2023Trends & Digital IdentityVideo interviews of SACMAT and TDI's local scientific committee, the director and researchers of FBK's Center for Cybersecurity.
July 7, 2023Doctor or Robot? The Prospects of Digital HealthFBK promoted and hosted the first introductory course on the use of digital technologies in medical practice for the Trento School of Specific Training in General Medicine.
June 27, 2023Europe launches four large-scale AI test facilitiesThe 220m€ investment provides permanent capacity to deliver responsible AI in Europe by testing AI solutions in practice before they hit the market and become a part of healthcare, manufacturing, agrifood and everyday life. One of those is the agrifoodTEF initiative: coordinated by Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK), it deals with the agricultural sector and food production.
June 19, 2023The effects of implicit stereotypes about immigrants on Italian schools studentsMichela Carlana, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, presented the results of a research work conducted in Italian schools in order to assess the impact of stereotypes on immigrant students in teacher-student interactions.
June 9, 2023The Future of Digital IdentityOn Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Andrea Simoni participated in the event "Verso l'identità digitale europea" (Towards the European Digital Identity), promoted by Associazione cittadinanza digitale in coordination with the Chamber of Deputies, addressing the topic of the "Digital Wallet."
May 27, 2023“ChatGPT, when machines replace humans in processing thoughts”A Palazzo Geremia la tavola rotonda organizzata nell’ambito del Festival dell’Economia di Trento
May 26, 2023E-Wallet: the Italian experimentation of the EU digital wallet to start from the Autonomous Province of TrentoThe project was presented, that sees the area of Trento at the center of the tests for the implementation of the European Digital Identity Wallet conducted by PagoPA - based on the IO app experience - in cooperation with Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, today guests of the HIT Foundation at the Trento Festival of Economics.
May 25, 2023President Ferruccio Resta at FBK for first BoD meeting and to meet staffFirst BoD session and first meeting with all staff today at the Povo site for Fondazione Bruno Kessler President Ferruccio Resta, who succeeds Francesco Profumo.
May 18, 2023The thousand pieces of the glassThe "CheEntropia!" project, promoted by ITT M. Buonarroti of Trento with FBK, has led not only to awareness and attention to an irreversible natural process such as entropy, but also to the creative creation of an ad hoc short film signed by the students of the schools involved, viewable at the end of this article.
May 18, 2023Does financial literacy start at home?Giovanna Paladino addresses the topic of financial literacy by trying to understand whether money management models are part of parental educational content and how these are transferred generationally and are appropriated by children.
May 17, 2023The digital twin and the city-as-a-platformREbuild Italia 2023 aw the presentation of the digital twin model for Bologna: an infrastructure that does not merely reproduce the urban fabric but supports its relationships, co-evolves with the city dynamically and is able to predict and anticipate behaviors and transformations occurring in the real world, supporting decision-makers' analysis thanks to a representation that is both concise and comprehensive, taking into account the complexity and mutual influences among various urban systems.
May 10, 2023Bit armiesSilvio Ranise, director of FBK's Center for Cybersecurity and professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento, was among the speakers at #WNF23 and talk about cyber attacks and their effects in the real world. Riccardo Meggiato, consultant in digital forensics and cybersecurity, discussed with him
May 6, 2023The biggest challenge for generative AI? Education!Held as part of Wired Next Fest Trentino 2023, "The Rules of the Perfect Algorithm," a diascussion between Marco Guerini, head of the FBK LanD research unit, and Lorenzo Cella, software engineer known to most as the creator of PizzaGpt.
May 6, 2023Wired Next Fest Trentino: the empathy of algorithmsTonight the talk by Paolo Traverso and Paolo Benanti in Piazza Malfatti at Rovereto
May 6, 2023Algorithms against fake newsArtificial intelligence as a valuable ally for press and fact-checkers in promoting truthful and accurate information
April 18, 2023EDUCA 2023: new alphabets. Let’s build together the lexicon of the futureUnmissable again in the 2023 edition the FBK proposals in the three-day Rovereto education festival.
March 8, 2023Ready for a new challenge? Applications for Webvalley 2023 are openWebValley, Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler's international summer school, organized in collaboration with Istituto Artigianelli opens to a new challenge by involving about 20 girls and boys between 17 and 19 years old in a data science project dedicated to air quality monitoring.
March 6, 2023The right to university education: where will the PNRR lead?Federica Laudisa discusses the right to university education in light of the funding and new actions envisaged by the PNRR.
February 17, 2023Inheritances and social justiceSalvatore Morelli presented the findings of his latest study: "The Influence of Intergenerational Transfers on Wealth Inequality in Rich Countries: Size Matters" at FBK-IRVAPP
February 10, 2023FBK in the Trentino delegation of companies at the International Festival of Artificial Intelligence WAICF 2023February 9 through 11, the Palais des Festival in Cannes will turn into the world capital of artificial intelligence - a place where all the world's leading companies working on this topic will exchange views through workshops, B2B meetings and conferences. Every year, th event summarizes all the major innovations related to AI in business and beyond.
January 23, 2023A lecture by Charles Taylor on democracy. what do our “masters” do for us?Many feel that there’s a problem with democracy in the West today. A master of our time, Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor, has tried to explain the causes and the possible solutions to this crisis.
January 12, 2023Scienza e decisioni | Science and decisionsJanuary 18, Stefano Merler and Alessandro Vespignani, two of the world's leading experts on epidemiological models, will be discussing how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic brought science, politics and society together.
December 20, 2022INTERLINK Project – the presentation of the results achieved in the first two years was held in RomeThe goal of the project coordinated by FBK is to overcome the barriers that prevent administrations from reusing and sharing services with citizens by developing a new model of collaborative governance.
December 6, 2022A great premiere for cheEntropia!A final multimedia event for the conclusion of the project that involved five local high schools.
November 24, 2022The impervious meaning: peaks and abysses of the extreme interpretationA consideration of the concept of extremism leads us to reflect on some of its characteristics: relationality, gradualness and dynamism, starting with the study example of eating behaviors
November 21, 2022CheSpreco! A local educational project to learn together not to throw food in the trash anymoreCheSpreco! (what a waste!) the FBK project funded by the CARITRO Foundation allowed, on its wrapping-up event, the fruitful exchange of good practices devised by the students of 4 Trentino high schools. Lots of innovative proposals to actually take food out of the trash and contribute to the fight against food waste.
November 14, 2022Health, data processing and European regulationsAn event on the safe and secure exchange, use and reuse of electronic health data held at FBK
November 14, 2022The virtuous excesses of religionRobert Orsi in Trento for the 2022 Davide Zordan Lecture
November 10, 2022Sixty years of Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The future asks us to allow for the communication of scienceWe, at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, celebrated our sixtieth birthday. Since it is an institution and not a person, it would not be an overstatement if we wrote "one thousand" instead of "one hundred of these days."
October 24, 2022Cities and regions under the spell of (de-)globalizationEdition No. 63 of the Italian-German Historical Institute's Study Week took place from Oct. 12 to 14, 2022.
October 15, 2022Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: pushing boundariesThe ES unit of Digital Industry Centre (FBK) co-organized this year edition of the International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD). It's the 22nd in a series of conferences on theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. The conference has been held in Trento last Oct. 18th and 19th
July 12, 2022FBK-ISR’s YouTube new channel is online!FBK’s Centre for Religious Studies is now on YouTube with a specially dedicated channel
July 6, 2022FBK participates in the Italy-Korea Forum on Technology and InnovationTwo days in Seoul for an expanded meeting between Italian and South Korean science and technology players.
July 4, 2022The special gifts that the universe makes usAstrophysicist Sibylle Anderl guest of Trento's MUSE
June 23, 2022“KIDS GO GREEN”, small steps in sustainable mobility1800 kids participated in the project for elementary schools in Trentino coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
June 22, 20225G: connected autonomous and assisted driving vehicles on motorway between Italy-Austria and Austria-Germany5G-CARMEN European project tests innovative automotive functions and services across countries
June 20, 2022HEALTHCARE INNOVATION DAY – Trento hosted the roadshow to promote exchange between Israeli and Trentino based companiesHeld on June 20, 2022 at FBK in Povo, the roadshow in which an Israeli delegation led by Jonathan Hadar, director for economic and trade affairs of the Israeli's Ministry of Economy Foreign Trade Administration, presented to local entities the best solutions for digital health that Israel has developed and deployed for a health care system that has had to deal with the newly emerged pandemic.
June 17, 2022Optics and photonics in TrentoFrontier research, technology applications, market trends, and societal spillovers addressed at Italian Icop2022 conference.
June 7, 202220 WEBVALLEY 2022 participants selectedThe FBK summer camp dedicated to data science is back
June 6, 2022“The new frontiers of artificial intelligence”At the Trento Festival of Economics the meeting with Fondazione Bruno Kessler president Francesco Profumo and journalist Gerardo Graziola
May 31, 2022Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being invited to dance.An editorial dedicated to equity and inclusion initiatives in FBK on the occasion of the European Month of Diversity
May 27, 2022The Festival dell’Economia of Trento is backMore than 200 free events animating the city of Trento from 2 to 5 June 2022
May 24, 2022Digital Innovation in Healthcare Award to TREC CardiologiaDuring the Osservatorio Sanità Digitale event at the Politecnico di Milano, the TreC cardiologia project ranked first in terms of "audience" jury preferences and second in the "Hospital-Local communitiesIntegration Services and Telemedicine" category.
May 23, 2022The geopolitics of soccerBarring resounding twists and turns, Italy will not be at the World Cup to be played in Qatar between November and December. Those who struggle to cope with watching a World Cup orphaned by their national team can make up for it by diving deeper into the study of the history of the World Cup, to which historical research has in recent times devoted some attention.
May 11, 2022One school, many schoolsThe school model we have experienced is not the only one possible. A journey into the school universe with the historians Enrico Valseriati and Vanessa Roghi.
May 10, 2022In-work poverty in Italy: what it is and how to combat itBeginning with a discussion of the mechanisms that lead to situations of in-work poverty, Andrea Garnero, host of the FBK-IRVAPP research center, presented data on the extent and characteristics of the phenomenon in Italy and the five proposals developed for the Ministry of Labor to counter both the spread of low wages and the growth of poverty in households
May 9, 2022Open School and Educating CommunityTogether with the ecological one, we need an educational transition, centered on education for opportunities. Schools that teache to learn, more than single disciplines, connected with all those entities in the local area that care about the future of humankind.
May 9, 2022Climate anxiety among youths – in the event organized by FBK and APPA at EDUCAResearch shows that more than half of teens are extremely concerned about ongoing climate change, while four in 10 teens consider not having children for this very reason. The ongoing climate crisis is causing, among other things, unease among young people all over the world and is felt more strongly in those countries whose governments are inactive in terms of environmental protection. This was discussed at EDUCA.
April 29, 2022At full throttle with ROOBOPOLIHackaton on Robotics for smart cities organized by University of Trento, FBK, STMicroelecrtronics and Associazione Perlatecnica; in parallel with the IEEE workshop "Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT".
April 27, 2022“BIKE2WORK – A Shift Towards Sustainable Mobility” @ SMARTGREENS 2022The FBK researcher Antonio Bucchiarone presented the case study at the International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. The project, in collaboration with Dedagroup Public Services, is part of a larger initiative, "AIR BREAK- Co-producing healthy clean commuting air spots in town", with a focus on Air quality for the city of Ferrara.
April 27, 2022AAAI 2022 @ FBKThe FBK scientist Luciano Serafini has become fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EURAI). Head of Data and Knowledge Management Research Unit at FBK, his reaserch interests include Knowledge representation, Artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, Applied Ontology and Neuro-Symbolic architectures.
March 30, 2022Wonder and Transformation. Towards a circular healthYet another top-notch expert as protagonist of the event organized by FBK per la Salute
March 29, 2022Covid-19: Science or representation?The lectio magistralis delivered by the president of AIFA Giorgio Palù, from a clinical analysis of the virus to infodemic drifts.
February 18, 2022Be a scientist: from profession identity to gender equalityThe research profession told by two exceptional protagonists
February 1, 2022AI made in Italy launches the international challenge against Covid: “Covid CXR Hackathon” promoted by IIT, FBK and UNIMORE presented at Expo 2020 DUBAIData scientists from all over the world united in a virtual challenge on Covid-19 data. The online hackathon is open to students, PhD students and teams of researchers called to solve a real and compelling problem in medical imaging. The goal: to support healthcare professionals with prognosis activities starting from chest radiographs and clinical data collected in hospital triage.
December 9, 20211st KID_ACTIONS EU Policy, Research and Practitioners ForumOn 29 and 30 November 2021, the Forum organized in the context of the European REC project KID_ACTIONS, took place in Trento, at the premises of the project coordinator FBK
December 1, 2021FBK projects awarded by the VRT Foundation for relevance and impactThe calls of the Foundation for the Valorization of Trentino Research were launched on March 19, 2020 with the aim of countering the pandemic by supporting research aimed at social impacts
November 30, 2021MILAN TRANSITION DAYS 2021: FBK’S CONTRIBUTIONPromoted by the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, an unprecedented discussion was held at the end of September 2021 on the topics of ecological transition: mobility, energy, food and water
November 25, 2021FBK for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against WomenA comment by ISIG historian Cecilia Nubola and a hint to some related research insights that, for example, employ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE technologies to GENERATE COUNTER-NARRATIONS USEFUL TO FIGHT ONLINE HATE SPEECH
September 28, 2021200 SME CHALLENGE: the UXCHALLENGE FORMAT by HIT-TRENTINO EXPORTED THROUGHOUT EUROPEFinal event (online) on October 7, 2021, with an analysis of the results and impact of the European project by FBK-IRVAPP researcher Davide Azzolini
September 16, 2021What space will it be?An evening on the frontiers of research on space exploration. Among the guests, ASI's President Giorgio Saccoccia, FBK's president Francesco Profumo, the president of the University of Trento, Flavio Deflorian and professor and physicist of the University of Trento-EUSPA Roberto Battiston.
September 16, 2021A (web)valley of ideasOn 27 August, the 2021 edition of WebValley ended, the summer school organized by FBK which gives Italian and international students the opportunity to confront themselves within the mare magnum of new technologies applied to scientific research. The enthusiasm of their testimonies is a certainty for our present and for the future.
September 15, 2021FBK for interfaith dialogue and peaceSince 2016 FBK has been a partner of the G20 Interfaith Forum; September 11-14, 2021, it took part in the G20 Interfaith Forum which took place in Bologna, coordinating the working group on innovation in science and technology chaired by the director of the Center for Religious Studies, Marco Ventura
September 14, 2021We grow by experimentingParents keep collaborating to offer multidisciplinary informal education opportunities at the Foundation
August 26, 2021NANOINNOVATION 2021 – FBK WITH IT-FAB ORGANIZES THE THIRD EDITION OF THE SCHOOL ON MICRO AND NANOTECHNOLOGIESAlso this year, Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler contributes to the organization of NanoInnovation, the international conference dedicated to Micro and Nanotechnologies and their impact on science and innovation.
August 26, 2021WEBVALLEY 2021: presentation of resultsThe closing event of the summer school organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for high school students to be held virtually August 27,from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm. The event will be streamed live also on Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Youtube and Facebook channels
August 9, 2021Webvalley 2021 ready to kick offThe 19 participants of the online edition that will take place from 16 to 28 August have been selected
June 25, 2021Italian participatory research initiativesA conference in Florence brought together the main national actors involved in "science helpdesks", initiatives that aim to make citizens an active part of scientific research
June 23, 2021The role of information during the pandemicA face-to-face meeting with Ferruccio de Bortoli, a journalist with proven experience and professionalism who reflected with the public on the role of correct information in contrast to the rampant wave of misinformation and infodemic
May 20, 2021WebValley 2021: the call for the new (virtual) edition is now openSecond year of virtual edition for the format that sees students and researchers collaborating together during the summer
May 11, 2021FBK-ECT* 2020 Annual ReportReview of the activities carried out by the FBK ECT * (European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas) in the year of the outbreak of the SarsCov2 pandemic
May 5, 2021Suggestions for future research on artificial intelligence and religionThe two-year webinar series on Artificial Intelligence and Religion (AIR 2020/21) organized by the FBK-ISR Center for Religious Studies has wrapped up. A final assessment and a relaunch with new knowledge challenges
April 22, 2021SARS-COV-2 VACCINES: TOWARDS THE END OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC?The FBK for Health webinar presented the current situation on vaccines and the vaccination campaign
April 8, 2021OLDER ADULTS AND COVID-19: A GREAT LESSON FOR THE MEDICINE OF THE FUTUREA webinar with Prof. Marco Trabucchi to talk about the critical issues related to the world of older adults that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic.
March 18, 2021A 30 YEARS AFTER HIS PASSING, FBK AND UNITRENTO REMEMBER BRUNO KESSLER, THEIR FOUNDERThirty years after the death of Bruno Kessler, FBK and the University of Trento remembered the figure of their founder on the occasion of the delivery of a work by artist Riccardo Schweizer, now entitled “Homage to Bruno Kessler”.
March 16, 2021TRANSFORMING NUMBERS IN LIFE STORIES: THE NEED FOR MOURNING THE DEATHS OCCURRED DURING THE PANDEMICA reflection to restore dignity to the lonely deaths of the pandemic
March 1, 2021Researc-HER-s power: hard sciences told by the women who do themCycle of webinars organized by HIT - Trentino Innovation Hub to stimulate discussion on avant-garde research lines
January 20, 20212021 at the FBK Center for Religious StudiesISR's research and cultural initiatives go on with the mission of the center always clearly defined in the background
December 3, 2020Active aging. More than 22 million and 575 thousand were the total steps counted by the participants of “Due passi in salute con le ACLI”The third edition of the TrentinoSalute 4.0 project with the FAPs of ACLI Trentine has wrapped up.
November 20, 2020Handmaids coming out of the shadows? The professional dimension of women over the centuriesConsiderations on the female professional dimension with Anna Bellavitis and Melania Mazzucco
November 4, 2020Microsoft and FBK in the challenge for sustainable growthAI for Earth is Microsoft's international program that has supported people and organizations facing global environmental challenges since 2017, helping to implement projects based on Artificial Intelligence
November 3, 2020Predictive models and pandemic scenariosFBK epidemiologist Stefano Merler participated in a round table at the Genoa Science Festival on the theme of mathematical models applied to the study of pandemics
September 4, 2020FBK joins the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable DevelopmentThe network currently includes 124 international organizations and research institutes aiming to promote the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
September 2, 2020ECT* – the new website is onlineDeveloped during the lockdown, it has been designed according to an innovative logic that includes remote events
July 30, 2020The Webvalley 2020 team is ready to startThe FBK summer school this year will be in online edition from 17 to 28 August
July 6, 2020Giorgio Guzzetta at “TiramiScience”The FBK researcher took part in the live streaming discussion on the ongoing pandemic and epidemiological models
July 1, 2020The 2020 edition of “Scienza ad ore sei” has wrapped upThe five events of the science café series can still be viewed on Youtube
June 25, 2020What do we know and what not about Covid-19?A final master class to take stock of the medical and scientific acquisitions currently available on SARS-CoV2
June 18, 2020Study Week FBK – ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute) 2020The health emergency forces us to postpone the awaited event entitled "Environment and infrastructures from the early modern period to the present: challenges, knowledge and innovation" to next year.
June 4, 2020Gender equality: achievements and perspectivesIn any crime against women it is always to be found the gender stereotype according to which women must stay one step behind anywhere: at home, at work, in society. It is high time is for a turning point.
May 13, 2020Violence against women: law and responsibilitiesItalian norms and sentences have long justified the culture of female subordination and at times indulged violence against ‘disobedient’ women. Let's see how it was so.
May 4, 2020Gender violence. Violence against women. FeminicideThrough human and social sciences and statistics, we can understand differences, shared characteristics and the evolution of such criminal phenomena. Let's see in what they are different.
April 22, 2020MISLEADING MACHINES. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AFTER THE TURING TESTThe first webinar organized by FBK-ISIG in the time of Covid-19 focused on the analysis by media historian Simone Natale
April 20, 2020WHAT IS VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENThe first of four insights into the phenomenology of gender-based violence, a "cultural and civil emergency" that questions the very reasons for our being together
April 7, 2020COVID-19, Religion and Belief Webinar SeriesCoronavirus has impacted many domains of our lives. This webinar series aims at exploring the strategies and initiatives of governments and religious groups to deal with the crisis
March 24, 2020FBK Live – Fake news and coronavirus: from the epidemic to the infodemicThe first appointment of "FBK Live - La ricerca live" was broadcasted live on Facebook and Youtube. Guests are FBK researcher Manlio De Domenico and visual thinker Jacopo Sacquegno
March 24, 2020RISS, the Italian network of Science ShopsThe Italian Network of Science Shops is born: it unites realities which collect and carry on ideas for scientific research proposed by citizens
March 3, 20205G brings doctors closer to peopleLong distance surgeries, connected ambulances, faster and more precise apps are some of the innovations brought by this upcoming network technology
February 18, 2020ECT * hosted a remembrance ceremony for Professor Renzo Leonardi, the “father” of Trentino physics and of the Proton Therapy CenterProfessor Renzo Leonardi, one of the "fathers" of physics in Trento and of the Povo department of the University, as well as of ECT *, the European Center for Theoretical Nuclear Physics at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, passed away on July 6, at the age of 79
January 22, 2020HATEMETER: how to stop online islamophobia and hate speechThe Hatemeter (Tool for monitoring, analyzing and tackling Anti-Muslim Hate speech online) project aims to systematize, increase and share knowledge about anti-Muslim hatred online and increase the effectiveness of NGOs in preventing and combating Islamophobia at European level
December 16, 2019Using artificial intelligence to design future citiesBruno Lepri's talk at the seventh edition of TEDxTrento: "FOCUS 2039"
December 16, 2019Artificial intelligence, facts and dream, overcoming fearsPaolo Traverso a speaker at TEDxTrento 2019
December 4, 2019Gianni Lazzari Award – the third edition finalThe winner of the "Energy and environment" category is the startup INDIV with FBK as scientific partner. The Agrishelter emergency housing modules receive the recognition for "Quality of life and interior environments". Special mention for design objects made of wood by Vaia Wood.
November 29, 2019FBK research at EIT Digital Italy’s Innovation Day 2019The Innovation Village featured also digital products and services developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for industry, cities, wellbeing and finance
November 26, 2019Educazione e informazione per combattere la violenzaLe riflessioni dell'incontro con Cinzia Mammoliti in occasione della Giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della violenza contro le donne
November 22, 2019Weimar, a hundred years laterFondazione Bruno Kessler is hosting the Siscalt conference dedicated to the complexity of the German republican experience one hundred years after its birth
November 18, 2019“MADE IN FBK” 5G TECHNOLOGY AT B-APCO 2019This year, 5G is at the center of the important international event as far as public safety is concerned. Also FBK has participated with the 5G-ESSENCE project and the 5G-EmPOWER asset
November 4, 2019The Tokyo Institute of Technology visited FBKThe meeting with the Japanese delegation was an opportunity for an exchange of views on research areas and projects and to identify common topics for possible collaborations
October 28, 2019Artificial intelligence to mitigate the effects of climate changeFondazione Bruno Kessler's researchers talked about how technology can be used to protect the environment at Trentino Clima 2019
October 26, 2019Climathon 2019 a Rovereto: l’innovazione per l’ambienteSi è chiuso oggi l’hackathon promosso da Climate-KIC e ospitato da Progetto Manifattura con la premiazione del team vincitore
October 23, 2019The FBK school-to-work model awarded at SMAU 2019The award, which sees the 'SenSAT' project as a virtuous example of innovation in education was given in Milan yesterday
October 21, 2019Conversations on technology and society40 conferences, 5 workshops for kids, 1 documentary in national preview and a show conference involved about 50 speakers and more than 1,500 participants during the three day Festival of Informatici senza frontiere. Among them experts and onlookers, professionals and also many students, from Trentino and out-of-Province
October 9, 2019Inside the game engineWith the help of our researcher Antonio Bucchiarone, we look into the model on which the gamification of many FBK projects on smart communities are based. The study was presented during the Models Conference 2019 which was held in Munich in September
October 5, 2019Rovereto is the Trentino stage of the 2019 Global ClimathonOn 25 and 26 October, Progetto Manifattura will host the hackaton promoted by Climate-KIC with the aim of developing innovative solutions for the environment. In Trentino the focus will be on the recycling of electrical and electronic waste and on repair
October 2, 2019ICIAP 2019 conference proceedingsThe conference traditionally covers both classic and the most recent trends in image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition, addressing both theoretical and applicative aspects, promoting connections and synergies among senior scholars and students, universities, research institutes, and companies.
September 25, 2019Why we should learn more on hydrogen and other alternative energy sourcesRuben Bartali, a researcher with the Center for Materials and Microsystems at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, talks with Federica Vinci from Volt Italia about sustainability and "national energy sovereignty" at the Festival of university students of Trento: Poplar
September 20, 2019La mobilità degli individui nella storiaSi è conclusa la 61^ settimana di studi organizzata dell’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico / FBK in cui si è discusso dell’impatto delle migrazioni sulle città europee
September 20, 2019The architects of the future at the Trento Smart City WeekIn a “smart” version of Piazza Duomo, the children of the 5th grade of the Vela elementary school (TN) met with FBK researchers to imagine how the city of tomorrow could be
September 4, 2019FBk research and projects meet the community at Trento Smart City WeekLabs, seminars and workshops to get to learn more about the work of researchers and the solutions developed to enhance the quality of life of citizens
July 8, 2019When the media make historyThe ISIG 2019 summer school has involved modern and contemporary history scholars in an intense debate on ongoing research projects and scientific investigation methods
July 3, 2019A leap into complexityHuman brain, highway systems, social networks designed as systems to understand their dynamics and evolutions. CCS/Italy 2019, the first Italian conference in the industry, was held at FBK in Trento
July 1, 2019The second meeting of the project aimed at training health professionals was held in AustriaRendezvous in Kufstein for the partners of the European research project called TBDTHC - Training Blueprint for Digital Transformation in Health and Care
June 20, 2019Brain cancer: patient-friendly technology for a better quality of lifeThe top international experts in neuroscience and neuro-oncology surgery will be in Trento June 20 to 22 for "Connect Brain - Vol 2"
June 19, 2019Inside Nature: how editors work to select your paperA seminar with Federico Levi, Senior Editor Nature Physics, organized by Manlio De Domenico (Head of Complex Multilayer Networks Research Unit @ FBK) and Nature - International Journal of Science
June 17, 2019Capire fa bene alla salute: in Biblioteca il primo libro col “bollino blu”È stato presentato nella sala degli affreschi della Biblioteca comunale di via Roma il primo libro inserito in una bibliografia che punta ad orientare il lettore verso testi scientificamente verificati da un gruppo di lavoro composto da medici e bibliotecari
May 16, 2019Pervasive digital technologies for health careThey are being discussed at Trento-based FBK May 20 through 23, 2019
May 14, 2019AI Open Innovation Lab: students bring artificial intelligence to pharmaciesThe 2019 edition of the laboratory organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Istituto Artigianelli and the University of Trento has wrapped up. Prizes were awarded to students who have created an artificial intelligence solution for the pharmaceutical industry
May 8, 2019Kids go green! Together for the worldA project in collaboration with FBK on the importance of getting to school in a sustainable way
May 7, 2019Pregnancy and diabetes, safety in an appDeveloped by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and TrentinoSalute4.0, the App, designed for the constant monitoring of diabetic mothers, has been tested in Trentino for some years
April 10, 2019SENSAT, the School-To-Work Program on displayCasa della SAT (the offices of the Alps Hikers of Trento Association) is hosting the exhibition that tells about the project of the School-To-Work Program carried out by students and Fondazione Bruno Kessler until June 2
April 10, 2019FBK at the 2019 education festivalThe program of the tenth edition of Educa was presented today. Fondazione Bruno Kessler will be present with a science cafè, an information corner, two workshops and three round-table discussions.
April 8, 2019Sowing culture. Public property and creative practicesA workshop to reflect on the active role that citizens and culture can play in the planning of local areas
April 8, 2019FBK brings the letters of Alcide de Gasperi onlineWith a work of over two years, still ongoing, the Digital Humanities Unit has created a large digital archive of letters written and received by the statesman from Trentino.
March 27, 2019FBK Researcher in the Olympus of Young Researchers in PhysicsManlio De Domenico wins the prestigious Young Researchers in Statistical Physics Award (IUPAP-C3, 2017) for the many interdisciplinary applications of his research in Statistical Physics. Complexity feels at home now among physicists
March 25, 2019Five tips for generation ZDavide Dattoli was the invited speaker of the seventh Bruno Kessler Lecture, on March 19, 2019 in Trento: in front of hundreds of students, he recounted his success story with Talent Garden
February 26, 2019FBK celebrates its international young talentPovo hosted the PhD Day, the annual meeting of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's doctoral students community
January 16, 2019Mission Report. FBK’s results and their impact on societyThe mission of Fondazione Bruno Kessler is to build a concrete and effective relationship between research of excellence and the demand for innovation that comes from the most diverse sectors of society. The final balance depicts the results achieved and offers all stakeholders an opportunity for discussion based on data
December 13, 2018Training health professionals in the use of digital technologiesFBK and TrentinoSalute4.0 are the coordinators of the EU project dedicated to strengthening the skills of the digital era
December 12, 2018Understanding is good for healthA declaration of intent to build a project of Public Health Literacy
December 7, 2018“Risk Management in Healthcare Forum”: the vanished border"A journey with new eyes. Healthcare professionals and citizens meet through the enabling technologies and a functional organization." This is the title of the meeting organized by TrentinoSalute4.0 on November 30, 2018, as part of the event that was held in Florence
December 5, 2018FBK and School Activities – A New Integrated Teaching AapproachThe event with the participation of the students to be held on Thursday, December 6 at the Santa Chiara Auditorium in Trento
November 27, 2018Citizens and health: is a “border” keeping them apart?TrentinoSalute4.0 is meeting health workers and citizens in Florence at the 13th Risk Management in Health Forum
November 16, 2018Men who abuse women. A look between past and presentInitiative in view of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
November 16, 2018“Angels and Demons of Artificial Intelligence” and “NOT MAN MADE”Trento is hosting the conference and the exhibition organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler on the relationship between human beings and technology
November 16, 2018“La bottega della scienza”: Students and Citizens Protagonists of ResearchThe new Alternating School and Work Program project designed by FBK, which aims to conduct research projects based on proposals from citizens officially started with a kick-off meeting
November 7, 2018The Data and Life of Great Future CitiesThe Roca London Gallery is hosting an exhibition, based on Marco De Nadai and MOBS @ FBK research activities. It proposes that, used responsibly, personal data could be the key to better urban design
November 7, 2018Rare diseases and patients without diagnosis. Geneticist Bruno Dallapiccola in TrentoCoordinator of Orphanet Italia and scientific director of the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital in Rome, Dallapiccola will be the host of CiBio, at Povo, on Thursday, November 8, at 3.00 pm
October 30, 2018India – Italy Technology Summit 2018Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researcher Luigi Crema will be the speaker for Italy on renewable energy at the Technology Summit 2018 scheduled for October 29 and 30 in New Delhi, India.
October 29, 2018Commonfare: an Approach to Welfare for the 21st Century?"Rethinking the economy of digital platforms in social innovation": a Conversation with Maurizio Teli, Reserch & Innovation coordinator of, recently invited by Eit Digital for an Innovation Talk about the co-op platform and paradigm
October 25, 2018Post-Human: Where the Human Being Finishes and Something Else BeginsWhat does it mean to be human? Science fiction has been exploring this question since its inception. With the coming of artificial intelligence, the need to ask real and hard questions becomes more pressing
October 18, 2018Esploratori della Fotonica | Photonics ExplorersThe project designed to bring students closer to the scientific world of light has been completed
October 17, 2018In praise of imperfectionIRVAPP seminar with prof. Massimo Buscema, expert in Artificial Intelligence and deep learning faced with a perspective that is "different from the mainstream"
October 16, 2018SATT2018: the Annual School for Translators Sells Out in Milan as WellHeld for the first time outside our Region, SATT has proven to be an international event for industry experts and translators
September 21, 2018The 2018 researchers’ Night in TrentoThe event will be held on Friday, September 28 at the MUSE Museum of Science and in the "Le Albere" neighborhood. The program, dense and varied, was presented during a press conference this morning
September 18, 2018Investing in research to innovate social enterprisesWe interviewed Flaviano Zandonai, Ezio Manzini and Francesco Profumo, protagonists at the 16th Workshop on Social Enterprise
September 14, 2018The history of the media between the modern and the contemporary agesTrento is hosting the FBK-ISIG Study Week September 19-21
September 11, 2018“Footprints in the park”Active ageing, play, health promotion and wellness tourism. The first pilot study with a group of elderly people in the Paneveggio Park - Pale di San Martino, in Trentino has been completed
September 3, 2018Researchers’ Night: the Festival of Research Is Coming back to Trento on Friday, September 28A preview on the night's program
August 17, 2018A Virtual Journey Inside Einstein’s UniverseAstrophysicist Luciano Rezzolla will talk about neutron stars, black holes and gravitational waves. The event has been organized to mark the 25th anniversary of ECT*
August 16, 2018Self-Adapting Software SystemsThe international FAS * 2018 conference to be hosted in Trento
August 14, 2018EuroSciPy 2018Trento is hosting experts in Python language for research from all over Europe
August 1, 2018Download your medical records with the new TreC_FSE appTreC users are over 87 thousand. The new application aims to increase the number of users
July 6, 2018Evgeny Morozov on global fight for AI supremacyAt Economics Festival 2018, the Belarusian sociologist, journalist and writer, expert in media and technology, spoke of the ongoing global war between American and Chinese companies for the global hegemony of artificial intelligence, and appealed to EU politics
July 5, 2018QUANTUM @ TRENTO: nuovo laboratorio congiunto fra Università, CNR e FBKObiettivo: conquistare la leadership italiana nelle scienze e tecnologie quantistiche. Aziende e istituzioni di ricerca insieme per attrarre di investimenti e sviluppare nuova tecnologia nell’ambito della flagship europea da 10 miliardi in 10 anni. Il presidente Cnr Inguscio: «Trento da sempre all’avanguardia nel finanziare scienza di frontiera e alta formazione»
July 4, 2018CREATE-NET awarded at the Digital360 AwardsCREATE-NET has been recognized by Digital360 among the most relevant research centers in the promotion of digital innovation in Italy
July 3, 2018600 Researchers together for the new CINI National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent SystemsThe National Inter-University Consortium for Computer Science, CINI, to present the new National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, AIIS on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, in Rome
June 29, 2018Impronte nella ScuolaRagazzi e anziani insieme in una sfida a colpi di passi e indovinelli
June 27, 2018Will social media managers be replaced by Artificial Intelligence?For some time now, we have been hearing that Artificial Intelligence will replace most human jobs. However, talking to a hi-tech marketing guru like Guy Kawasaki (former Apple chief evangelist), we had the impression that this was not necessarily the case
June 22, 2018Webvalley 2018: Looking for new solutions in the fight against pediatric cancerThere are eighteen of them. They come from all over Italy and the US: the young budding researchers who together with FBK experts are developing a new solution of Artificial Intelligence for the neuro-oncological patients of the Bambino Gesù of Rome.
June 20, 2018UX Challenge: a design sprint for digital companies in TrentinoThe UX Challenge is a two-day marathon engaging interaction design students, researchers and professionals with the aim to improve the user experience (UX) of applications and software developed by companies.
June 19, 2018Ron Brachman: AI is what you make of itWe met the prof. Ronald J. Brachman at the FBK headquarters during the conference "The pleasure of research in AI", here is his perspective on AI as a long run researcher
June 19, 2018Artificial intelligence in the treatment of chronic conditionsThe conference organized by the International Health Mattone Program - ProMIS and hosted at the Palazzo della Provincia di Trento in Piazza Dante opened in Trento
June 7, 2018When art changes societyHow can pleasure be a principle for innovation? What is the key motivational factor? How important is impact measurement? Why do we need crazyness? - A conversation with Doris Sommer from Harvard
June 1, 2018The World Photogrammetry Conference to Be Hosted in TrentinoThe arrival of over 400 experts from all over the world is expected, that will discuss 3D modeling, drones, cultural heritage and land monitoring. The event has been organized by the FBK 3DOM Unit, a leading research organization in the sector.
May 30, 2018FBK at the Festival of Economics with HIT to talk about “technology transfer and business development”The round table discussion will be held on June 1 at 2.30 pm at the School of Laws Aula Magna hall
May 29, 2018“A suon di parole” (“Fighting with Words”: The finals hosted in Trento on Friday, June 1Eighth edition of the debate game at the School of Law as part of the Festival of Economics
May 29, 2018Lifestyles and nutrition: the challenges of the futureProfessor Luigi Fontana illustrated, at FBK, the most effective strategy to keep physical and mental well-being. The ingredients are three: healthy nutrition, physical activity and cognitive training
May 24, 2018Families_share at the 2018 Festival of EconomicsSANTA MARIA MAGGIORE square in Trento to be TRANSFORED for three days IN "A SQUARE THAT GROWS...TOWARDS THE TECHNOLOGY THAT FOSTERS BALANCE"
May 21, 2018Zero-emission? Let us bring factories back to the citiesIt sounds like a paradox, but according to Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO and scientific director of DFKI, it makes no sense to build future zero-emission production centers if the commuting of workers remains highly polluting
May 21, 2018Piero Angela in Trento for the 2018 Bruno Kessler LecturePeople of all ages have crowded the Teatro Sociale theater in Trento to follow the talk by Piero Angela, protagonist of the Bruno Kessler Lecture, the institutional appointment par excellence of the Foundation
May 16, 2018FBK and Microsoft together for precision medicineFBK presented a major new machine learning project for Precision Medicine that leverages Azure cloud computing capability and a $ 20,000 grant support under the Azure for Research program at the Microsoft Edu Day2018
May 10, 2018Science at six o’clock: ethical and technological challenges of artificial intelligence and healthA big audience at MUSE for "Would you let a robot treat you?", the fourth event of the "Science at six o'clock" series of meetings, which saw the participation of Giuseppe Jurman from FBK and Carlo Casonato from the University of Trento
May 9, 2018Would you let a robot treat you?Wednesday, May 9 at MUSE "Science at 6 o'clock" returns: the series of science happy hours featuring researchers from the University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Edmund Mach Foundation and MUSE - with the coordination of the Autonomous Province of Trento - called to discuss with the public on current scientific topics
April 24, 2018The Trentino-based mechatronics at Hannover Messe, the biggest fair on Industry 4.0The Trentino stand is dedicated to the mechatronic chain that merges business, research and training
April 16, 2018Piero Angela in Trento for the Bruno Kessler Lecture on May 21 – How to make ticket reservationsIn a meeting open to citizens, the well-known science popularizer will talk about how technology has changed and is changing society. Admission to the event is free but ticket advance reservation is required.
April 14, 2018Leadership for innovation in schoolsThe book dedicated to change in schools through the training of teachers and principals and to digital programs was presented at the EDUCA Festival
April 10, 2018Trento Smart City Week, A “smart” program for all palatesThe event will take place April 12-15. The central program, managed directly by the promoters - the Municipality of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Trento, FBK, UniTN, the Consortium of Municipalities of the Trento Province and IEEE - is divided into five sections as five are the facets of being "smart"
April 6, 2018EDUCA: The program of the 9th editionThe guests of the Educa festival "Educational Algorithms. Responsibility and critical thinking in the time of technologies ", to be held April 13-15 in Rovereto was presented. Three days to try to understand the effects of technologies on educational relationships in the family, at school and in the community and to find the right way to navigate the sea of digital complexity
April 5, 2018SenSAT’s plenary session half-way throughOn March 1, 2018, the follow-up meeting to check on the progress of the tasks of the big Alternating School and Work Program involving more than 200 students in Trentino was held at "M. Buonarroti" High School in Trento
March 27, 2018Digital manufacturers: the green revolution starts hereWhat are the sustainable jobs of the future? Why does sustainability become a social obligation for everyone, including small, medium and large companies? Why will the professions of the future have to integrate technical skills - primarily digital - and soft skills with the aspect of care of the ecosystem, an asset that belongs to all and that must be preserved and handed down to those who will come after us?
March 27, 2018The “Explorators of Photonics” Project Gets BusyDuring the past weeks, the students involved in the project have visited the Povo FBK headquarters to follow two seminars and visit the IRIS and IFN-CNR laboratories
March 26, 2018The veil in the Islamic world (and outside)In recent years, in particular after the Twin Towers attacks on September 11, 2001, growing attention has been paid to Islam, until then generically associated with sandy dunes and pointed minarets and then increasingly recognized within the Western world as unsuspecting and exotic next door tenant
March 26, 2018MAIA: Artificial Intelligence is not only for robotsMAIA stands for Advanced Model of Artificial Intelligence and is the robot from which FBK initiated some of the main strands of its research in the field: speech recognition, digital visualization, natural language analysis and planning
March 22, 2018“Science at 6 o’clock” starts with a sprintThe MUSE Café hosted the first event, dedicated to glyphosate, of the series of science happy hours. The event was attended by over seventy people
March 19, 2018The ethics of machinesThe ability to create intelligent machines gives rise to many ethical issues for human beings, some very profound, others more "practical". Here's what we discussed at the "Co.Scienza" festival on March 8 in Trento
March 13, 2018FBK hops on the bike for “Trentino Pedala” again"Trentino pedala" (Trentino cycles), the contest that involves the Euregio areas (Trentino, Souh Tyrol and Tyrol) with the aim of encouraging citizens to use the bicycle more frequently in daily commuting, is back. The initiative will be starting on March 18; there will be time until September 16 to travel at least 100 km
March 12, 2018“Science at six o’clock”: happy hours and chats between researchers and citizensThe science popularization events promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento are back. Six meetings scheduled at MUSE-Museum of Sciences starting from Wednesday, March 21 at 6 pm to talk about current issues with researchers from the University of Trento, MUSE, Edmund Mach Foundation and Fondazione Bruno Kessler
March 7, 2018Is space curiosity or business?At the opening of the Co.Scienza festival, the president of the Italian Space Agency Roberto Battiston and the science popularizer Adrian Fartrade were the protagonists of a lively debate about the ultimate goal of space exploration
March 6, 2018The Green Economy Festival is being hosted In Trento from March 13Confirmed guests include FBK President Francesco Profumo, Matteo Thun, Catia Bastioli, Alberto Vacchi, Francesco Starace, Massimo Sideri, Salvatore Majorana, Stefano Micelli, Aldo Bonomi.
March 6, 2018FBK-ISR | 14th Action against racism Week | Riva del GardaValeria Fabretti and Sara Hejazi, researchers with the Center for Religious Studies, are at the 14th Action against Racism Week (Riva del Garda) to present the book "The mad dream of Neve Shalom Wahat Al-Salam", curated by Brunetto Salvarani
March 5, 2018Going to the Theater in the City of ElectronsThe project for schools, which aims to create a scientific and informative text, has come to life: at the end of a thrilling challenge, the work of the "Maffei" high school in Riva del Garda, which described the physics of semiconductors in a theatrical key, has been awarded the prize
February 26, 2018Religion and Video Games. ISR Workshop on religion and innovation.On February 6, at the Center for Religious Studies, has taken place a workshop dedicated to the little explored theme of the relationship between religions and video games
February 26, 2018FBK takes part in Mobile World Congress 2018The Foundation will be contributing to the global summit of experts in mobile devices and industry technologies, with the presentation of the "Munich-Bologna 5G Corridor" and "City Sensing Living Lab" projects
February 21, 2018FBK PARTICIPATES IN “M’ILLUMINO DI MENO” THIS YEAR AS WELLFor many years the Foundation has put in place several actions to improve the efficiency of buildings and to raise awareness of people's behavior in order to save energy.
February 16, 2018Thirty Years of Commitment to Responsible Research and InnovationFBK research on artificial intelligence as a demanding and patient practice to keep together technological progress and human development
February 8, 2018Highlanders! Population and depopulation in the Alps areaISR researcher Paolo Costa talks about culture as a means of regeneration of the Alpine areas in a conference at Fondazione Demarchi in Trento from 9 am to 10 am on February 2018
February 5, 2018The EDUCA Festival is launching a contest for schools. There is time until March 16After the success of the two previous editions, the "L'EDUCAZIONE MI STA A CUORE" (I care about education) contest is back, promoted by the organizing committee of the EDUCA festival and dedicated to school students of all levels across the nation. The initiative, organized thanks to the support of the Casse Rurali Trentine bank and the Rovereto and Vallagarina Tourism Agency, was started with the aim of giving a voice to children and young people on education. The winners will be announced and awarded on Friday, April 13, the first day of EDUCA entirely dedicated to schools
February 2, 2018PhD Day at FBK todayLed by director Paolo Tonella, the program for PhD students is run in collaboration with a wide network of Italian and international universities and involves over one hundred students from all over the world.
January 26, 2018“Anti-Superbugs” Project: Trento is hosting the consultation with companiesSearching for new technological solutions to counteract antibiotic-resistant microorganisms
January 25, 20182018 events at the FBK Center for Religious StudiesThe program, illustrated by director Marco Ventura, provides monthly meetings on the multiple interactions between religion and innovation, a theme around which all the activities of the Center revolve. Along with the scientific seminars in English, there are also events dedicated to citizens, in Italian, on current topics such as "Religion, human enhancement and artificial intelligence".
January 23, 2018INN4MECH: THE MECHATRONIC HUB OF ROVERETO IS HOSTING THE 1ST FORUM ON POWERTRAINThe first Italian forum on power transmission for cars and off-road vehicles for the new domain of sustainable and efficient mobility is being held on February 15 and 16. Experts and operators from all over the world are expected.
December 20, 20172018: FBK dedicates the year to Artificial IntelligencePresident Profumo presented the new strategic and business plans, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. A tight 2018 calendar of events, starting with the sixth Bruno Kessler Lecture with Piero Angela
December 20, 2017FBK*AI 2018: main events calendarFBK dedicates the year to Artificial Intelligence also through a series of informative events, starting from the VI Bruno Kessler Lecture 2018 with Piero Angela
December 19, 2017Algortimi educativi: al centro della IX edizione di EDUCA i rapporti tra educazione e nuove tecnologieDal 13 al 15 aprile a Rovereto, grazie ad ospiti nazionali e alla presentazione di pratiche innovative, si proverà ad individuare in un’ottica multidisciplinare un percorso per integrare educazione e tecnologie digitali
December 18, 2017AL MUSE PER INVENTARE! una nuova proposta per trascorrere le feste al museoL’iniziativa prevede due cicli di attività dedicate alla coppia adulto-bambino e adulto-ragazzo, con un approccio all’avanguardia a livello italiano per quanto riguarda l’apprendimento intergenerazionale
December 14, 2017Event in memory of Paolo ProdiRomano Prodi gave the speech "The reflection of a brother". The prize was awarded to the two best doctoral theses.
December 12, 2017Dialogues between believers and non-believersRenewing theology through dialogue between religious and skeptics: this is the topic of the lesson held at FBK by Anthony Carroll, in memory of Davide Zordan
December 7, 2017When research is carried out by citizensCNR hosted the first Italian conference on citizen science, dedicated to research projects that directly involve non-professionals
November 30, 2017Con HIT anche le imprese high-tech trentine a Slush 2017Chino e 2Aspire partecipano con Hub Innovazione Trentino alla delegazione italiana, presente al più importante evento europeo per le tecnologie digitali
November 29, 2017Francesca Bria: How to build digital inclusionThe digital initiatives of the city of Barcelona and an interview on the role of digital and social innovation at the present stage
November 28, 2017Hope of belonging: Trento Smart City Week will be back in AprilTrento Smart City Week, an event that stems from the inclusion of Trento in the ranking of the top ten smart cities in the world according to the IEEE ranking, is coming back April 12 through 15. The 2018 edition, like the previous one, stemmed from the joint initiative of five promoters - the City of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the University of trento and the Consortium of the Trentino Municipalities - and the collaboration of many other Trentino-based companies.
November 21, 2017Innovation and society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Can they go hand in hand?The meeting "Artificial Intelligence and Us" hosted at Fondazione Corriere della Sera on November 6, has pointed out that man and machine are not antagonists and that a 'peaceful' existence in the era of artificial intelligence may be possible. As long as it we invest in young people and their training.
November 17, 2017The “City of Electrons” kicks offThe new project for schools designed by FBK aims to create a science text written by kids and intended for their peers. The protagonist of the presentation event was Agnese Sonato of "PLaNCK!" magazine, who explained to students how to move in the difficult terrain of science communication
November 16, 2017The Bikeconomy in Trentino chosen as Italian testimonial of integrated mobilityBig space at the Bike Forum in Rome. Its three souls, i.e. tourism, integrated mobility and new technology will be represented by Trentino Sviluppo, Trentino Marketing and FBK
November 13, 2017Photonics ExplorersThe project coordinated by the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler was presented at the Galilei High School
November 2, 2017Archivi digitali per la storia della ShoahLaura Brazzo della Fondazione CDEC ha illustrato le potenzialità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie per l'integrazione delle informazioni
October 31, 2017Artificial Intelligence and Us. An FBK Meeting at the Corriere Della Sera FoundationOn November 6, the historic offices of the Corriere della Sera newspaper of Via Solferino in Milan, will be hosting a meeting on "Artificial Intelligence and Us", an event that offers a picture of the latest applications and current developments, outlining future horizons.
October 26, 2017SenSAT Kicks Off. FBK Researchers, Sat, and Students Together for Mountain Lodges in Trentino280 students will implement an application to monitor air quality within the new project of the Alternanza Scuola-lavoro (Combining School with Work training project for high school students) program
October 25, 2017Rethinking Public HealthWhat remedies to the many problems of public health: ideas and proposals from Ivan Cavicchi's Lecture and the final report of the Bioethics Committee of the Trento Medical Association | The event is being held on Saturday, October 28, at FBK
October 25, 2017ProM Facility Innovation and Technology Transfer Champion at SMAU MilanoThe Polo Meccatronica Lab awarded as a model of innovation. The visit and congratulations by Minister Giuliano Poletti to the Trentino-based experience
October 24, 2017Big Data in Health. What it is. What it is not. What it is used for.Who generates it? How can it be used in healthcare? What applications are already in place in Trentino, Italy and abroad? Can real-time and predictive analysis really save lives? What are the legal aspects, strengths, needs, future prospects? Friday, October 27, at the FBK Povo location, starting at 2:30 pm, a conference for Healthcare prociders based in Trentino, organized by TrentinoSalute 4.0.
October 20, 2017FBK a SMAU 2017Lo scenario sarà la quarta rivoluzione industriale in cui la fusione tra Internet, l’elettronica di consumo e le nuove teorie computazionali creano le condizioni ottimali per generare dirompenti innovazioni.
October 11, 2017A Day to Remember Paolo ProdiFBK is hosting an event dedicated to the memory of the intellectual who founded ISIG. Among the guests are Romano Prodi and Massimo Cacciari
October 6, 20173 Dinners with the Stakeholders (for the Price of just One)Giovanni Garberoglio, Senior Researcher at the FBK-ECT Center * - LISC tells us about his Dinner with the Researcher
October 6, 2017ON EVA’S SIDE – RELIGION TODAY FILM FESTIVALThe project is being presented on Saturday, October 14 during the opening of the 20th Religion Today Film Festival with a reflection on twenty years of cinema, media, women, religions.
October 6, 2017The FBK JUNIOR Program students protagonists at Researchers’ Night 2017The FBK Junior students' project entitled "ORION - arduinO Raspberry pi rOtating table for image based 3D recostructioN" was presented in Trento on September 29
October 5, 2017The Magic of Physics: Nobel Prize Winner Ketterle Charms the Muse Science MuseumThe German physicist was the protagonist of the closing event of Researchers' Night 2017
October 2, 2017L’informatica al servizio del sociale: il Festival dal 13 al 15 ottobre a RoveretoLa tre giorni per scoprire le nuove tecnologie al servizio di chi ne ha più bisogno si apre con l'intervento del Presidente FBK Francesco Profumo che discuterà sul tema del digitale a servizio dei cittadini e delle comunità. Cyberbullismo e fake news, prevenzione delle calamità naturali, domotica, soluzioni tecnologiche per i disabili, progetti di cooperazione internazionale al centro di laboratori, workshop e incontri con esperti nazionali e internazionali.
October 2, 2017Italy and Germany. Dialogue between historiographiesFBK's Italian-German Historical Institute is hosting the Study Week November 22 through 24, 2017. Young researchers and PhD students will have the opportunity to present their research projects.
October 2, 2017FBK Junior: the Marathon of Young Apprentices Is Here!101 individual traineeships, 22 schools, 93 students involved in group projects. These are the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro Training Program for High School students numbers at FBK, a feather in the Foundation's cap that thinks about research starting from school.
September 25, 2017Violence in Sacred Texts. Religions Between War and PeaceA Reset-Dialogues conference in partnership with Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.
September 22, 2017Knowledge and Innovation: Energy for DevelopmentSandro Battisti was the KEYNOTE SPEAKER of the international congress CIKI 2017 held in Foz do Iguaçu at the Itaipu Technology Park in Brazil on September 11.
September 21, 2017Learning How to Run a Science CenterThe City of Science of Naples hosted the third edition of the EMME Summer School for Science Communication, a week of talks and workshops on the topic of managing multi-use centers devoted to scientific dissemination.
September 21, 2017The second edition of the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators (SATT) sold outA huge success of the school dedicated to professional translators organized by the HLT-Machine Translation Research Unit of the FBK ICT Center
September 19, 2017Countdown to the Researchers’ NightThe appointment in Trento, in parallel with the other 52 Italian cities that join the initiative, is for Friday September 29. FBK Demo & Hands-on
September 14, 2017Women and science: a look beyond stereotypesFBK-Povo hosted researchers, experts, and journalists for a cultural debate on the presence of women in the world of work and language
September 11, 2017Media and Society: the Role of TelevisionHistorian Christina von Hodenberg told FBK how television has changed the pace and habits of families since the post-war period until today
September 5, 2017Safety and reliability in software-controlled systemsTrento is hosting three international conferences in September
September 4, 2017Do machines learn?Marco Cristoforetti, a researcher at FBK's MPBA Unit who prepared a space at the Rimini Meeting, speaks of the important role played by machines and machine learning techniques in biomedical applications. With a look at ethics and the future
August 21, 2017Lectio Degasperiana 2017: Here Are the Texts of the Lectures by Letta and CornelissenExcerpts from the talks by Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister and current Director of the International School of Business in Paris, and Christoph Cornelissen, Director of FBK's Italian-German Historical Institute, are now available.
August 9, 2017HEALTH AND IT IN THE SERVICE OF CITIZENSFBK research will be aired on RAI3 on Sunday, August 13, in the "VivinTrentino" show
August 4, 2017COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN FBK AND FONDAZIONE MUSEO STORICO DEL TRENTINO SIGNED TODAYThe long-standing relationship between the two institutions has been strengthened
July 31, 2017Eating little and healthy helps you live longerLuigi Fontana, one of the top world experts in the field of nutrition and longevity, hosted by FBK in May, confirms it.
July 7, 2017WebValley 2017: the Data Science School Dedicated to Digital Agriculture Wrapped UpFrom June 18, in Val di Non (Trentino), the young participants worked alongside experts and researchers with the aim of creating a new Artificial Intelligence solution to anticipate fruit ripening and quality.
July 6, 2017SenSAT – Fire Sensors Designed by Students in the Trentino Mountain LodgesThe project coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler was presented at the Bindesi - "P. Prati" mountain lodge this morning
July 3, 2017AUDIENCES, FRUITION, IDENTITIES. SOCIAL HISTORY OF TV IN ITALYThrough diaries, letters, illustrated magazines and oral memories, the historical reconstruction of television audience through the changes of the 1950s and 60s
June 30, 2017How we would like the internet of the future to be. ROBERTO VIOLA AT THE BRUNO KESSLER LECTUREWhat great opportunities does the Internet offer? What concerns does it raise? How can Europe contribute to the development of a more human being-centered Internet?
June 30, 2017PROM FACILITY, OPEN HOUSE FOR THE MOST ADVANCED RAPID PROTOTYPING LABORATORY IN ITALYOver 200 companies and researchers on Friday, June 30 at Polo Meccatronica, the Mechatronics Hub, to exchange views on the challenges of Industria 4.0 and learn about the Trentino model that combines training, innovation and enterprises.
June 27, 2017Freedom of Religion or Belief and Tolerance and Non-Discrimination for All is Vital to SecurityMarco Ventura, Director of the FBK Center for Religious Studies and member of the OSCE/ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief: "freedom of religion or belief is under threat in the OSCE region and international co-operation can strengthen it as a force for security".
June 19, 2017FBK AMBASSADOR OF INNOVATION AT CAGLIARI ‘S G7 ON TRANSPORTATION WITH THE “CLIMB” PROJECT ON CHILDREN’S INDIPENDENT MOBILITYIt is one of the seven good practices, selected by a scientific committee of more than 400, that will be representing Italy in Cagliari, during the "Transportation G7"
June 14, 2017Why “traditional values” are today at the core of national and international law and politics debates?Video interviews to some of the protagonists of the Workshop “Tradition and Traditionalisms Compared. A Joint Program of the Tradition Project and the Postsecular Conflicts Project” co-organized by the Centre for Religious Studies at the FBK Foundation.
June 12, 2017FIEMME, FROM WOOD TO DIAMONDS. WHAT FUTURE FOR THE TALENT OF A BORDER AREA INVESTING IN INNOVATION AND RESEARCH?From the forests of the Fiemme Valley come innovations, products and projects able to conquer international markets also in a sector - such as diamonds - very different from what mountains and forested woods conjure up in our minds when we think about them.
June 9, 2017Team play for a winning productToday, in Trento, the presentation of the results of the DomoSens project coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler. 250 high school students in Trentino were involved who have designed a home gas detector thanks to the latest findings in scientific and technological research in the industry
June 7, 2017FBK IN THE STRATEGIC ALLIANCE FOR A MORE EQUITABLE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY SOCIETY"We need a change of mindset". Those were the words of Enrico Giovannini, spokesman for ASviS, who on May 25 closed the event at the Trento Science Museum dedicated to the spread of the culture of sustainable development. In the video, interviews with Giovannini and IRVAPP director Antonio Schizzerotto.
June 5, 2017Festival of Economics: here are the videos with the interviews of our talksPaolo Traverso (ICT Center Director) and Stefano Merler, DPCS Research Unit Head, participated in the twelfth edition of the Festival that wrapped up yesterday, Sunday June 4.
June 1, 2017AWARD-GIVING CEREMONY OF THE “IMPRONTE” (FOOTPRINTS) PROJECT AIMED AT FAVORING ACTIVE AGING AND INCLUSIONA treasure hunt with pedometer bracelets and a geolocation app to hide or find real or virtual objects
May 26, 2017Race and TheologyA VIDEO-message from prof. Leo D. Lefebure on "The Conflict of Social Innovations: Christian Theologies, Empires, and Modern Constructions of Race"
May 26, 2017Unequal health. FBK at the Festival of Economics 2017Paolo Traverso, director of Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s ICT Center, will introduce the topic of the round table "Heathcare and new technologies"
May 25, 2017Side by side in research and education challengesThe framework agreement between Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento was signed today
May 24, 2017Cohousing, between collaborative economy and second welfareProceedings from the "COLLABORATIVE LIVING, COHOUSING and REUSING EMPTY SPACES IN TRENTINO" CONFERENCE, an opportunity for reconstructing the history of the phenomenon, defining its main features and representing the opportunities for urban regeneration, local development and transformation of welfare it offers.
May 23, 2017Festival della Sostenibilità. Festival of Sustainibility. Towards a more equitable and environmentally friendly societyNext Thursday, May 25, 2017, at the Trento Science Museum, two debates, at 4 pm and 8 pm dedicated to spreading the culture of sustainable development.
May 22, 2017The transformation of jobs with digital technology: risks and opportunitiesLectio magistralis by the President of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Francesco Profumo, for the students of the professional training center Centro formazione professionale Giuseppe Veronesi of Rovereto
May 18, 2017Digital invasion: mission accomplished!Art and technology may seem opposites, two worlds characterized by different languages. On the contrary, The dialogue is open, the opportunities for synergy are multiple.
May 18, 2017The 2017 edition of the Lectio degasperiana: Letta and Cornelissen at Pieve Tesino on August 18Enrico Letta and FBK-Isig Director Christoph Cornelissen will hold the Lectio Degasperiana 2017 on Friday 18 August at Pieve Tesino, on the initiative of the Trentino Foundation Alcide De Gasperi. Lectio 2107 will explore in depth the relationship between Alcide De Gasperi and Konrad Adenauer, whose fiftieth death anniversary is being celebrated this year, and will analyze the link between Italy and Germany in the context of a new European perspective.
May 17, 2017È Anna Perini la nuova Consigliera eletta dal personale della Fondazione Bruno KesslerLa nomina è stata formalizzata durante la seduta del CdA di oggi, mercoledì 17 maggio, in seguito all’esito delle elezioni che si sono svolte presso le sedi della Fondazione il 12 e il 15 maggio scorsi, durante le quali hanno votato complessivamente 276 persone su 523 aventi diritto.
May 16, 2017Can smart materials and neural cells communicate?Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler is hosting an international meeting on the new frontiers in neuroscience
May 12, 2017On the frontline of fight against child cancerTwo meetings: one with Ospedale Bambino Gesù in Rome, and one with the Proton therapy Center in Trento
May 8, 2017Aldo Moro: thought and politics. The National Edition of his works.The project for the national online and open access edition of Moro's works, to which Fondazione Bruno Kessler is collaborating through their Italian-German Historical Institute (FBK-ISIG) and Digital Humanities team with the Center for Information and Communication Technologies (FBK-ICT), will be presented next Wednesday, May 10, at the Historical Archive of the President of the Republic's Office, in Rome.
May 8, 2017The transformation of jobs due to digital technologyFBK President Francesco Profumo delivered a lecture at the Lorenzo Guetti multi-disciplinary High School in Tione (Trento)
April 19, 2017Technology and healthy lives“Key to Health” is the joint project of PAT, APSS, INAIL and FBK that promotes healthy lifestyles in the workplace
April 14, 2017What fuels for the mobility of the future?On the occasion of the Trento edition of “Greenweek – Festival della Green Economy” in March, we collected the voices of three experts who testify how increrasingly urgent it is to invest in alternative fuels.
April 13, 2017Panel on “Commonfare” in TrentinoA technology platform useful for the exchange of information to anyone in a state of economic and job insecurity. It is called and is being developed under the European PIE News project, in which the CREATE-NET Research Center of Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento) participates.
April 6, 2017EDUCA towards a new Digital SchoolWhich school will come from digital technology? The shared reflection of Educa starts from #scuoladigitaletrentina and expands to the entire national system.
April 4, 2017Augmented reality: the “Replicate” and “Spark” projects at FBKWhat if we could simply pick up our cell phones, capture the interesting stuff around us and bring take it into our future 3D virtual lives? To find out more about it, we interviewed two experts in this kind of technology: Paul Chippendale, from FBK, and Gaetano Cascini, from the Polytechnic University of Milan.
April 4, 2017POLO MECCATRONICA: THE PARTNERSHIP FOR THE PROM FACILITY, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, SIMULATION AND RAPID PROTOTYPING LABS SIGNED ON APRIL 4, 2017Open to companies and to technical and specialized training programs, they can count on unparalleled technological equipment in Italy. Promoted by the Province and financed with European funds, the labs will be managed by Trentino Sviluppo, FBK and the University of Trento, in cooperation with Confindustria Trento
March 31, 2017The WEB of the future. FBK becomes the national contact point.The Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento becomes the national contact point for Web standards. The Trentino based research center takes up as of this year the prestigious position within the World Wide Web Consortium (, the international organization led by Tim Berners-Lee
March 22, 2017Is Artificial Intelligence stealing our jobs? FBK tries to answer the big question at G20Paolo Traverso, ICT Center Director was the co-chair of the panel “Digitising Manufacturing” dealing with AI application in future industries. Outcomes of the panel will be officially transmitted to G20 ministers and discussed during the G20 Summit in Berlin April 6-7th '17.
March 22, 2017Human brain and mind. The future of neuroscience in TrentinoFriday, March 17, 2017 a conference in Rovereto (Tn) on neuroscience and the new disciplines in the field. The program includes the Lecture by Roberto Cingolani, Scientific Director of the Italian Institute of technology – IIT
March 21, 2017L’arte di migrare | The art of migratingFBK-ISR is a partner of "The art of migrating" sponsored by the City of Riva del Garda in the framework of the 13th Action Week Against Racism from March 20 to March 26
March 14, 2017Trentino Pedala: the cycling contest for the well-being of citizens, the environment and citizens’ walletsThe bicycles of "Cicloconcorso Trentino pedala" are ready to start again on March 15, 2017. Also FBK joins the initiative, promoted by the Office of Infrastructure and Environment - Sustainable Development and Protected Areas Service and involving the Euregio area (Trentino, South Tyrol and Tyrol).
March 13, 2017Sunset Time and the Economic Effects of Social Jetlag. Evidence from US Time Zone BordersFBK-IRVAPP organizes a seminar with Fabrizio Mazzonna (Università della Svizzera Italiana) next March, 23 2017
March 2, 2017FBK at the Green week – “What alternative fuels in future mobility?”Friday March 3, 2017 al the Department of Sociology (UniTN) - 3.00 pm
February 23, 2017FBK joins the event “M’illumino di meno” 2017Fondazione Bruno Kessler joins the event “M’illumino di meno” launched by the radio program Caterpillar Rai Radio2 and organized on February 24th, 2017.
February 20, 2017FBK International PHD ProgramFondazione Bruno Kessler is presenting the project involving more than 100 students from around the world, in collaboration with Italian and international universities.
February 2, 2017The 2017 FBK-ISR events: between religion and innovationThe ISR Center promotes over 20 events dedicated not only to the scientific community, but also to a wider, lay audience, in order to promote a fruitful exchange of views and ideas on issues often topical, and to become a meeting point that can favor the growth of the entire community.
January 20, 2017EDUCA 2017 PROGRAM FOR SCHOOLS PRESENTEDAs of this year, FBK is among the scientific partners of the Festival
January 15, 2017“The importance of communicating science” is the next Science CafèThe next event of this series, scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, at 6.00 pm at the MUSE Science Museum is entitled "The importance of communicating science", and will feature Federico Taddia, tv writer and journalist for La Stampa and Radio24.
January 10, 2017Digital Manufacturing Designer: a new higher education programFBK's President Francesco Profumo will be present at the professional school G. Veronesi for the launch of the new master education program in Digital Manufacturing Designer, in room Piave at the Polo Tecnologico in Rovereto on January 11th starting at 4pm.
January 10, 2017“Youth and digital reading”, a chat with Davide AzzoliniIn the framework of the cycle of scientific meetings promoted by Trentino Higher Education and Research System on Wednesday, February 15, at 6pm at MUSE, the researcher Davide Azzolini from the Institute of Research Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP) will talk about youth and digital reading.
January 9, 2017The provocative potential of religious freedom. Experiences of a UN rapporteurUN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion Heiner Bielefeldt was the protagonist of the Bruno Kessler Lecture, the conference organized annually by the Trentino based research center with internationally renowned scholars.
January 7, 2017IRVAPP WINTER SCHOOL 2017 – Fundamentals and Methods for Impact Evaluation of Public PoliciesFrom February 13 to 18 will take place the school organized by FBK-IRVAPP (Institute for evaluative research of public policies) at the Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts in Venice.
January 4, 20172017 Highlight EventsLooks like 2017 will be an eventful year for Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Alongside the initiatives dedicated to the discussion on FBK's research topics, the attention to dissemination to a broad audience, as well as to collaborations with prestigious national and European organizations, remains high.
November 2, 2016How religions talk and talk to each other in the public sphereA conference in Trento in 2017 co-financed by the Universities of Berlin and Friburg and organized by FBK's Center for Religious Studies. The Humboldt-Universität of Berlin and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität of Friburg will co-finance FBK’s Center for Religious Studies project entitled “Arguing religion”, and in particular an international conference to be held in Trento in June of next year.
October 28, 2016The Protestant Reformation in the context of global historyThe conference "The Protestant Reformation in the context of global history" being hosted at Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler wraps up tomorrow. Religious reforms and civilizations".
October 25, 2016FBK and Religion Today FilmfestivalInnovative event offered by FBK's Center for Religious Studies at the 2016 Religion Today Filmfestival in Trento warmly welcomed
October 17, 2016National conference on the integration of administration archives with sample surveysThe conference aims to contribute to the growth of the collective awareness of the increasing importance of the integration of micro-data originating from government archives with microdata, particularly on individuals and families, gathered from surveys carried out by ISTAT or other research institutions.
October 2, 2016The Centre for Religious Studies goes to ParliamentLecture on radicalism and extremism, at Palazzo Montecitorio. The Committee invited researcher Maria Chiara Giorda as an expert of the subject to provide some clues about it and suggestions for the making of the bill to preventing violent fundamentalisms cases.
September 9, 2016Pope Francis and his reform: a meeting at Trento-based FBKThis coming Thursday, September 15, 2016, at 5.00 pm, at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in via S. Croce 77 in Trento, three witnesses, Riccardo Cristiano, Rocco D'Ambrosio and Severino Dianich will discuss Pope Francis's debated pontificate that arouses expectations and concerns for the reform of the Church.
September 6, 2016Trento hosting over 60 translators for the update school organized by FBKA training opportunity on the development of machine translation technologies that have become essential tools for the translator profession today.
September 5, 2016The book by Giovanni Bernardini on the De Gasperi-Gruber Accord. An international piece of history, is outThe volume, part of the FBK Press series, recounts the international significance of the Agreement, which helped make it a highly advanced legal document for its time in the protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities