For a Human-Centered AI


  • January 10, 2025
    An unprecedented budget for Fondazione Bruno Kessler
    For the first time since its establishment, Fondazione Bruno Kessler has exceeded 100 million euros for its budget. The funding obtained will enable FBK to invest in new facilities and people: clean room and young talent are the priorities for the coming years.
  • April 30, 2019
    2018 Financial Statements Approved: FBK Is Growing
    Fondazione Bruno Kessler closes its balance with a profit. The production value goes up thanks to projects funded by grants and companies
  • January 16, 2019
    Mission Report. FBK’s results and their impact on society
    The mission of Fondazione Bruno Kessler is to build a concrete and effective relationship between research of excellence and the demand for innovation that comes from the most diverse sectors of society. The final balance depicts the results achieved and offers all stakeholders an opportunity for discussion based on data
  • May 10, 2018
    FBK’s 2017 profit and loss statement approved
    2017 was a positive year of growth at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, marked by the certification of the excellence of its research by the Anvur evaluation and by an ever increasing investment in projects and partnerships for innovation that saw the start of the joint laboratory with the Poligrafico della Zecca dello Stato and the coming to its Povo premises of the FIAT Chrysler Research Center (FCA).