December 16, 2024FBK, Politecnico di Torino, ENEA, Engineering, Fincantieri, Reply, TIM and Tiscali allied for a cloud-to-edge infrastructureItalian industry and research join forces in the leading European project on digital and industrial policy funded by the EU
January 24, 2024Leadership in a context of scientific excellenceFondazione Bruno Kessler is a research and knowledge production organization. By virtue of these identity characteristics, FBK decided to open 2024 with an inspirational talk on the topic of scientific leadership, dedicated to its staff.
December 4, 2023Excellence in research: featuring the scientific achievements of 13 FBK scholarsAmong the most cited researchers in the world (Top 2%) for their publications in science-technology are FBK scholars Binosi, Bovolo, Cimatti, Dapor, Dragoni, Ghulinyan, Magnini, Massa, Perini, Pistore, Remondino, Stock and Strapparava. The analysis, published in Elsevier Data Repository, is based on Scopus data updated to 2022
November 14, 2023The musical frontiers of researchFBK and the Conservatory of Trento strategic partners in knowledge production and dissemination
September 5, 2023Andrea Micheli wins ERC Starting grant for frontier research in AIThe news of the grant from the European Research Council (ERC), Europe's leading body that subsidizes excellent frontier research, came following a highly competitive selection
July 5, 2023Paolo Traverso’s interview with Nello CristianiniA novel and original video dialogue on Artificial Intelligence and its disruptive applications
May 25, 2023President Ferruccio Resta at FBK for first BoD meeting and to meet staffFirst BoD session and first meeting with all staff today at the Povo site for Fondazione Bruno Kessler President Ferruccio Resta, who succeeds Francesco Profumo.
February 10, 2023FBK in the Trentino delegation of companies at the International Festival of Artificial Intelligence WAICF 2023February 9 through 11, the Palais des Festival in Cannes will turn into the world capital of artificial intelligence - a place where all the world's leading companies working on this topic will exchange views through workshops, B2B meetings and conferences. Every year, th event summarizes all the major innovations related to AI in business and beyond.
November 10, 2022Sixty years of Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The future asks us to allow for the communication of scienceWe, at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, celebrated our sixtieth birthday. Since it is an institution and not a person, it would not be an overstatement if we wrote "one thousand" instead of "one hundred of these days."
June 23, 2022Raccontascienza III: twelve new short stories to talk about science to the little onesThe literary contest for scientific short stories organized by the institutes of THERS arrives at the third edition
April 13, 2022Claudio Ferlan is the new editor in chief for Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s MagazineConsiderations on scientific communication and on the new look of the FBK Magazine
March 30, 20223 Visiting Scientist positions at FBK-ECT* for Ukrainian researchersCandidates are invited to express their interest no later than April 20th, 2022 for the open positions at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK).
February 10, 2022Giulia Cencetti appointed “Emerging Researcher” by the Complex System SocietyWe asked her to give us an overview of her work and a reflection on the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science.
September 28, 2021AUSTRIAN-ITALIAN COLLABORATION PROMOTES RESEARCH ON SMART ELECTRONIC BASED SYSTEMSThe Austrian research center Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) and the Italian research institute Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) are launching a bilateral research collaboration to develop methods and processes that increase the dependability of electronic based systems.
January 20, 20212021 at the FBK Center for Religious StudiesISR's research and cultural initiatives go on with the mission of the center always clearly defined in the background
September 13, 2020Generating Counter Narratives against Online Hate Speech: Data and StrategiesHow big is the hatespeech phenomenon online? What effects does it produce? How can we tackle it? What is the contribution of artificial intelligence? Marco Guerini and other researchers at FBK are pushing forward this knowledge frontier
March 24, 2020RISS, the Italian network of Science ShopsThe Italian Network of Science Shops is born: it unites realities which collect and carry on ideas for scientific research proposed by citizens
March 16, 2020We are fragile but not defenceless: changing is possibleConsiderations on morality and human fragility in the time of the coronavirus, by the philosopher of FBK-ISR Paolo Costa. The good news is that we can do our part and change.
December 20, 2019Raccontascienza: ecco il libro che parla di scienza ai più piccoliUn progetto letterario della Fondazione Bruno Kessler per spiegare la scienza ai più piccoli attraverso brevi racconti
October 24, 2019Roberto Battiston in the firmament of AstronauticsThe FBK board member was awarded the Hall of Fame Award by the International Astronautics Federation for contributing to the progress of space science and technology and to the impacts of space for humanity
July 31, 2019A year out of Earth: how a human body can changeScott Kelly spent 340-day in space for NASA's investigation that studied identical twin astronauts. In the meanwhile, his brother Mark stayed on Earth. Christopher Mason, guest of FBK at 2019 MAQC conference, took part in the research by studying the change in genes expression
June 19, 2019Inside Nature: how editors work to select your paperA seminar with Federico Levi, Senior Editor Nature Physics, organized by Manlio De Domenico (Head of Complex Multilayer Networks Research Unit @ FBK) and Nature - International Journal of Science
April 8, 2019“La bottega della scienza”: a special dayCitizens, researchers and schools come together to carry out a scientific research project
September 14, 2018“Being a Researcher is complicated, but I hope it will be my future job” | A Researcher’s StoryGunel Jahangirova comes from Baku (Azerbaijan) and worked in a private company before entering the research world. She's encountered some difficulties in changing, but she's also found many positive aspects
February 16, 2018Thirty Years of Commitment to Responsible Research and InnovationFBK research on artificial intelligence as a demanding and patient practice to keep together technological progress and human development
February 13, 2018When Passion for Technology Can Reach Space | A Researcher’s StoryAndrea Micheli, FBK researcher, has always been passionate about technology. As the first guest of the series "A researcher's story @ FBK", he tells us how a passion can lead us to transcend the boundaries of planet Earth, pushing us further, into Space
October 4, 2017How Is Europe Governing MigrationDeported, rejected, detained migrants. On the Road survey to get to know the migratory paths that lead to Italy and the open challenges
July 11, 2017Better, Faster Detection of AFM1 Contamination in MilkA breakthrough in the dairy industry has been achieved with the development of new high-tech devices for improving quality control, particularly regarding contamination by the fungal toxicant aflatoxin M1 (AFM1)
June 1, 2017Double recognition for the Software Engineering Unit at the Buenos Aires International Conference on Program Comprehension.Best Paper Award and ACM Sigsoft Distinguished Paper Award. The FBK Software Engineering Unit led by Paolo Tonella came back with two prestigious awards from Buenos Aires, where they participated in the twenty-fifth International Conference on Program Comprehension on May 22 and 23.