For a Human-Centered AI

Big Data in Health. What it is. What it is not. What it is used for.

October 24, 2017

Who generates it? How can it be used in healthcare? What applications are already in place in Trentino, Italy and abroad? Can real-time and predictive analysis really save lives? What are the legal aspects, strengths, needs, future prospects? Friday, October 27, at the FBK Povo location, starting at 2:30 pm, a conference for Healthcare prociders based in Trentino, organized by TrentinoSalute 4.0.

The workshop entitled “Big data in healthcare – What it is. What it is not. What it is used for” will involve Big Data experts, managers, clinicians and researchers with the goal of discussing about the opportunities that the new IT knowledge in this area offers and build common strategies.

The event, for which invitation is required (but you can follow this link for live streaming), provides for two sessions, with a first session entrusted to experts, and a final round-table discussion dedicated to the debate with some of the players in the Trentino health system.

The talks by the experts will allow participants to understand how Big Data can be used to find faster solutions to problems, to monitor patients’ health and to help doctors identify disease causes, improve diagnosis, treatment, approach to pathologies and keep the spread processes of new epidemics under control.

The meeting will address one of the most sensitive and current topics in this area: privacy. In fact, access to health data allows clinicians to constantly monitor patients, but raises concerns about how to ensure confidentiality, since the technologies used are often not perceived as secure.

The final round-table discussion will be an opportunity to gather operational proposals and new opportunities for further exploration on the topic. This first meeting among industry professionals is in fact one of the goals that TrentinoSalute4.0 has set for the creation of shared value, which, in a field such as digital healthcare, should be generated not only for the specialists but also for the society in which it operates, resulting in tangible benefits to people, the economy and the local area.


More info

What is the Center for Expertise on Digital Health – CCSD / TrentinoSalute4.0 program?

The purpose of Centro di Competenza sulla Sanità Digitale – TrentinoSalute4.0, the Digital Healthcare Expertise Center – TrentinoSalute4.0, is the creation in Trentino of a “shared space” and a “joint laboratory” that will support the development of digital healthcare in the Autonomous Province of Trento through a system approach, in which the initiatives already underway can be coordinated, so as to increase their impact.

The players in this project are the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT), the Province Healthcare System (APSS) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), whose purpose is interinstitutional collaboration as a “meeting point” between the healthcare system, research and the local communities, thus becoming the cohesion tool among the healthcare planning objectives, the innovation needs expressed by the Province Healthcare System (SSP) and the opportunities offered by research and new digital technologies.


For further information


​​​1 st TrentinoSalute4.0 Workshop

Admission upon invitation only. Registration required.

BIG DATA in healthcare – What it is. What it is not. What is it used for

Friday 27 October 2017, 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm

at fondazione Bruno Kessler
Povo (via Sommarive, 18) – “Luigi Stringa” conference hall
live streaming at:

Who is it generated by? What are they? How can they be used in healthcare? What applications are already in place in Trentino, Italy and abroad? What are the legal aspects, strengths, needs, future prospects?

The conference, organized by Trentino Salute 4.0, involves Big Data experts, managers, clinicians and researchers who will answer these questions and will discuss the use of Big Data in healthcare to jointly build opportunities and common strategies.



2.30 pm – Greetings and event opening

Chairman: Stefano Forti, Head of the e-Health Research Unit – FBK

Paolo Traverso, Director of Information and Communication Technology Center – FBK

Luca Zeni, Councilor for Health and Social Policies – PAT

Claudio Dario, Health Director APSS – PAT

Mauro Larcher, Director School for Specific Training in General Medicine (TN)


3.00 pm – Lectures

Introduction to Big Data in Healthcare

Venet Osmani, Senior Researcher High Impact Initiatives (HII) Health and Wellbeing – Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Trends, startups and big players in Big Data

Luca Flecchia, Manager – Data Driven Innovation presso P4I – Partners4Innovation

Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Hospital setting

Riccardo Miotto, Senior Researcher Icahn School of Medicine – Mount Sinai Health System (NY – USA)

Privacy (in healthcare) in the Big Data era: “collect first, ask later”?

Paolo Guarda, Research Associate and Professor School of Law – University of Trento

From Big Data to Personalized Medicine

Cesare Furlanello, Head of the Predictive Models for Biomedicine and the Environment (MPBA) Research Unit – FBK

Big Data and Infectious Diseases

Stefano Merler, Head of the Dynamic Processes in Complex Societies (DPCS) Area – FBK


5.30 pm – Round-table discussion (contribute to the debate: #TS_bigdata)


Paolo Traverso, Director of Information and Communication Technology Center – FBK

Riccardo Miotto, Senior Researcher Icahn School of Medicine – Mount Sinai Health System (NY – USA)

Silvio Fedrigotti, General Manager / Head of Department of Health and Social Solidarity – PAT

Francesco Chiumeo, Vice Director of School for Specific Training in General Medicine (TN)

Claudio Dario, Health Director APSS – PAT

Moderator: Marzia Lucianer, journalist – FBK I TrentinoSalute4.0


6.30 pm – Refreshments





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