#EIT Digital
November 29, 2019FBK research at EIT Digital Italy’s Innovation Day 2019The Innovation Village featured also digital products and services developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler for industry, cities, wellbeing and finance
October 24, 2018CREEP WINS THE “BEST WORKSHOP PRESENTATION” AWARD AT THE MEETING OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGYThe prize for the best presentation was awarded to the project on the prevention of the effects of cyberbullying, promoted and funded by EIT Digital and coordinated by FBK / TrentinoSalute4.0
March 26, 2018CrowdInsights – how, when and where people move within a cityFBK participates with the I3 Research Unit to help the consortium investigating how people manage urban data in order to design effective and efficient tools
March 21, 2018Toward 5G for Aircraft CommunicationsThe EIT Digital Innovation project ICARO-EU addresses a new integrated high capacity direct-air-to ground communications system. FBK research center CREATE-NET contributed to the system prototype design and implementation
November 29, 2017Francesca Bria: How to build digital inclusionThe digital initiatives of the city of Barcelona and an interview on the role of digital and social innovation at the present stage
October 12, 2017HIT | Tecnologie e imprese si incontrano al Graphene Composite Innovation DayTrento diventa per un giorno centro di negoziazione tra imprese innovative e studiosi del grafene
September 6, 2017Hub Innovazione Trentino nuovo partner della Comunità di Conoscenza e Innovazione di EIT Digital per il cambiamento climaticoIn arrivo nuove risorse dall’Europa per aziende trentine, startup, centri di ricerca ed enti di formazione, con le quali finanziare progetti nell’ambito della Green Economy