November 28, 2024Lab to Market journeys: innovation and impact storiesChallenges, opportunities and inspirations to transform research into an enterprise
June 12, 2024OPEN Trento x3What is meant by open artificial intelligence? Openness in AI not only has to do with the availability of software, but also with key issues such as transparency, reusability and sustainability of systems, while respecting essential ethical constraints imposed by standards.
November 15, 2022Call to participate in UX CHALLENGE 2023 publishedHub Innovazione Trentino's technology challenge that has the university and research world collaborating with companies on the topic of digital interfaces is back
November 14, 2022Health, data processing and European regulationsAn event on the safe and secure exchange, use and reuse of electronic health data held at FBK
March 31, 2021HIT joins EIT MANUFACTURINGThe Trentino system of research and innovation in the main initiative that promotes advanced manufacturing in Europe
December 15, 2020Augmented reality for industrial maintenancePAMA Rovereto adopted an FBK project thanks to HIT and Confindustria Trento Digital Innovation Hub
October 5, 2019Rovereto is the Trentino stage of the 2019 Global ClimathonOn 25 and 26 October, Progetto Manifattura will host the hackaton promoted by Climate-KIC with the aim of developing innovative solutions for the environment. In Trentino the focus will be on the recycling of electrical and electronic waste and on repair
July 4, 2019Il fondo di trasferimento tecnologico “Progress Tech Transfer” ora più vicino alla ricerca e all’innovazione del TrentinoGrazie ad un recente accordo quadro sottoscritto con HIT-Hub Innovazione Trentino, è stato presentato il principale fondo di investimento nazionale sulla sostenibilità ambientale ed energetica
October 31, 2018Hub Innovazione Trentino is launching a PROTO challengeFive finalist companies will compete for advanced software supported mechanical redesigning
November 30, 2017Con HIT anche le imprese high-tech trentine a Slush 2017Chino e 2Aspire partecipano con Hub Innovazione Trentino alla delegazione italiana, presente al più importante evento europeo per le tecnologie digitali
October 12, 2017HIT | Tecnologie e imprese si incontrano al Graphene Composite Innovation DayTrento diventa per un giorno centro di negoziazione tra imprese innovative e studiosi del grafene