December 12, 2024Massimo Leone and Mirco Tonin reconfirmed at the head of the FBK-ISR and FBK-IRVAPP research centresI due direttori avranno un mandato triennale
October 28, 2024Mirco Tonin joins the Scientific Panel of the Edufin CommitteeFBK-IRVAPP Director Mirco Tonin, full professor of Economic Policy at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, was recently appointed to the Scientific Panel of the Edufin Committee. We asked him a few questions to better understand how crucial this prestigious appointment is.
January 26, 2024People at the center of artificial intelligenceA growth of 50% in strategic agreements with national companies and 30% in patents and startups through the development of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence, the only tools to face change, now a distinctive daily feature of our time.
January 25, 2024President Ferruccio Resta presented a preview of the 2024-2027 office term plan in Trento.Concrete and measurable goals redefine Fondazione Bruno Kessler's new mission and a new organization to achieve them more effectively.
November 30, 2023The potential of incentivized savings programs in combating education povertyInterim findings of the FBK-IRVAPP evaluation presented at the final conference of WILL "Educating for the Future"
November 29, 2023Gender-based violence: data, culture, contrastThe interview of FBK Magazine to the FBK-IRVAPP director on the hot topic of gender-based violence from the perspective of public policies.
May 30, 2023Evaluation in the service of public policiesInterview with FBK-IRVAPP director Mirco Tonin
January 23, 2023FBK for the National Recovery and Resilience PlanThe section that monitors and provides information on FBK projects for the PNRR is available on www.fbk.eu
October 4, 2022Countering inequalities “by design”A recent FBK-IRVAPP study on assessing the distributional impact of policies in EU countries makes a key contribution to the development of the European Commission's work on addressing inequality.
March 10, 2022Interview with Mirco Tonin, FBK IRVAPP’s new DirectorStrengthening the culture of public policy evaluation is important. Only by paying attention to mistakes we can learn and also aim to improve our ability to understand reality in order to have a greater impact on society