#data science
July 25, 2023Climate change and misinformationA study of tweets about the Marmolada tragedy was presented this summer at the SETE Festival in Rovereto. To explore further, we asked Riccardo Gallotti, head of the CHuB Unit at FBK's Digital Society Center, and Veronica Orsanigo, a future doctoral student, a few questions
March 23, 2023Reducing the spread of contagions with targeted hygiene in crowded environmentsFBK has collaborated on a scientific study published in Nature Communications
March 8, 2023Ready for a new challenge? Applications for Webvalley 2023 are openWebValley, Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler's international summer school, organized in collaboration with Istituto Artigianelli opens to a new challenge by involving about 20 girls and boys between 17 and 19 years old in a data science project dedicated to air quality monitoring.
December 14, 2022The first center for computational social sciences in TrentoA new Center has stemmed from the collaboration between Fondaziione Bruno Kessler, the departments of Sociology and Social Research, and of Economics and Management at UniTrento. Smart cities, changing work, and strategic management of public data: the collaboration between information technology, statistics, and social sciences provides support for decision-making.
June 7, 202220 WEBVALLEY 2022 participants selectedThe FBK summer camp dedicated to data science is back
December 20, 2021So it was, if you likeTOTEM: A dip into the past through the eyes of the present and with the help of 3D
September 16, 2021A (web)valley of ideasOn 27 August, the 2021 edition of WebValley ended, the summer school organized by FBK which gives Italian and international students the opportunity to confront themselves within the mare magnum of new technologies applied to scientific research. The enthusiasm of their testimonies is a certainty for our present and for the future.
October 22, 2020WEBVALLEY (reimagined) 2020: A training program for young data scientists in the field of computational biology created by students for schoolsA new format: a remote collaborative and generative teaching innovation experience created by an international team of selected students, supported by researchers and teachers
September 3, 2020Crime in large cities: different cities, different causesThe new study led by researchers Marco De Nadai and Bruno Lepri with FBK's Mobile and Social Computing Lab that explores the correlation between crime, socioeconomic conditions, environment features and mobility in 4 megacities has been published in "Nature Scientific Reports". Findings show how the variability of the dynamics and the history of each city make it very difficult to suggest universal recommendations to reduce crime
June 12, 2020Law, medicine and new technologies: artificial intelligence supporting human beings.Risks and benefits of using artificial intelligence in medicine: the perspectives of law and technology.
March 26, 2020Taking care of your mind in an emergency contextConsiderations by prof. Fabio Sbattella, expert in Emergency Psychology from the Cattolica University of Milan,
September 2, 2019This year the SERIE A champions will be…Our scientist Giuseppe Jurman, who has always been a soccer fan, has applied predictive models to soccer and found that...
May 29, 2019Krithik Ramesh, from the Intel prize to Webvalley 2019The student from Cherry Creek High School in Colorado (USA), awarded at INTEL ISEF, will be in Trentino for the FBK summer camp
January 14, 2019What is a mobile money service? Why is it needed?Mobile Money: Understanding and Predicting its Adoption and Use in a Developing Economy - our recent case study computed 77 features to investigate whether and how past mobile phone behavior is related to the future usage of M-Pesa
September 19, 2018Complex Networks: what are and why we need themHow can we understand real systems? How can we predict what will happen next? Network science gives some answers to that and can help researchers to find a new way to gain insights into different domains.
March 27, 2018Webvalley 2018: blockchain, artificial intelligence and privacyWebValley 2018: over 70 applications from 17 and 18 year-old kids from all over Italy. This year's theme: Machine Learning for Healthcare with Privacy-by-Design
November 21, 2017Innovation and society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Can they go hand in hand?The meeting "Artificial Intelligence and Us" hosted at Fondazione Corriere della Sera on November 6, has pointed out that man and machine are not antagonists and that a 'peaceful' existence in the era of artificial intelligence may be possible. As long as it we invest in young people and their training.
September 4, 2017Do machines learn?Marco Cristoforetti, a researcher at FBK's MPBA Unit who prepared a space at the Rimini Meeting, speaks of the important role played by machines and machine learning techniques in biomedical applications. With a look at ethics and the future
March 22, 2017Is Artificial Intelligence stealing our jobs? FBK tries to answer the big question at G20Paolo Traverso, ICT Center Director was the co-chair of the panel “Digitising Manufacturing” dealing with AI application in future industries. Outcomes of the panel will be officially transmitted to G20 ministers and discussed during the G20 Summit in Berlin April 6-7th '17.
October 15, 2016ICSOC2016 Best demo Award goes to FBK researchersA great recognition for the FBK-DAS research unit, headed by Annapaola Marconi, that in October 2016 won both the "Best Demo Award" at the 14th International conference on service oriented computing, held in Banff (Alberta - CA).