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March 30, 2022Wonder and Transformation. Towards a circular healthYet another top-notch expert as protagonist of the event organized by FBK per la Salute
March 30, 20223 Visiting Scientist positions at FBK-ECT* for Ukrainian researchersCandidates are invited to express their interest no later than April 20th, 2022 for the open positions at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK).
March 30, 2022MIMEX testbed in Trento launched at FBKThe new shopping experience environment has been created to validate the actual effectiveness of the applicable solutions. A space with the basic configuration of a store that will facilitate the development of options to be used in different contexts.
March 29, 2022Covid-19: Science or representation?The lectio magistralis delivered by the president of AIFA Giorgio Palù, from a clinical analysis of the virus to infodemic drifts.
March 28, 2022Cryptography: a millennia-long historyWhat trends for the future of Cybersecurity? An introductory lesson with Prof. Silvio Ranise, director of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Cybersecurity Center
March 25, 2022Nowcasting: Artificial intelligence-based short-term weather forecastsClimate change in Italy and Europe is leading to a progressive increase in extreme weather events, with repercussions on all social and economic activities: traffic circulation, tourism, agricultural and industrial production, renewable energy, people's health and safety. Always active in environmental modeling, in the past 5 years FBK has built a dense network of relationships with national and international organizations and companies for the research and development of weather models, in particular for extreme events.
March 21, 2022An FBK sensor for the ultrasound scans of the futureThe device was found to be one of the best in Europe in the Horizon 2020 Position II project
March 17, 2022Care, justice and relational autonomy: how to rethink the ethics of health careThe various forms of polarization of the ethical and bioethical debate
March 17, 2022Law and power in the era of Artificial IntelligenceRisks and benefits of the pervasive use of Artificial Intelligence technologies, especially in the medical field.
March 11, 2022Dear friend… I am not writing to youThe unsustainable side of email and modern ways of communication and digital connection.
March 10, 2022Interview with Mirco Tonin, FBK IRVAPP’s new DirectorStrengthening the culture of public policy evaluation is important. Only by paying attention to mistakes we can learn and also aim to improve our ability to understand reality in order to have a greater impact on society