May 31, 2018Conclusions: tomatoes at 99 centsThe conclusions of the end of the HEADING "The European Migration Government" curated by Osvaldo Costantini, associate researcher at the Center for Religious Sciences of FBK. Co-author of the article: Daniela Galiè
March 27, 2018From the hotspot to the street. The story of two women from ComorosLast episode of the column by Osvaldo Costantini on the European migration government
February 23, 2018Stories of (induced) marginalityThe dynamics of reception produce illegality and vulnerability that push people to accept to be exploited
January 10, 2018Ventimiglia between official reception and informal waysThe stakes in the dialectic between surveillance and resistance
November 29, 2017God’s will for a better lifeFrom Ventimiglia to Taranto together with Biniam: the fourth appointment with the headline on the European governance of migration.
November 3, 2017The Maritime AlpsStories of rejection and "spaces of exception" at the Italo-French Border
October 4, 2017How Is Europe Governing MigrationDeported, rejected, detained migrants. On the Road survey to get to know the migratory paths that lead to Italy and the open challenges