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August 7, 2024In Trento the first superconducting qubit made in ItalyAt the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, the first superconducting quantum bit (qubit) built entirely in Italy was born.
July 31, 2024Narges Takhtkeshha wins first place prize at IGARSS Geopitch in AthensFBK Ph.D. student has won the 2024 IEEE IGARSS competition of innovative ideas for a sustainable future through geoscience and remote sensing.
July 29, 2024Artificial intelligence for weather forecasting and climate studiesAt FBK an autumn school whose target audience are university students, researchers and professionals.
July 28, 2024Poverty, financial worries and parental investments in early childhoodParents living in or at risk of poverty face daily financial struggles, juggling expenses and trying constantly to make ends meet. This can shift attention away from other important but less urgent daily tasks such as engaging in educational activities with their children, with potential long lasting impacts on their human capital development. The article discusses recent scientific evidence on this topic and how public policies could better support vulnerable parents in improving the development of their children during a key period of childhood.
July 26, 2024Artificial Intelligence as a driver for innovation for Trentino-based companiesMaurizio Gianordoli, FBK vice-president, illustrates the main applications of AI for the local area, the challenges of technological integration and the future vision for a competitive and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem.
July 25, 2024Robin Hood’s tree comes back to lifeThe Sycamore Gap Tree, a majestic 100-year-old tree, symbol of Hadrian's Wall in England's Northumberland, made famous by the film "Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves", had been felled due to an apparent act of vandalism. FBK has returned it to the community by creating a digital reconstruction of it, allowing the emotional experience of the Sycamore Gap Tree to be relived as before the event.