All news
July 31, 2017Eating little and healthy helps you live longerLuigi Fontana, one of the top world experts in the field of nutrition and longevity, hosted by FBK in May, confirms it.
July 25, 2017Multitemp 2017: Yady Tatiana Solano Correa wins the Best Student Oral Presentation AwardThe RSDE-FBK's PhD student awarded during the last IEEE International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Images (MultiTemp 2017).
July 21, 2017WITH ROBO-summer PLAYING IS LEARNINGFirst edition of the educational robotics lab to bring Elementary School Children to STEM disciplines (Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science)
July 21, 2017FBK’s Center for Materials and Microsystems as Innovation Partner for SMESThe Center for Materials and Microsystems (CMM) of Fondazione Bruno Kessler has been accredited as KETs Technology Center for SMEs. Nationwide, there are only eight accredited centers besides FBK's CMM.
July 19, 2017Strike! Stories of Young People Changing ThingsThe Italian Agency for Family, Births and Youth Policies (APF) and the Demarchi Foundation in collaboration with Trentino Social Tank promote the second edition of the "Strike! - Stories of Young People Changing Things "
July 18, 20173D Buildings for Monitoring and Forecasting Energy UseThe SENECA project (Smart and sustaiNablE City from Above), funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (CARITRO) and led by Fondazione Bruno Kessler's 3D Optical Metrology Research Unit in collaboration with TRILOGIS, an IT company based at the Polo Meccatronica, the mechatronics hub, has been completed.
July 14, 2017INTERVIEW with Eleonora Barbieri MasiniElisa Cecilli, guest blogger in the FBK Magazine, made an interview with Eleonora Barbieri Masini, on the topic of "futures studies"
July 11, 2017Better, Faster Detection of AFM1 Contamination in MilkA breakthrough in the dairy industry has been achieved with the development of new high-tech devices for improving quality control, particularly regarding contamination by the fungal toxicant aflatoxin M1 (AFM1)
July 7, 2017WebValley 2017: the Data Science School Dedicated to Digital Agriculture Wrapped UpFrom June 18, in Val di Non (Trentino), the young participants worked alongside experts and researchers with the aim of creating a new Artificial Intelligence solution to anticipate fruit ripening and quality.
July 6, 2017SenSAT – Fire Sensors Designed by Students in the Trentino Mountain LodgesThe project coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler was presented at the Bindesi - "P. Prati" mountain lodge this morning
July 4, 2017Agreement between FBK, UniTN and the National Institute of Higher Mathematics for Trento Based Cirm SignedThe Center has so far promoted 300 international conferences attended by over 18,000 mathematicians from around the world.
July 3, 2017AUDIENCES, FRUITION, IDENTITIES. SOCIAL HISTORY OF TV IN ITALYThrough diaries, letters, illustrated magazines and oral memories, the historical reconstruction of television audience through the changes of the 1950s and 60s
July 2, 2017e-mrs: best poster of symposium to Francesca MarchettiThe Ph.D. in Physics at FBK 's Center for Materials and Microsystems was awarded the Best Poster of Symposium prize during E-MRS Spring Meeting 2017 and Exhibit.