February 10, 2025Women and Girls in Science: Michela Milano’s journey between mentoring, AI and inclusionThe experience of FBK's Center for Digital Society Director Michela Milano in a conversation with researcher Elena Donini
February 4, 2025SPARKLE project kicks off to bring students closer to STEM subjectsThe innovative program, dedicated to the discovery and exploration of the scientific method, will be coordinated by Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler
November 28, 2024Lab to Market journeys: innovation and impact storiesChallenges, opportunities and inspirations to transform research into an enterprise
May 23, 2024The challenge of the future: beyond rare earths, rare peopleSTEM talent and skills today at the Festival of Economics
February 22, 2024Latest data on science and education in Italy, with a focus on women in stemThird and final round of evidence collected in the 2023 Science, Society and Technology yearbook: in this article we went out in search of some statistics on science education and research in Italy, with a focus on trends for enrollment in various secondary schools, the percentage of graduates by subject area, and girls/women active in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
February 21, 2024AI4EducationA meeting on Artificial Intelligence dedicated to high school teachers, with a focus on scientific research and educational experimentation
April 29, 2022At full throttle with ROOBOPOLIHackaton on Robotics for smart cities organized by University of Trento, FBK, STMicroelecrtronics and Associazione Perlatecnica; in parallel with the IEEE workshop "Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT".