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November 30, 2017Con HIT anche le imprese high-tech trentine a Slush 2017Chino e 2Aspire partecipano con Hub Innovazione Trentino alla delegazione italiana, presente al più importante evento europeo per le tecnologie digitali
November 29, 2017Francesca Bria: How to build digital inclusionThe digital initiatives of the city of Barcelona and an interview on the role of digital and social innovation at the present stage
November 29, 2017God’s will for a better lifeFrom Ventimiglia to Taranto together with Biniam: the fourth appointment with the headline on the European governance of migration.
November 28, 2017Hope of belonging: Trento Smart City Week will be back in AprilTrento Smart City Week, an event that stems from the inclusion of Trento in the ranking of the top ten smart cities in the world according to the IEEE ranking, is coming back April 12 through 15. The 2018 edition, like the previous one, stemmed from the joint initiative of five promoters - the City of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the University of trento and the Consortium of the Trentino Municipalities - and the collaboration of many other Trentino-based companies.
November 23, 2017Underwater 3D SurveyingDocumenting, mapping and monitoring the underwater world with photogrammetry
November 22, 2017Trento smart city | online help desk: a new step to simplificationA new portal that allows easy and fast access to local administration services, developed as part of the European Simpatico Project, of which the City of Trento is partner with FBK
November 21, 2017Innovation and society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Can they go hand in hand?The meeting "Artificial Intelligence and Us" hosted at Fondazione Corriere della Sera on November 6, has pointed out that man and machine are not antagonists and that a 'peaceful' existence in the era of artificial intelligence may be possible. As long as it we invest in young people and their training.
November 17, 2017The “City of Electrons” kicks offThe new project for schools designed by FBK aims to create a science text written by kids and intended for their peers. The protagonist of the presentation event was Agnese Sonato of "PLaNCK!" magazine, who explained to students how to move in the difficult terrain of science communication
November 17, 2017Here is the “DNA of Soccer”Marco De Nadai, Ph.D. student with the FBK Mobs Unit, is part of the winning teams of the first hackathon oon Italian soccer in the "Match Analysis" category. The algorithm developed by the researchers makes it possible to represent a dangerous game action through a simple sequence of letters, similar to those characterizing the human genome
November 16, 2017The Bikeconomy in Trentino chosen as Italian testimonial of integrated mobilityBig space at the Bike Forum in Rome. Its three souls, i.e. tourism, integrated mobility and new technology will be represented by Trentino Sviluppo, Trentino Marketing and FBK
November 16, 2017Replicate: 3D rendering and augmented reality with a smartphoneThe project, which makes 3D rendering of objects and environments easy through a simple smartphone, is undergoing experimentation in a number of local settings, including Muse and the Buonconsiglio Castle
November 13, 2017Photonics ExplorersThe project coordinated by the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler was presented at the Galilei High School
November 10, 2017VirtualArch: un progetto europeo per il Monte CalisioFrequentato fin dai tempi più antichi e noto per la sua ricchezza geologica e naturalistica, il Monte Calisio si erge a nord est di Trento, tra l’alta Valsugana e la Val di Cembra. Conosciuto anche come Monte Argentario, il Calisio è al centro di un progetto europeo denominato VirtualArch al quale partecipa anche l’Ufficio beni archeologici della Soprintendenza per i beni culturali.
November 9, 2017Conversation with Simone Aliprandi: from Open Access to Open Science DataWhat progress has been made? What are the legal (licensing) and technological (standards and repository) tools for profitable dissemination of research data?
November 3, 2017The Maritime AlpsStories of rejection and "spaces of exception" at the Italo-French Border
November 2, 2017Archivi digitali per la storia della ShoahLaura Brazzo della Fondazione CDEC ha illustrato le potenzialità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie per l'integrazione delle informazioni