Special narratives of experiences, events, discoveries.
February 5, 2025AgRimate: the future of technological and innovative agricultural pruningFBK participates in the new European project for a more digital and sustainable agriculture
January 31, 2025InnovAction: supporting SMEs for digital and green transformationFBK supports the Twin Transition of Italian companies through a consortium with innovative services and dedicated funding.
January 29, 2025Smart sensors for the use of agrochemicalsThe collaboration between Fondazione Bruno Kessler and startup Spray Logics aims to reduce and optimize the use of chemicals in agriculture.
January 29, 2025Artificial Intelligence for beekeeping practicesFondazione Bruno Kessler and Melixa together to assess the effects of human and agricultural activities on biodiversity through intelligent monitoring of beehives.
January 27, 2025AI for irrigation management in TrentinoIRRITRE: the project for the development of an integrated public local information system
January 27, 2025Do you take care of your cyber hygiene?Tips from the Center for Cybersecurity on the Data Protection Day
January 17, 2025Climate change in agriculture: a platform for risk mitigation and secure data exchangeLeading the AGRICLIMA project, Fondazione Bruno Kessler will implement an innovative technology platform for analyzing the impact of climate change in agriculture, developing tools for risk mitigation, and managing and securely exchanging data.
January 10, 2025An unprecedented budget for Fondazione Bruno KesslerFor the first time since its establishment, Fondazione Bruno Kessler has exceeded 100 million euros for its budget. The funding obtained will enable FBK to invest in new facilities and people: clean room and young talent are the priorities for the coming years.
December 5, 2024CELINE, the European project to develop innovative digital services in energy communities, has kicked offThe European project CELINE (Cross-sectorial integrated digital services Enabling energy Localized InnovatioN and community Empowerment), coordinated by Spindox Labs, was officially launched on December 5, 2024.
December 4, 2024FBK certified for quality management and information securityTrento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler has obtained certifications for Quality Management (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015) and Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001:2022).
December 2, 20245VREAL project: technology innovation for sportsThe project was designed and implemented by the Free University of Bolzano with EMG Italy, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Small Pixels and Vodafone Italia. 5VREAL combines 5G and Artificial Intelligence to improve technical analysis and the sports experience, from playing fields to television broadcasting.
November 28, 2024November 2024: The FBK projects making headlinesAn overview of FBK's innovative projects covered by the media in the past few weeks: from the algorithm against mafias to weather nowcasting, projects for educational inclusion and hydrogen cars.
November 8, 2024AI at the Edge and Sensors: technological opportunities for sustainable Artificial IntelligenceA discussion among researchers and experts to explore challenges and opportunities of the integration between state-of-the-art microelectronic devices and AI algorithms.
October 30, 2024Toward district heating of the future: efficiency and sustainability in focus in USES4HEAT projectAt the General Assembly at FBK, 27 European partners discuss innovations in geothermal district heating for a sustainable energy transition with focus on demonstrators in Riva del Garda and Oslo
October 30, 2024TELEMECHRON: il progetto di telemedicina per le patologie cronicheThe TELEMECHRON (Telemedicine for the Home Management of Patients with Chronic Diseases and Comorbidities) project, a telemedicine initiative funded by the Ministry of Health and co-funded by the Tuscany Region, the Lombardy Region, and the Autonomous Province of Trento, has ended successfully. The study, which started in September 2020 and ended in September 2024, aimed to analyze current models and design innovative strategies to enhance the quality of care, optimize the use of resources and home management of patients with chronic diseases through the use of technology.
October 1, 2024Preventing stress in women with breast cancer: virtual coach ALBA is hereFondazione Bruno Kessler, in collaboration with the Trento Province Healthcare System, is coordinating the ALBA research project to investigate the contribution of “digital therapies” in promoting mental well-being and preventing stress in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
September 18, 2024Heat islands in Trento: mapping them to design the city of the futureAn FBK project to create detailed temperature maps, helping the city make targeted decisions on climate change.
August 8, 2024TREC MAMA celebrated its first anniversary: a year of support and innovation for expectant mothersTreC Mamma, the innovative App offered free of charge by the Healthcare System of the Autonomous Province of Trento and dedicated to the support of pregnant women, marks its first anniversary today.
August 7, 2024In Trento the first superconducting qubit made in ItalyAt the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, the first superconducting quantum bit (qubit) built entirely in Italy was born.
July 25, 2024Robin Hood’s tree comes back to lifeThe Sycamore Gap Tree, a majestic 100-year-old tree, symbol of Hadrian's Wall in England's Northumberland, made famous by the film "Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves", had been felled due to an apparent act of vandalism. FBK has returned it to the community by creating a digital reconstruction of it, allowing the emotional experience of the Sycamore Gap Tree to be relived as before the event.
July 10, 2024ENCORE project: An educational platform for customized and motivating training programs, thanks to generative AIThe project will develop an educational platform based on Open educational resources and, through generative AI, will model training programs Based on each student’s characteristics
July 9, 2024Innovation in support services: FBK and Anffas Trentino are joining forces to bring technology into support servicesNew technologies and artificial intelligence at the heart, of the framework agreement to improve interaction and increase choice opportunities for guests of Anffas Trentino Centers
July 1, 2024FBK and UniTN together again for researchJoint research projects and labs, shared doctoral programs: Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento have renewed their strategic collaboration for another three years.
June 12, 2024Introducing FBK’s 25 Future Science AmbassadorsThe project aims to enhance the people and the current topics of our Research in line with FBK's Talent Program
May 30, 2024Innovation and research, new Pwc Center of Excellence in TrentoAndrea Simoni, Secretary general at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and Silvio Ranise, Director of the Center for Cybersecurity at Fondazione Bruno Kessler attended the event.
May 30, 2024AIXPAThe presentation event of the AIxPA project dedicated to artificial intelligence for Public Administration was held at FBK's Povo site
May 25, 2024Money and ReligionsThe 19th Edition of the Trento Festival of Economics hosted the Panel entitled "Money and Religions" May 25, 2024 at the Vittoria cinema.
May 15, 2024FBK at the Trento Festival of EconomicsHealthcare, artificial intelligence and new professions in industry among FBK's contributions to the debate to outline the future
May 13, 2024Curtain down on SWITCH projectA novel flexible solution validated using a reversible Solid Oxide system: Smart Ways for In-Situ Totally integrated and Continuous Multisource Generation of Hydrogen (SWITCH project)
April 17, 2024Chips ACT: FBK among key players in Italian Pilot Line for advanced microchips15 million for silicon carbide research and new laboratories dedicated to semiconductors planned for FBK
April 16, 2024Glimpses of artificial intelligence “against the tide”A discussion between leading representatives of AI and Augmented Intelligence research was held on March 25 at FBK. We collected the video testimony of Alessandro Sperduti, Marco Gori and Oliviero Stock, guests of "Some Pills of AI Against the Tide."
April 4, 2024The CLEANSE Lab – CLoud Native ApplicatioN Security is hereFBK and DEDAGROUP have created a new Co-Innovation Lab dedicated to Cybersecurity.
April 4, 2024Society suspended between a no longer and a not yetThe relationship between technology and society resembles the relationship in a couple: one influences the other and vice versa, but in order for this to happen there must be a party of two. With this interpretation key, through the examination of case studies that embody the most pressing discussion nodes around innovation, digital media sociologist Davide Bennato tells how our society is rapidly changing and what risks and opportunities can be expected
March 14, 2024““Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not”: how sensors convert the environment into useful dataSensors can be seen as translators that convert unfamiliar words that make no sense to us into familiar ones that help us interact with the world around us
February 27, 2024Virtual reality, physical well-beingVirtual reality now substantially shapes the collective imagination. On an imaginative level, it is perhaps the most futuristic of concepts: laser projections, holograms, simulations, augmented reality, and three-dimensional helmets are part of a baggage of images and concepts in which the boundaries between science and science fiction, between research dreams and established results, blur.
February 22, 2024EU project SMHYLES develops novel salt- and water-based hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) on an industrial scaleThe SMHYLES project, coordinated by FBK is funded by the EU under Horizon Europe with around €6 million for a period of four years from January 2024 on.
February 22, 2024Latest data on science and education in Italy, with a focus on women in stemThird and final round of evidence collected in the 2023 Science, Society and Technology yearbook: in this article we went out in search of some statistics on science education and research in Italy, with a focus on trends for enrollment in various secondary schools, the percentage of graduates by subject area, and girls/women active in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
February 15, 2024Citizen Science: for a democratic scienceThe second detailed article drawn from the latest edition of Observa's Science, Technology and Society Yearbook is devoted to Citizen Science and public participation in research. With a mention to the successful experience of the "science workshop" conducted in recent years at FBK
February 14, 2024Innovative solid oxide electrolyzers to produce hydrogen will be developed in the Hy-SPIRE projectThe kick-off meeting of the Horizon Europe project Hy-SPIRE “Hydrogen production by innovative solid oxide cell for flexible operation at intermediate temperature” was held in Warsaw on 8-9 February 2024, hosted by coordinator – the Institute of Power Engineering – National Research Institute (IPE-NRI).
February 8, 2024A map of science in society: the Italian public opinion on climate, environment and energyIm this first of three in-depth analysis articles dedicated to the latest edition of the "Science, Technology and Society" yearbook, a survey conducted since 2003 by Observa Science in Society, we present the positions of Italians on three sustainability-related "hot topics"
January 31, 2024AI@EDGEFBK-coordinated European project to build a secure, flexible and reusable artificial intelligence platform wrapping up
January 17, 2024Governing Artificial Intelligence: the role of public policy and Europe’s exampleThe recent surge in the artificial intelligence (AI) debate has been fueled by the release of ChatGPT and more recently the European Parliament and Council's agreement on the AI Act. This groundbreaking legislation will regulate AI use in the EU by imposing varying levels of obligations, restrictions, and prohibitions based on different risk categories. The AI discussion is no longer confined to the realms of computer science and engineering but has expanded to include philosophical, legal, economic, and sociological questions due to its wide-ranging implications.
January 5, 2024Val di Sole: a “health friendly” areaThe Department of Health and Social Policies of the Province, through TrentinoSalute4.0, officially launched a new territorial laboratory called “Vivere la Salute in Val di Sole” at the end of 2023.
December 28, 2023INTO THE W-AI-LDThe FEROX project presents "The Tech + Wild Journey", a docufilm produced by FBK and directed by Andrea Franceschini which tells the story of the development of an advanced technological solution to support pickers of small wild berries in Finland.
December 21, 2023USES4HEAT project launched to enable the decarbonisation of European heating and cooling through innovative seasonal Thermal Energy StorageThe USES4HEAT project kicked off in December 2023 to enable decarbonised and reliable heating supply through innovative large scale seasonal thermal energy storage solutions.
December 11, 2023Artificial journalism. Issues that are not that newThe great enemy of journalism is not Artificial Intelligence. There is worse, for example, the uncritical use of its know-how, falsehood and lack of accuracy.
November 29, 2023Gender-based violence: data, culture, contrastThe interview of FBK Magazine to the FBK-IRVAPP director on the hot topic of gender-based violence from the perspective of public policies.
November 15, 2023The interdisciplinarity of environmental historyWe open the FBK Dictionary column with this article on environmental history, an innovative line of research that is very active at FBK-ISIG.
October 12, 2023THE CALLS FOR THE SELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE FBK DIGITAL SOCIETY AND AUGMENTED INTELLIGENCE CENTERS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHEDFondazione Bruno Kessler has started the selection process for the positions of Director of its Digital Society research center, dedicated to the new challenges of the digital society of the future, and the Augmented Intelligence Center, focusing on the innovative sector of Augmented Intelligence. Application deadline: December 7, 2023 (12 p.m. GMT+2)
October 11, 2023Observing the atmosphere from high altitude: the mystery of Terrestrial gamma raysFBK and the Società Alpinisti Tridentini (SAT), the Trentino mountaineers association, join to implement the PIZ-Gamma project, advancing a further exercise of the DomoSens model dedicated to high schools that will take them on a school-to-work experience in close contact with research.
October 2, 2023The spread of automation in Europe and the impact on family income inequalityPiotr Lewandowski, a well-known Polish economist, presented preliminary results of a joint research study aimed at assessing the impact of automation (industrial robots) on household income inequality in 14 European countries.
September 25, 2023Life Ecoempower projectECOsystems EMPOWERing at regional and local scale supporting energy communities - Empowering Energy Communities and their key role in the decarbonization of Europe and tackling climate change
September 14, 2023Smart Altitude European project enters the final stage of Regiostars 2023The jury has carefully evaluated the record number of applications – 228 in total – and selected 30 finalists. Among them, Smart Altitude, a European Interreg Alpine Space project partnered by FBK Center for Sustainable Energy, that aims at implementing new tools to improve the use of energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alpine ski areas.
September 8, 2023Artificial intelligence, Trentino unit of Ellis startedFondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento join the European Machine Learning Network. The Department of Engineering and Information Science and the Center for Digital Society are involved. The initiative will serve the purpose of creating new businesses and start-ups
September 4, 2023Artificial intelligence and discriminationAt the FBK-ISR international seminar held this summer, researcher Ilaria Valenzi presented the report "Bias in Algorithms - Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination" published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. We asked her some questions to understand when algorithms generate discrimination and what solutions can be put in place.
August 31, 2023A benchtop electron microscopeResearch advancement also comes through the tools scientists use in their work. We visited the MNF labs at Fondazione Bruno Kessler and asked a few questions to learn more about the features of the benchtop electron microscope.
August 12, 2023FBK’s Sustainable Energy Center laboratories at the new Hydrogen Hub in RoveretoThe new Hydrogen Hub will be hosted in Rovereto at the Arcese area. This is provided for in the memorandum of understanding signed by Trentino Sviluppo with the industrial group.
August 8, 2023“TreC Mamma” is here: the app for all expecting women developed in TrentinoVideos, images, podcasts, personal diary, visits, a chatbot that provides personalized information about pregnancy and baby growth. Here is TreC Mamma, the service that supports all pregnant women.
July 25, 2023Climate change and misinformationA study of tweets about the Marmolada tragedy was presented this summer at the SETE Festival in Rovereto. To explore further, we asked Riccardo Gallotti, head of the CHuB Unit at FBK's Digital Society Center, and Veronica Orsanigo, a future doctoral student, a few questions
July 3, 2023Abortion: cultural, political, medical choices comparedA contemporary analysis of the (non) right to abortion in Italy, Europe and the world from politics to law and medicine.
June 29, 2023NEWELY PROJECT: Next Generation Alkaline Membrane Water Electrolysers with Improved Components and Materials have been created.The final public event of this European Project in which FBK participated, took place in Bad Zwischenahn (Germany) with the poster exhibition opening the EMEA Workshop 2023.
June 29, 2023Understanding AI – An interview with Tomaso Poggio, Professor at MIT BostonTomaso Poggio is the Head of the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines and is an international pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence. On occasion of the workshop "DEEP LEARNING: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications" which took place in Povo - where he had worked at the time of Prof. Luigi Stringa - we asked him some questions to better understand AI and what we have to expect in the near future.
June 9, 2023The Future of Digital IdentityOn Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Andrea Simoni participated in the event "Verso l'identità digitale europea" (Towards the European Digital Identity), promoted by Associazione cittadinanza digitale in coordination with the Chamber of Deputies, addressing the topic of the "Digital Wallet."
May 31, 2023Study, research and organizational learning: Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the TESEO project living labAn opportunity for reading and reflecting to mark the celebration of the European Diversity Month 2023
May 30, 2023Evaluation in the service of public policiesInterview with FBK-IRVAPP director Mirco Tonin
May 27, 2023“ChatGPT, when machines replace humans in processing thoughts”A Palazzo Geremia la tavola rotonda organizzata nell’ambito del Festival dell’Economia di Trento
May 17, 2023The digital twin and the city-as-a-platformREbuild Italia 2023 aw the presentation of the digital twin model for Bologna: an infrastructure that does not merely reproduce the urban fabric but supports its relationships, co-evolves with the city dynamically and is able to predict and anticipate behaviors and transformations occurring in the real world, supporting decision-makers' analysis thanks to a representation that is both concise and comprehensive, taking into account the complexity and mutual influences among various urban systems.
May 8, 2023Artificial intelligence for urban securityFBK and the City of Trento are partners in three EU-funded international projects aimed at improving the protection of public spaces.
May 6, 2023Wired Next Fest Trentino: the empathy of algorithmsTonight the talk by Paolo Traverso and Paolo Benanti in Piazza Malfatti at Rovereto
April 28, 2023Ferruccio Resta has been appointed FBK presidentThe Trento Province Council has appointed the new president of Fondazione Bruno Kessler. He is Ferruccio Resta, full professor of Applied Mechanics of Machines at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Chancellor of the above university until December 2022 and current president of the Chancellors’ Conference.
April 26, 2023HyCARE PROJECT: an innovative approach for renewable energy storage, now reality.The exhibition event of this European Project took place in Paris, on April 21st, 2023, with the presentation of the project activities and the demonstration of the prototype.
April 19, 2023The AMETHyST project to develop local hydrogen ecosystems in the Alpine region kicks offThe Sustainable Energy Center as partner of the project funded by the European Interreg Alpine Space Program intended to promote energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen measures for energy sufficiency in the tourist areas of the Alpine region.
April 12, 2023Artificial Intelligence to optimize CTThe Fondazione Bruno Kessler is collaborating on a model for automated analysis of CT images using artificial intelligence algorithms.
April 3, 2023The Fondazione Bruno Kessler library audio heritage digitization projectAn innovative and inclusive project to preserve FBK's audio heritage
March 31, 2023Artificial Intelligence: Tango guides the revolutionThe new EU-funded project that will kick off in autumn 2023, with 21 partner organisations from 9 countries across Europe, is set to develop a new generation of human-centric AI systems and to strengthen the leadership of Europe in this area
March 28, 2023Environmental sustainability and social sustainability in the water shortage emergencyWe interviewed the FBK-IRVAPP director Mirco Tonin about the dramatic water crisis that is facing our country and asked him about the role of public policies evaluation in this regard.
March 14, 2023GOING QANON: religion, digitization and the security challengeWhat does the U.S. conspiracy movement QAnon have in common with religion, what is the role of digitization in its spread and radicalization, and what should we expect in terms of security and cybersecurity.
March 13, 2023WildDrone: autonomous drones to monitor and preserve wild animalsA new European project dedicated to environmental sustainability for the protection and study of wild animals using drones and artificial intelligence is to kick off.
March 8, 2023AI4TRUST: Artificial intelligence to reduce online disinformationFake news is a big challenge for society, and artificial intelligence can help. The European project will improve factchecking by testing new methodologies and tools and automatically analyzing text, audio and video sources in 7 different languages
March 2, 2023Artificial intelligence and journalistic content. Predictions for a plausible futureIn my interest in journalism, there is a moment marked on the agenda, with highlighter. I refer to the annual appointment with the Niemand Foundation website, which at the end of the calendar year asks some of the "smartest people in journalism and media" for predictions for developments in journalism in the coming year.
February 28, 2023Micro and Nanotechnologies as pillars of 6G and Future NetworksLooking at 2030 and ahead, future generations of telecommunications and distributed services will be demanding for miniaturized hardware components conceptually closer to software.
February 27, 2023FBK 3DOM Unit participates in the European project 5DCULTUREHigh-quality 3D digital content will be created for use in the cultural, tourism, and fashion sectors
February 22, 2023Testing and supporting the use of digital learning assessmentThe Institute for Evaluation Research on Public Policies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler has evaluated the impact of the Toolkit platform, which aims to help the dissemination of digital learning evaluation.
February 3, 2023An innovative online platform based on virtual reality to facilitate training of rescue teamsFBK's 3DOM Unit is a technology partner in the European project TRACENET, led by the Trentino Civil Protection
January 31, 2023The AgrifoodTEF european project is kicking offWith a total budget of 60 million euros and a time horizon of 5 years, AgrifoodTEF aims to develop testing and experimentation infrastructure to facilitate the adoption of services and products based on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in the European agrifood sector. The project’s kick-off will take place in Trento on February 1 and 2, hosted by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the project’s coordinator.
January 23, 2023FBK for the National Recovery and Resilience PlanThe section that monitors and provides information on FBK projects for the PNRR is available on
January 18, 2023After the sixteenth century, also the seventeetnth century in ISIG’s Hidden Trento appISIG researchers worked together with the Museo Diocesano Tridentino to enhance the history of the city of Trento in the seventeenth century and museum collections
December 20, 2022FBK will coordinate the FEROX European Project to support the work of wild berry pickersIt will be based on AI, data and robotics technologies and will be tested in Finnish forests.
December 16, 2022Cybersecurity: the agreement between FBK, University of Trento and Confindustria Trento for an ecosystem of international standingHelp companies learn about, understand and address new cybersecurity threats. Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Confindustria Trento sign the Memorandum of Understanding.
December 14, 2022The first center for computational social sciences in TrentoA new Center has stemmed from the collaboration between Fondaziione Bruno Kessler, the departments of Sociology and Social Research, and of Economics and Management at UniTrento. Smart cities, changing work, and strategic management of public data: the collaboration between information technology, statistics, and social sciences provides support for decision-making.
December 6, 2022Translating research. From complex to simple, from incomprehensible to clickable"Translation is not only about making research more understandable; it is also about presenting research in digestible, clickable formats that are likely to stand out"
December 5, 2022Emerging infectious diseases – FBK joins INF-ACT, an integrated project supported by PNRR fundsThrough the Health Emergencies Center, directed by Stefano Merler, Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler will be the leader, together with Istituto Superiore di Sanità (the Italian National Institute of Health) and the Association of Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes, of the epidemiology and statistical and mathematical modelling studies for INF-ACT, the new consortium of 25 universities, public and private entities dedicated to emerging infectious diseases.
December 2, 2022Open Innovation for the Riedl Phasys automated warehouse systemTogether with FBK, University of Trento and Dolomiti Robotics, an innovative solution was created to make the GPI Group's Riedl Phasys warehouse system more globally competitive.
October 25, 2022SkeinIf you are dealing with Iran, whether by national affiliation, by birth, for tourism, love, interest, study, or for more than one of these reasons, you will feel that you are dealing with a large skein, impossible to unravel.
October 13, 2022Between historiography and the public use of historyThe "ARO" forum devoted to the history of the German Empire provides an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between historiography and public memory
September 20, 2022The priceless pleasure of discoveryAbout online reviews and how they influence our choices and limit our chances of making new discoveries.
September 14, 2022AI for banks: new tools for business growth in the FBK and Dedagroup Business Solutions research projectAccelerating territorial development and business growth is the goal of the AIAAA project, which capitalizes on the experience and assets developed in the Co-Innovation Lab in which FBK and Dedagroup collaborate to develop Open Data and Open Services.
September 7, 2022The impact of reducing weekly working hoursWork less to work all? The mantra is now outdated. We need to rethink work by focusing on productivity, well-being, and work-life balance of the worker.
September 1, 2022Hoaxes in food and hoaxes in online searchesHow much can we trust reviews and comments found online? The risk of fake or artfully cooked news is always around the corner, we propose a parallel between catering and research to think about it.
July 28, 2022A vision of future 6G from the point of view of Micro-Nano Hardware componentsWhat a potentially catastrophic failure in a passenger flight, back in 1982, has to do with future visions and prospects of 6G in 2030? This article will address the red wire linking these facts.
July 22, 2022AUGMENTED REALITY AT MUSEO DEGLI ALPINIThanks to technologies developed by FBK researchers, 3D models of several archaeological finds on Doss Trento can now be viewed by the public
July 20, 2022IPCEI funding of over 59 million euros to develop the batteries of the future in TrentinoThe project will be carried out by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Green Energy Storage
July 7, 2022Cost and potential of green hydrogenFondazione Bruno Kessler contributed to the report by IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency
July 6, 2022An international recognition for semantic video understandingThe FBK TeV Unit made a significant contribution to the team that came in first in the EPIC-KITCHENS competition on egocentric vision.
July 6, 2022FBK participates in the Italy-Korea Forum on Technology and InnovationTwo days in Seoul for an expanded meeting between Italian and South Korean science and technology players.
June 22, 20225G: connected autonomous and assisted driving vehicles on motorway between Italy-Austria and Austria-Germany5G-CARMEN European project tests innovative automotive functions and services across countries
June 6, 2022“The new frontiers of artificial intelligence”At the Trento Festival of Economics the meeting with Fondazione Bruno Kessler president Francesco Profumo and journalist Gerardo Graziola
May 31, 2022Writing history, writing storiesThe "Aro" Forum dedicated to "Veronica and the Devil" is an opportunity to reflect on the writing of history
May 31, 2022Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being invited to dance.An editorial dedicated to equity and inclusion initiatives in FBK on the occasion of the European Month of Diversity
May 25, 2022“KIDS GO GREEN”, 4 and a half laps around the earth1,800 children participate in the initiative organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Cooperativa Kaleidoscopio, in collaboration with local governments and with the support of ITAS Mutua and Casse Rurali Trentine.
May 11, 2022No more news, let’s focus on informationHere come the Radio FBK podcasts: the Research you don't expect
May 10, 2022In-work poverty in Italy: what it is and how to combat itBeginning with a discussion of the mechanisms that lead to situations of in-work poverty, Andrea Garnero, host of the FBK-IRVAPP research center, presented data on the extent and characteristics of the phenomenon in Italy and the five proposals developed for the Ministry of Labor to counter both the spread of low wages and the growth of poverty in households
May 2, 2022Bioethics: end-of-life scenarios and choicesThe ISR researcher continues her reflection about the delicate yet necessary issue of the end of life
April 26, 2022Artificial intelligence and synthetic lifeRecent research and applications on the line between living and non-living systems were illustrated by the head of Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s Data Science for Health Unit, Giuseppe Jurman, during a seminar of the series entitled "Frontiers of Biology".
April 22, 2022Beyond research: FBK Press and FBK’s specialized libraryFrom research to books, those published by FBK's in-house publishing house and those carefully preserved in its specialized library
April 13, 2022Strategic agreement between FBK and ITALIT: artificial intelligence to the benefit of PAMemorandum of understanding within the Digital Transformation for Public Administration with focus on AI and Blockchain signed.
April 13, 2022Claudio Ferlan is the new editor in chief for Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s MagazineConsiderations on scientific communication and on the new look of the FBK Magazine
April 8, 2022Responsible Artificial IntelligenceImages and privacy of citizens in a Smart City. FBK participates in the MARVEL European project
March 28, 2022Cryptography: a millennia-long historyWhat trends for the future of Cybersecurity? An introductory lesson with Prof. Silvio Ranise, director of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Cybersecurity Center
March 25, 2022Nowcasting: Artificial intelligence-based short-term weather forecastsClimate change in Italy and Europe is leading to a progressive increase in extreme weather events, with repercussions on all social and economic activities: traffic circulation, tourism, agricultural and industrial production, renewable energy, people's health and safety. Always active in environmental modeling, in the past 5 years FBK has built a dense network of relationships with national and international organizations and companies for the research and development of weather models, in particular for extreme events.
March 17, 2022Care, justice and relational autonomy: how to rethink the ethics of health careThe various forms of polarization of the ethical and bioethical debate
March 17, 2022Law and power in the era of Artificial IntelligenceRisks and benefits of the pervasive use of Artificial Intelligence technologies, especially in the medical field.
March 11, 2022Dear friend… I am not writing to youThe unsustainable side of email and modern ways of communication and digital connection.
February 10, 2022The journal “Annali.Recensioni.Online” (ARO) goes electronicThe purpose is promoting a wider circulation of historical research and historiographical innovations
February 1, 2022AI made in Italy launches the international challenge against Covid: “Covid CXR Hackathon” promoted by IIT, FBK and UNIMORE presented at Expo 2020 DUBAIData scientists from all over the world united in a virtual challenge on Covid-19 data. The online hackathon is open to students, PhD students and teams of researchers called to solve a real and compelling problem in medical imaging. The goal: to support healthcare professionals with prognosis activities starting from chest radiographs and clinical data collected in hospital triage.
January 27, 2022What is artificial intelligence?Oliviero Stock talks to Viviana Lupi on how AI has dramatically changed and will change human life.
January 18, 2022Prof. Ventura’s mandate as director of ISR ends with the publication of a new policy paperThe recently published policy paper has symbolically wrapped up Prof. Ventura's experience at the Foundation
December 3, 2021FBK, CONFINDUSTRIA and INFN formed the GAIA-X HUB ITALIA association"It will be a reference point for projects on data enhancement"
November 30, 2021Can Artificial Intelligence help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sustainability are currently highly discussed topics in both the political and scientific debate and they appear to be two major challenges that will stay for the coming decades
November 15, 2021New portal and new TREC + App: a revolution in accessing digital Provincial Health ServicesThe new platform TreC+, developed thanks to the contribution of doctors and citizens, is available free of charge to all members of the provincial health system as of today. It will be the single point of access to the digital services of the Trento Province healthcare system.
September 28, 2021200 SME CHALLENGE: the UXCHALLENGE FORMAT by HIT-TRENTINO EXPORTED THROUGHOUT EUROPEFinal event (online) on October 7, 2021, with an analysis of the results and impact of the European project by FBK-IRVAPP researcher Davide Azzolini
September 16, 2021What space will it be?An evening on the frontiers of research on space exploration. Among the guests, ASI's President Giorgio Saccoccia, FBK's president Francesco Profumo, the president of the University of Trento, Flavio Deflorian and professor and physicist of the University of Trento-EUSPA Roberto Battiston.
September 15, 2021FBK for interfaith dialogue and peaceSince 2016 FBK has been a partner of the G20 Interfaith Forum; September 11-14, 2021, it took part in the G20 Interfaith Forum which took place in Bologna, coordinating the working group on innovation in science and technology chaired by the director of the Center for Religious Studies, Marco Ventura
August 13, 2021COVIBOT: the chatbot that provides answers on vaccinations, testing and isolationThe Trento Province Healthcare System (APSS) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler, as part of the TrentinoSalute4.0 digital health competence center, worked hard during the months of the pandemic to give life to Covibot, a chatbot visible from the APSS website that can answer questions about the vaccination campaign and respond to the many requests that are still being received on isolation, quarantine, case contacts and testing.
August 4, 2021DOLOMITI ENERGIA Group and FBK: together for a greener energy marketFBK and the Dolomiti Energia Group have signed an important collaboration agreement that could become a driver in the development of the green hydrogen supply chain in Trentino.
July 29, 2021Deadline extension of the call for the selection of 3 leaders for FBK research centersThe deadline of the calls for the selection of the new Directors for the Sensors and Devices Center (FBK-S&D), Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) and Religious Studies (FBK-ISR) Centers has been extended until 10 September 2021. More information is available at
July 20, 20213D Metrology in industry3D optical measurement techniques allow to inspect industrial components for quality control analyses, being very flexible, accurate and, sometimes even low cost
July 8, 2021The paper on the experimentation of virtual visits in Trentino has been published in the “Journal of Public Health”such as remote visits, are underway in the Province of Trento. The paper describes the evolution of this user-friendly tool that is highly appreciated by both citizens and healthcare professionals, especially since access to healthcare facilities has become harder.
July 6, 2021I is another meSilvio Ranise, director of the FBK Cybersecurity center, tells how the issue of digital identity is current and in constant evolution, between the duty to protect our privacy and the duty to facilitate our life.
June 30, 2021FBK and Cassa Centrale Banca together for “Cyber Threat intelligence”Goal of the partnership: the development of an innovative program in Cyber Threat Intelligence to further consolidate the Group's IT security control.
June 15, 2021Language in the ‘human-machine era’: How will new forms of language technology change our communication, and language itself?The ‘human-machine era’ is coming soon: a time when technology is integrated with our senses, not confined to mobile devices. It means that the hardware will move from our hands into our eyes and ears. Intelligent eyewear and earwear will be able to translate another person’s words, and make it look and sound like they were talking to you in your language. But not only will technology mediate what we see, hear and say in real time – it will be having increasingly complex conversations with us.
May 28, 2021FBK has signed the Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at WorkThe initiative responds to the invitation of the European Union which declared May as the "EU Diversity Month"
May 20, 2021Energy: ENEA-Fondazione Bruno Kessler partnership on hydrogen, batteries and renewablesHydrogen, renewable energy, batteries and integration with energy networks. These are the main technological areas covered by the three-year agreement signed by ENEA and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) for the development of innovative solutions to support the ecological transition of our country.
May 3, 2021Attention to safety, high precision, low power: the first products from the Janus project are making it to the marketSocial distancing and workplace safety: these are the main applications for businesses and communities that the Janus “two-faced” system, created in the laboratories of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento, provides.
April 22, 2021SARS-COV-2 VACCINES: TOWARDS THE END OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC?The FBK for Health webinar presented the current situation on vaccines and the vaccination campaign
April 16, 2021At the source of all types of energyThe scientific excellence and social impact of the FBK Sustainable Energy Center: for innovation in the hydrogen sector and for future-proof technologY development.
April 8, 2021New horizons for the FBK Clean RoomThanks to newly purchased equipment, we are moving from micro-fabrication to nano-fabrication of devices, for innovative applications in companies and in the space industry
March 31, 2021HIT joins EIT MANUFACTURINGThe Trentino system of research and innovation in the main initiative that promotes advanced manufacturing in Europe
March 26, 2021Dyslexia: the power of reading aloudReading aloud, assisted by a technology that "captures" the reader's attention on the written word, allows children with dyslexia to increase their comprehension of a text. This is what emerges from a study, the result of the collaboration between the Bruno Kessler Foundation and the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento, which involved 40 boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 years, half diagnosed with dyslexia and the other half with typical reading skills. With “Gary,” an average 24% improvement in reading comprehension scores is possible
March 25, 2021“PROMETEO” project launched with funding from European FCH JUInternational consortium coordinated by Italy’s Energy Agency ENEA to develop innovative solid oxide electrolyser using concentrated solar power for a zero-emission industry
March 1, 2021Researc-HER-s power: hard sciences told by the women who do themCycle of webinars organized by HIT - Trentino Innovation Hub to stimulate discussion on avant-garde research lines
February 22, 2021THE “CITY OF ELECTRONS” PROJECT INCLUDED AMONG ANPAL SERVIZI’S SCHOOL-TO-WORK PROGRAM GOOD PRACTICES"The city of electrons" has become part of the catalog "La scuola, che impresa" among the 55 best school-to-work program projects
February 19, 2021“MUM UP”, pregnancy care just a click awayThe innovative system that provides remote support to expectant mothers created within the TrentinoSalute4.0 digital health project is kicking off at Fatebenefratelli Isola-Tiberina
February 5, 2021Support tools for the hydrogen industry. Priorities for the development of the hydrogen supply chain in ItalyThe Report by H2IT - Italian Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells has been presented: hydrogen is a key solution for the decarbonization of the energy system
February 4, 2021Cystic Fibrosis: new image processing methods accelerate studies on drugsA research project on cystic fibrosis, halfway between medicine and computer science, appears promising in increasing the chances of fighting this genetic disease.
February 3, 2021ENEA TECH: THE AGREEMENT WITH FBK FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER HAS KICKED OFFCollaborating to identify possible synergies and development opportunities in research and tech transfer, to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of our country. This is the goal of the agreements signed by ENEA Tech with FBK, IIT, HT
February 2, 2021Dedagroup Public Services and Fondazione Bruno Kessler together for the development of INTERLINK — a European Open Innovation projectThe INTERLINK 3 - year project aims at creating and enabling new digital collaborative governance models centered on the citizen's needs. The international team is carrying out tests in three Administrations: the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the Latvian Ministry for Regional Development and the City of Zaragoza.
February 2, 2021Digital society: FBK wins 7 European projects in 2021Thanks to the application of artificial intelligence and 5G technology, innovation will be pushed in various areas of society such as urban security, cyberbullying prevention, PA digitization, cultural heritage enhancement. The funding amounts to almost 3 million euros
January 28, 2021Italy joins IPCEI with 12 companies and 2 research centers: ENEA and FBKGreen light from the EU for an investment of over 1 billion euros in the second Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on batteries. Below is the comment by Luigi Crema, director of the FBK-Sustainable Energy Research Center
January 27, 2021Drug logistics, the GPI-HIT-FBK-UNITN project’s prototyping phaseThe collaboration started in February 2020 and the next step will be to improve the performance of the Riedl Phasys robotic cabinet
January 25, 2021The new challenges of the Italian education systemItaly is not keeping pace with OECD countries and is embracing professional degrees
January 22, 2021“WildeHealth” kicks off: FBK to train researchers from EU countries in the process of expansionThe European project will boost the scientific development of digital technologies for health care in Slovenia, Portugal and the Republic of North Macedonia.
January 7, 2021Gender bias and human language technologySteps forward to resolving "gender bias" in machine translation systems
January 4, 2021MiMEX, Micro-Market ExperienceMiMEX, the Micro-Market Experience project funded under the EIC Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) measure, is now underway. A consortium with roots in Italy, Spain and Turkey has been created to spread the smart retail experience at a European level over the next two years.
December 30, 2020A new organization for the Bruno Kessler FoundationStarting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.
December 15, 2020Augmented reality for industrial maintenancePAMA Rovereto adopted an FBK project thanks to HIT and Confindustria Trento Digital Innovation Hub
November 27, 2020Work from home: results beyond expectations with some open questions about the futureThe data illustrated by Bruno Lepri during the webinar organized by FBK Academy are the findings of studies conducted by Harvard Business School, Austin Business School and Humanyze
November 25, 2020Towards Jupiter’s moons, the radar is readyESA (European Space Agency)'s instrument for the Juice mission, which sees the Trentino research system as a protagonist, has been delivered
November 23, 2020Big data and diseases of the nervous system: APSS and FBK in the NEUROARTP3 projectSharing clinical data in a structured way so as to improve the ability to predict, prevent and treat conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis and brain tumors, reducing their impact on the national health system.
November 17, 2020In search of scents lost: new project explores Europe’s smelly heritageODEUROPA will find references to smells and scents in literature and historical paintings using cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques.
November 5, 2020Smart working, the FBK modelTackling the new challenges of hybrid work by innovating
November 4, 2020Microsoft and FBK in the challenge for sustainable growthAI for Earth is Microsoft's international program that has supported people and organizations facing global environmental challenges since 2017, helping to implement projects based on Artificial Intelligence
October 27, 2020Artificial intelligence and creative destruction: old and new jobsIs there a growing risk of robots replacing human work? If so, which jobs will be mostly impacted?
October 27, 2020A new effort not to leave idle prior results obtained in EU projectsA new effort not to leave idle prior results obtained worldwide.
October 19, 2020TRENTINOSALUTE4.0 wins the “Patient’s Digital Health Award 2020” – “COVID-19 solutions section” – with the TREC PEDIATRIA appDeveloped by TrentinoSalute4.0, the App enables families and pediatricians to preserve provider-patient relations even if remotely
October 2, 2020New research paper on Autonomous Shuttles has been published on IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems journalFBK contributes to the research with the proposition of the Autonomous Shuttles-as-a service (ASaaS) concept as a pillar for the realization of innovative and sustainable proximity mobility
September 21, 2020Trento e Rovereto Play&Go, oltre 240 mila km sostenibiliIniziata il 26 ottobre scorso, la sfida per una mobilità amica dell'ambiente; si avvale dell'App Viaggia Play&Go messa a punto da Fbk.
September 1, 2020“Artificial intelligence changes the way we do all things”Interview with the expert in technology ethics Paolo Benanti
August 26, 2020Tessa si aggiudica il premio sostenibilità della Banca Monte dei Paschi di SienaLa startup di FBK specializzata in sensoristica per l'agricoltura sta seguendo il programma Trentino Startup Valley
August 7, 2020Sempre più facile gestire la nostra salute grazie alla App TreC_FSEI trentini che accedono a TreC sono oltre 110mila. Con l’applicazione TreC_FSE si punta ad aumentare il numero di utilizzatori
June 30, 2020FBK PARTNERS WITH WHO ON NEW INITIATIVE TO MONITOR COVID-19 INFODEMICS FROM AROUND THE WORLDFBK team of researchers led by Manlio De Domenico will develop a computational platform for interactive monitoring and visualization of COVID-19 infodemic on social media and a report on the global state of COVID-19 infodemic.
June 25, 2020What do we know and what not about Covid-19?A final master class to take stock of the medical and scientific acquisitions currently available on SARS-CoV2
June 18, 2020Digital, agri-food, manufacturing: a possible synergyDigital, agri-food, manufacturing: a possible synergy Hub Innovazione Trentino and Fondazione Bruno Kessler win the European cross-sector project "Cross KIC"
June 12, 2020Law, medicine and new technologies: artificial intelligence supporting human beings.Risks and benefits of using artificial intelligence in medicine: the perspectives of law and technology.
June 10, 2020NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABILITY IN AGRICULTUREFondazione Bruno Kessler coordinates the SAPIENCE project. The first experimental installations on the pilot sites, dedicated to the production of grapes in Trentino and agricultural produce in Emilia Romagna, are ready.
April 17, 2020Reading Harari during the pandemicIt is not easy for a researcher to keep focused these days. The problem is not so much telework or the rarefaction of human contacts. The point, rather, is that it is hard to prevent the most creative part of one's mind from returning obsessively to the event that some weeks ago has changed everyone's lives.
March 16, 2020We are fragile but not defenceless: changing is possibleConsiderations on morality and human fragility in the time of the coronavirus, by the philosopher of FBK-ISR Paolo Costa. The good news is that we can do our part and change.
February 18, 2020Never again in class without ICT!How digital teaching has optimized the teaching-learning process
January 8, 2020strategic technology trends in 2020The consultancy firm Gartner has identified ten technologies as protagonists of the year that has just begun
January 2, 2020Are South Tyrol-based companies dreaming of electric cows?What opportunities and what risks does the coming of artificial intelligence bring with it? How will the world of work change in the next ten years? How will these changes affect South Tyrol?
December 16, 2019Using artificial intelligence to design future citiesBruno Lepri's talk at the seventh edition of TEDxTrento: "FOCUS 2039"
December 16, 2019Artificial intelligence, facts and dream, overcoming fearsPaolo Traverso a speaker at TEDxTrento 2019
November 18, 2019“MADE IN FBK” 5G TECHNOLOGY AT B-APCO 2019This year, 5G is at the center of the important international event as far as public safety is concerned. Also FBK has participated with the 5G-ESSENCE project and the 5G-EmPOWER asset
October 28, 2019Artificial intelligence to mitigate the effects of climate changeFondazione Bruno Kessler's researchers talked about how technology can be used to protect the environment at Trentino Clima 2019
October 3, 2019Technologies in education: how to go to the topA report by Nesta Italia and Compagnia di San Paolo discloses engaging experiences on the link between education and technology. The publication is full of case studies useful for designing new learning processes
September 5, 2019Identity and performance in the web societyYoung people, adolescents, digital natives, millennials seem to prefer the connection to the relationship, protecting themselves from the risks that derive from it
September 5, 2019Human-centered artificial intelligenceFondaziobe Bruno Kessler in the "Humane AI" consortium that should outline the European strategy for human-centered artificial intelligence
August 12, 2019The development of AI between environmental sustainability and the impact of MakersInterview with Piero Poccianti, president of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA)
August 9, 2019Medical tourism in Europe, yesterday, today, tomorrowWho are "medical tourists"? And why do they decide not to seek treatment at home? What is medical tourism? How to become an attractive destination in the medical tourism market? To answer these questions we met Enric Mayolas, a Spanish physician, former director of international relations at the Health Department of the Regional Government of Cataluña (Spain), one of the leading experts on the subject.
August 5, 2019Quantum technology for unhackable smartphonesFondazione Bruno Kessler, with the Q@TN laboratory and the QRANGE project, is at the forefront of the new quantum revolution
July 31, 2019A year out of Earth: how a human body can changeScott Kelly spent 340-day in space for NASA's investigation that studied identical twin astronauts. In the meanwhile, his brother Mark stayed on Earth. Christopher Mason, guest of FBK at 2019 MAQC conference, took part in the research by studying the change in genes expression
July 12, 2019Is man an exponential technology?Human beings took millions of years to discover fire and only 70 years to move from the Wright brothers' plane to Apollo 11. Why? In this article, we will try to analyze some factors that have contributed to the human acceleration in recent centuries
July 10, 2019Human + machine, rethinking workThe Italian edition of the book written by Paul Daugherty and James Wilson, and published by Guerini Next is out. The preface is signed by Paolo Traverso, FBK-ICT director
July 3, 2019A leap into complexityHuman brain, highway systems, social networks designed as systems to understand their dynamics and evolutions. CCS/Italy 2019, the first Italian conference in the industry, was held at FBK in Trento
June 19, 2019Smart Altitude: on the slopes for an ever more sustainable winter tourismFBK, Trentino Sviluppo and Funivie Madonna di Campiglio SpA present the first results of the experimentation of new solutions for energy efficiency and sustainability in alpine ski resorts
June 18, 2019The narrow path of artificial intelligenceThe Italian brains behind the world of robots. When it comes to the spread of artificial intelligence in businesses and in the public administration, our country is lagging. But it shines with Germany in research worldwide. This is the snapshot after the study by Ahk Italia and Deloitte
May 20, 2019Circular economy lessonsAdolfo Villafiorita, head of the ICT4Good team at FBK, introduces the E-Mining @ School project, funded by EIT KIC RAW Materials, for students of vocational and high schools in five European countries
May 14, 2019A machine that can recognize emotionsFacial recognition: many uses and just as many problems. "Impactscool Magazine" talked about it with Emoj startup CEO, Luca Giraldi
May 7, 2019Artificial intelligence, transitions, and enabling skillsWe find ourselves within a technological revolution that also represents a wider paradigm shift: an ongoing transition from the present to possible futures. How does human-machine collaboration change? How can organizations benefit?
April 10, 2019SENSAT, the School-To-Work Program on displayCasa della SAT (the offices of the Alps Hikers of Trento Association) is hosting the exhibition that tells about the project of the School-To-Work Program carried out by students and Fondazione Bruno Kessler until June 2
February 13, 2019Online dating: curiosities, strategies and social impactSome think that online dating is not just a starting point to meet new people but mark the end of relationships and love. Data in hand, how much have we changed?
February 11, 2019The Trentino Research System in Russia for the construction of the futureFBK is part of the IsolMAX project that will build and monitor for five years a building designed to withstand extreme weather conditions in Siberia
February 7, 2019China: starting in 2019 AI will be included in high school curriculaThe Chinese government will introduce a book on this topic entitled "Fundamental Principles of Artificial Intelligence" in 40 schools. And how is it going in Italy?
January 28, 2019Hydrogen to store renewable energy: FBK in the HyCARE projectFondazione Bruno Kessler's ARES Unit together with the University of Turin is participating in the program funded by the European Commission
January 22, 2019Riplaid, the first plastic-to-fuel plant is made in TrentinoFrom non-recyclable plastic to Eco Fuel, a fuel oil that meets transportation standards, can be used in existing engines or in industrial plants
January 14, 2019A Trento il progetto formativo “Costruire il futuro” ideato da Piero AngelaSarà realizzato nel corso del 2019 grazie alla collaborazione con la Fondazione Bruno Kessler e l’Università di Trento
January 14, 2019What is a mobile money service? Why is it needed?Mobile Money: Understanding and Predicting its Adoption and Use in a Developing Economy - our recent case study computed 77 features to investigate whether and how past mobile phone behavior is related to the future usage of M-Pesa
December 12, 2018Understanding is good for healthA declaration of intent to build a project of Public Health Literacy
November 19, 2018Education in diversitySchool is structurally a place of inequality: while European classrooms are increasingly diverse, the teacher population remains largely homogeneous and often lacking awareness about their own stereotypes and the multidimensional diversity of their students
November 16, 2018Facebook is using AI to solve some of its problems: here’s howFacebook’s safety in terms of fake news and inappropriate content has been lacking in the past: now, artificial intelligence could help the tech giant to protect its users
November 7, 2018Rare diseases and patients without diagnosis. Geneticist Bruno Dallapiccola in TrentoCoordinator of Orphanet Italia and scientific director of the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital in Rome, Dallapiccola will be the host of CiBio, at Povo, on Thursday, November 8, at 3.00 pm
October 30, 2018India – Italy Technology Summit 2018Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researcher Luigi Crema will be the speaker for Italy on renewable energy at the Technology Summit 2018 scheduled for October 29 and 30 in New Delhi, India.
October 25, 2018Post-Human: Where the Human Being Finishes and Something Else BeginsWhat does it mean to be human? Science fiction has been exploring this question since its inception. With the coming of artificial intelligence, the need to ask real and hard questions becomes more pressing
October 16, 2018SATT2018: the Annual School for Translators Sells Out in Milan as WellHeld for the first time outside our Region, SATT has proven to be an international event for industry experts and translators
September 18, 2018The future of the school is for everyoneAnother school year has just begun, and it seems like a good time to wonder about how the school will evolve in the future. Can technology really help us learn more and better? Which digital tools will we use to study?
September 11, 2018The factory of the future is being designed at the competence centersArticle by Francesco Profumo, FBK President, for GARR NEWS No. 18, July 2018
September 5, 2018Artificial Intelligence Can Reduce Food WastageWe met Felix Wick (Vice President, Data Science in Blue Yonder GmbH) during the EuroSciPy 2018 conference in Trento. We talked about A.I. in the retail market and the importance of Python among all the languages available
August 14, 2018The Quantum Challenges of the FutureBetween revolutionary applications and theoretical problems still unresolved, quantum mechanics is running fast towards new ambitious goals. Above all, quantum computers
August 1, 2018Download your medical records with the new TreC_FSE appTreC users are over 87 thousand. The new application aims to increase the number of users
July 6, 2018Evgeny Morozov on global fight for AI supremacyAt Economics Festival 2018, the Belarusian sociologist, journalist and writer, expert in media and technology, spoke of the ongoing global war between American and Chinese companies for the global hegemony of artificial intelligence, and appealed to EU politics
July 5, 2018QUANTUM @ TRENTO: nuovo laboratorio congiunto fra Università, CNR e FBKObiettivo: conquistare la leadership italiana nelle scienze e tecnologie quantistiche. Aziende e istituzioni di ricerca insieme per attrarre di investimenti e sviluppare nuova tecnologia nell’ambito della flagship europea da 10 miliardi in 10 anni. Il presidente Cnr Inguscio: «Trento da sempre all’avanguardia nel finanziare scienza di frontiera e alta formazione»
July 4, 2018“When the cost of artificial intelligence goes down, extraordinary things will happen”. Interview with Avi GoldfarbPredictive systems, those that with AI allow to anticipate answers about the future, will cost less and will be more and more effective. Avi Goldfarb, professor of Marketing at the University of Toronto, tells us why during the 2018 Festival of Economics.
July 3, 2018600 Researchers together for the new CINI National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent SystemsThe National Inter-University Consortium for Computer Science, CINI, to present the new National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, AIIS on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, in Rome
June 27, 2018Will social media managers be replaced by Artificial Intelligence?For some time now, we have been hearing that Artificial Intelligence will replace most human jobs. However, talking to a hi-tech marketing guru like Guy Kawasaki (former Apple chief evangelist), we had the impression that this was not necessarily the case
June 20, 2018UX Challenge: a design sprint for digital companies in TrentinoThe UX Challenge is a two-day marathon engaging interaction design students, researchers and professionals with the aim to improve the user experience (UX) of applications and software developed by companies.
June 19, 2018Ron Brachman: AI is what you make of itWe met the prof. Ronald J. Brachman at the FBK headquarters during the conference "The pleasure of research in AI", here is his perspective on AI as a long run researcher
May 21, 2018Zero-emission? Let us bring factories back to the citiesIt sounds like a paradox, but according to Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO and scientific director of DFKI, it makes no sense to build future zero-emission production centers if the commuting of workers remains highly polluting
May 10, 2018FBK’s 2017 profit and loss statement approved2017 was a positive year of growth at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, marked by the certification of the excellence of its research by the Anvur evaluation and by an ever increasing investment in projects and partnerships for innovation that saw the start of the joint laboratory with the Poligrafico della Zecca dello Stato and the coming to its Povo premises of the FIAT Chrysler Research Center (FCA).
April 18, 2018FBK joins AIR in quest for better air qualityAIR (Allow Independent Road-testing), the independent alliance set up to improve air quality by promoting independent, on-road vehicle emissions testing, has welcomed the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) as its founding member
April 14, 2018Leadership for innovation in schoolsThe book dedicated to change in schools through the training of teachers and principals and to digital programs was presented at the EDUCA Festival
April 4, 2018Quantum computing is closer than we first thoughtThe transistor happened because of the research and development made for the hearing aid that spawned the computing industry as we know it. So we talked about supercomputers with Jacob Biamonte (Skoltech), trying to see what could the “hearing aid” of quantum computing be and we found out that the impact of this technology will surely be “shocking” and “irreversible”.
March 27, 2018Digital manufacturers: the green revolution starts hereWhat are the sustainable jobs of the future? Why does sustainability become a social obligation for everyone, including small, medium and large companies? Why will the professions of the future have to integrate technical skills - primarily digital - and soft skills with the aspect of care of the ecosystem, an asset that belongs to all and that must be preserved and handed down to those who will come after us?
March 26, 2018The veil in the Islamic world (and outside)In recent years, in particular after the Twin Towers attacks on September 11, 2001, growing attention has been paid to Islam, until then generically associated with sandy dunes and pointed minarets and then increasingly recognized within the Western world as unsuspecting and exotic next door tenant
March 21, 2018Toward 5G for Aircraft CommunicationsThe EIT Digital Innovation project ICARO-EU addresses a new integrated high capacity direct-air-to ground communications system. FBK research center CREATE-NET contributed to the system prototype design and implementation
March 19, 2018The ethics of machinesThe ability to create intelligent machines gives rise to many ethical issues for human beings, some very profound, others more "practical". Here's what we discussed at the "Co.Scienza" festival on March 8 in Trento
March 14, 2018From Iraq to Trentino on the road to artificial intelligenceAhmed Fadhil was born 30 years ago in Mosul, and then moved to a village in southern Iraq. During his teens he had little access to computers or the Internet, but this did not stop him from cultivating a strong passion for research and development of artificial intelligence related software.
February 2, 2018PhD Day at FBK todayLed by director Paolo Tonella, the program for PhD students is run in collaboration with a wide network of Italian and international universities and involves over one hundred students from all over the world.
December 20, 20172018: FBK dedicates the year to Artificial IntelligencePresident Profumo presented the new strategic and business plans, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. A tight 2018 calendar of events, starting with the sixth Bruno Kessler Lecture with Piero Angela
November 22, 2017Trento smart city | online help desk: a new step to simplificationA new portal that allows easy and fast access to local administration services, developed as part of the European Simpatico Project, of which the City of Trento is partner with FBK
November 21, 2017Innovation and society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Can they go hand in hand?The meeting "Artificial Intelligence and Us" hosted at Fondazione Corriere della Sera on November 6, has pointed out that man and machine are not antagonists and that a 'peaceful' existence in the era of artificial intelligence may be possible. As long as it we invest in young people and their training.
November 16, 2017The Bikeconomy in Trentino chosen as Italian testimonial of integrated mobilityBig space at the Bike Forum in Rome. Its three souls, i.e. tourism, integrated mobility and new technology will be represented by Trentino Sviluppo, Trentino Marketing and FBK
November 9, 2017Conversation with Simone Aliprandi: from Open Access to Open Science DataWhat progress has been made? What are the legal (licensing) and technological (standards and repository) tools for profitable dissemination of research data?
October 12, 2017HIT | Tecnologie e imprese si incontrano al Graphene Composite Innovation DayTrento diventa per un giorno centro di negoziazione tra imprese innovative e studiosi del grafene
October 11, 2017Cybersecurity. The Internet of Things.Suggestions from the Future: live innovations from the coming decade. This was discussed at FBK by Riccardo Meggiato, a writer and cybersecurity expert.
September 12, 2017Online daycare enrollment with the “Simpatico” project coordinated by FBKNew opportunity for families in Trento. Intelligent tools that reduce bureaucracy.
September 8, 2017Move. Play. WinOn September 9, 2017, the game "Travel Trento and Rovereto Play & Go" starts and that will last until Friday, March 2, 2018 for a total of 25 weeks
August 24, 2017How to Shield us From Fake News, According to Paolo AttivissimoThe journalist specializing in ICT and well-known fake news "huntsman" has unveiled to an audience of young students the tricks to spot online fake news
July 14, 2017INTERVIEW with Eleonora Barbieri MasiniElisa Cecilli, guest blogger in the FBK Magazine, made an interview with Eleonora Barbieri Masini, on the topic of "futures studies"
June 30, 2017How we would like the internet of the future to be. ROBERTO VIOLA AT THE BRUNO KESSLER LECTUREWhat great opportunities does the Internet offer? What concerns does it raise? How can Europe contribute to the development of a more human being-centered Internet?
June 28, 2017CREATE-NET, A RESEARCH CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF THE FUTUREThe Center is part of Fondazione Bruno Kessler since January 1.
June 22, 2017FABIO REMONDINO, FBK RESEARCHER, FEATURED IN THE NEW SEASON OF THE “SUPERQUARK” TV SHOWOn Wednesday June 21, the new "Superquark" season started on Italy's national public broadcasting network. "A pixel world" is a story about new technological challenges focusing on "photogrammetry"
April 14, 2017What fuels for the mobility of the future?On the occasion of the Trento edition of “Greenweek – Festival della Green Economy” in March, we collected the voices of three experts who testify how increrasingly urgent it is to invest in alternative fuels.
April 11, 2017Alfio Gliozzo: a success story in international researchOn February 20, 2017, during the meeting for the presentation of the PhD program, the researcher from Sicily, FBK doctorate program alumnus, told us about his adventure in the world of artificial intelligence.
April 8, 2017Cyber School: how to tackle the digital revolution togetherHow will the new digital school be? How revolutionary and disruptive will this historic transition be for the school system? Are professors, teachers, and families and students alike - digital natives, reality or myth that we tell ourselves? - prepared to deal with the new challenges of a revolution that not only affects the tools, but requires a new cultural, pedagogical, social perspective?
February 1, 2017The second quantum revolutionComputers thousands of times faster than the fastest PCs available today; gravitational detectors sensitive enough to find a masked dirty bomb; advanced diagnostic equipment (eg. MRI) available at any primary care outpatient clinic. These are just some of the many applications of the new revolution in modern physics: the second quantum revolution.
January 3, 2017Professionals of tomorrow. Which roles will be required in the future?Who will be the professionals of tomorrow? Which roles will be required by a labor market that is constantly changing and an increasingly global scenario, competitive and interconnected? How shall the school be in terms of education, space, tools and curricula to really train the professionals of tomorrow?