For a Human-Centered AI

SPARKLE project kicks off to bring students closer to STEM subjects

February 4, 2025

The innovative program, dedicated to the discovery and exploration of the scientific method, will be coordinated by Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler

SPARKLE (STEM Practical Activities to Raise Knowledge Learning and Exploration), has kicked off earlier this year. A project selected and supported by the Italian Social Enterprise Digital Republic Fund with support for 767,000 euros and coordinated by Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler, with the aim of promoting knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (abbreviated as STEM) subjects.

Central elements of the innovative program dedicated to middle school students will be the discovery and exploration of the scientific method through laboratory educational activities based on the use of interactive kits containing advanced sensors. The project will also address the ethical aspects of science, the topic of generative AI and gender issues in STEM, with coaching activities to counter stereotypes and strengthen self-esteem.

SPARKLE involves several FBK Centers, as well as three external partners and Middle Schools from 12 school districts (10 in Trentino and 2 in Veneto). In particular, FBK-IRVAPP will be in charge of coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the project; FBK-Sensors & Devices will collaborate in defining the scientific content and creating the educational kits based on innovative sensors; FBK’s Center for Religious Studies and Center for Augmented Intelligence will engage in training on issues related to artificial intelligence and the responsible and ethical use of these technologies. Finally, the FBK Scholars and PhD Program Unit will handle relations with schools.

As for the other project partners, Level Up will take care of the workshop activities based on the interactive kits with advanced sensors; the University of Trento will contribute to the definition of the educational model to promote active learning, teamwork and teaching attentive to aspects of inclusion; and the University of Verona will carry out coaching activities to encourage interest in STEM subjects, correct gender bias in STEM and foster self-esteem building.

Teacher training and kits permanently provided to schools will enable continuity of the project beyond the end thereof. The active involvement of the scientific community at all stages will create a bridge between school and research, providing a motivating educational experience and promoting an informed approach to choosing STEM careers.

The Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (Digital Republic Fund) is a partnership between the public and private social sector (government and the Association of Foundations and Savings Banks-Acri), which moves within the scope of the digitization goals set out in the PNRR and PNC and is fueled by payments from banking foundations, which are granted a tax credit. The Fund selects and supports digital training and inclusion projects for different target populations such as NEETs, women, the unemployed and unemployable, workers at risk of unemployment due to automation, employees, collaborators and volunteers of social economy entities, and middle- and high school students. The goal is to evaluate the impact of the supported training projects and replicate on a larger scale those deemed most effective so that best practices can be offered to the government for use in the development of future national policies.

The school districts involved in the province of Trento are IC Trento 2, IC Trento 3, IC Trento 4, Collegio Arcivescovile, IC Pergine 1, IC Pergine 2, IC Altopiano di Pinè, IC Cles “B. Clesio,” IC Valle dei Laghi- Dro, IC Valle di Ledro while those in the Veneto region are IC Val Liona and IC Palladio.

For more information: [email protected]


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