#big data
September 29, 2024What the weather is going to be like: artificial intelligence for weather forecastingFBK's Elena Tomasi tells Wired Next Fest about the science behind climate studies
July 10, 2024Physics for planning citiesUn gruppo di ricerca di FBK e degli atenei di Trento e Padova ha sviluppato un modello computazionale che riproduce le strutture dei sistemi di trasporto urbano.
October 31, 2023A call for artists to challenge conspiracies with wonderThe European Digital Deal consortium is seeking through its partner Sineglossa an individual artist or collective for a project on disinformation and the fascination of stories. Up for grabs 25,000 euros and an internship at Bologna's Tecnopolo.
July 19, 2022Also FBK and UNITRENTO in the project of the supercomputing centerThe new National Research Center in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, led by INFN has the participation of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and UniTrento among its 51 founding members spread across the country.
March 25, 2022Nowcasting: Artificial intelligence-based short-term weather forecastsClimate change in Italy and Europe is leading to a progressive increase in extreme weather events, with repercussions on all social and economic activities: traffic circulation, tourism, agricultural and industrial production, renewable energy, people's health and safety. Always active in environmental modeling, in the past 5 years FBK has built a dense network of relationships with national and international organizations and companies for the research and development of weather models, in particular for extreme events.
June 10, 2021Big data and non-religionA new paper authored by FBK researchers Dominik Balazka and Bruno Lepri, with the contribution of Prof. Dick Houtman (KU Leuven), sheds light on the possible impact of Big Data on the future development of non-religion studies
November 23, 2020Big data and diseases of the nervous system: APSS and FBK in the NEUROARTP3 projectSharing clinical data in a structured way so as to improve the ability to predict, prevent and treat conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis and brain tumors, reducing their impact on the national health system.
June 30, 2020FBK PARTNERS WITH WHO ON NEW INITIATIVE TO MONITOR COVID-19 INFODEMICS FROM AROUND THE WORLDFBK team of researchers led by Manlio De Domenico will develop a computational platform for interactive monitoring and visualization of COVID-19 infodemic on social media and a report on the global state of COVID-19 infodemic.
May 20, 2019FBK unveils and tests in Venice the latest technologies against floods, fires and extreme weatherI-REACT project marks the end of the research and implementation phase, funded by the European Commission, and inaugurates the breakthrough of the technologies into the market
March 13, 2019FBK-TrentinoSalute4.0 researchers winners of “Milan Critical Care Unit Datathon” 2019From 1st to 3rd February, the first Italian datathon was held at Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan, organised by the European Society of Intensive Medicine (ESICM). The competition was on challenges related to the processing of Electronic Health Records of patients from Intensive Care Units (ICU), published by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
November 7, 2018The Data and Life of Great Future CitiesThe Roca London Gallery is hosting an exhibition, based on Marco De Nadai and MOBS @ FBK research activities. It proposes that, used responsibly, personal data could be the key to better urban design
May 14, 2018Running an Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Saharan AfricaEmpowering Digital Transformation of Africa by WAZIUP and WAZIHUB initiative - a project coordinated by Open IoT research unit of CREATE-NET center at FBK
March 27, 2018Webvalley 2018: blockchain, artificial intelligence and privacyWebValley 2018: over 70 applications from 17 and 18 year-old kids from all over Italy. This year's theme: Machine Learning for Healthcare with Privacy-by-Design
October 24, 2017Big Data in Health. What it is. What it is not. What it is used for.Who generates it? How can it be used in healthcare? What applications are already in place in Trentino, Italy and abroad? Can real-time and predictive analysis really save lives? What are the legal aspects, strengths, needs, future prospects? Friday, October 27, at the FBK Povo location, starting at 2:30 pm, a conference for Healthcare prociders based in Trentino, organized by TrentinoSalute 4.0.