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May 31, 2018Further recognition for CLIMBThe project participated in the "Sustainable PA Award, 100 projects to achieve the objectives of Agenda 2030", promoted by Forum Pubbilca Amministrazione in collaboration with ASviS
May 31, 2018Conclusions: tomatoes at 99 centsThe conclusions of the end of the HEADING "The European Migration Government" curated by Osvaldo Costantini, associate researcher at the Center for Religious Sciences of FBK. Co-author of the article: Daniela Galiè
May 30, 2018The first experiment in Italy of networked Clean Rooms has been started"It-Fab" is here: a consortium of research INFRASTRUCTURES in the micro and nanotechnology field connected to the EuroNanoLab project, which will significantly increase the chances of accessing projects on a European scale. FBK is part of it together with CNR and PoliMi
May 30, 2018EuroNanoLab: an integration project at European scale for academic nanofabrication centersIn Europe, the academic strengths in nanofabrication are still too fragmented. To make better use of the existing investment, the consortium wants to integrate this research infrastructure around a "central hub", which is its orchestra leader
May 30, 2018FBK at the Festival of Economics with HIT to talk about “technology transfer and business development”The round table discussion will be held on June 1 at 2.30 pm at the School of Laws Aula Magna hall
May 29, 2018“A suon di parole” (“Fighting with Words”: The finals hosted in Trento on Friday, June 1Eighth edition of the debate game at the School of Law as part of the Festival of Economics
May 29, 2018Lifestyles and nutrition: the challenges of the futureProfessor Luigi Fontana illustrated, at FBK, the most effective strategy to keep physical and mental well-being. The ingredients are three: healthy nutrition, physical activity and cognitive training
May 29, 2018LX Study Week on Mediatisation and Mediality of History in the Modern and Contemporary EraThe Italian-German Historical Institute (FBK-ISIG) offers 10 grants to cover board and lodgings expenses for the days of the conference
May 24, 2018Families_share at the 2018 Festival of EconomicsSANTA MARIA MAGGIORE square in Trento to be TRANSFORED for three days IN "A SQUARE THAT GROWS...TOWARDS THE TECHNOLOGY THAT FOSTERS BALANCE"
May 23, 2018AIIC Award to FBK researcher Simona AnzivinoA biomedical clinical engineer, she won the award for the best work on the evaluation of health technologies at the 18th national conference of the Italian Association of Clinical Engineering
May 21, 2018Zero-emission? Let us bring factories back to the citiesIt sounds like a paradox, but according to Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO and scientific director of DFKI, it makes no sense to build future zero-emission production centers if the commuting of workers remains highly polluting
May 21, 2018Piero Angela in Trento for the 2018 Bruno Kessler LecturePeople of all ages have crowded the Teatro Sociale theater in Trento to follow the talk by Piero Angela, protagonist of the Bruno Kessler Lecture, the institutional appointment par excellence of the Foundation
May 16, 2018FBK and Microsoft together for precision medicineFBK presented a major new machine learning project for Precision Medicine that leverages Azure cloud computing capability and a $ 20,000 grant support under the Azure for Research program at the Microsoft Edu Day2018
May 15, 2018Ritorna BOOTSTRAP, il programma HIT per startup high-techDopo il positivo riscontro del primo ciclo, tenutosi nel 2017, HIT propone anche nel 2018 il suo programma di supporto alle nuove imprese tecnologiche dalla ricerca trentina, denominato Bootstrap
May 14, 2018Running an Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Saharan AfricaEmpowering Digital Transformation of Africa by WAZIUP and WAZIHUB initiative - a project coordinated by Open IoT research unit of CREATE-NET center at FBK
May 10, 2018Science at six o’clock: ethical and technological challenges of artificial intelligence and healthA big audience at MUSE for "Would you let a robot treat you?", the fourth event of the "Science at six o'clock" series of meetings, which saw the participation of Giuseppe Jurman from FBK and Carlo Casonato from the University of Trento
May 10, 2018FBK’s 2017 profit and loss statement approved2017 was a positive year of growth at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, marked by the certification of the excellence of its research by the Anvur evaluation and by an ever increasing investment in projects and partnerships for innovation that saw the start of the joint laboratory with the Poligrafico della Zecca dello Stato and the coming to its Povo premises of the FIAT Chrysler Research Center (FCA).
May 9, 2018Would you let a robot treat you?Wednesday, May 9 at MUSE "Science at 6 o'clock" returns: the series of science happy hours featuring researchers from the University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Edmund Mach Foundation and MUSE - with the coordination of the Autonomous Province of Trento - called to discuss with the public on current scientific topics
May 9, 2018Startup and climate change: new call of the Climate KIC Greenhouse Program for innovative ideas with high market potentialRegistration to GreenHouse, the pre-incubation program for students or workers who want to become entrepreneurs and have an innovative idea to curb the effects of climate change, is open. The call for applications closes on May 28, 2018
May 7, 2018Talking about technology, religion and innovationAn interview with researcher Sara Hejazi: Sara was born in Iran and studied in Italy. She is an anthropologist with a focus on religions, gender perspectives and identity construction through body practices and symbols
May 2, 2018When the elevator is not thereDoes school have as its goal the preservation of existing social relationships or inclusion and access to knowledge to "work out" full citizenship?