February 10, 2025Women and Girls in Science: Michela Milano’s journey between mentoring, AI and inclusionThe experience of FBK's Center for Digital Society Director Michela Milano in a conversation with researcher Elena Donini
January 24, 2025“Should we believe in artificial intelligence?”The topic was the focus of a panel discussion organized at Fondazione Bruno Kessler at the conclusion of the REBE research project on January 21
December 4, 2024FBK certified for quality management and information securityTrento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler has obtained certifications for Quality Management (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015) and Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001:2022).
November 14, 2024Complex Systems: Understanding Complexity to Address Global ChallengesComplex Systems Society promotes an interdisciplinary approach to addressing societal challenges: new members include 3 FBK researchers.
November 8, 2024AI at the Edge and Sensors: technological opportunities for sustainable Artificial IntelligenceA discussion among researchers and experts to explore challenges and opportunities of the integration between state-of-the-art microelectronic devices and AI algorithms.
October 9, 2024Michela Milano appointed Director of the Center for Digital Society at FBKMichela Milano, a full professor at the Department of Computer Science, Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna and director of the Interdepartmental Center “Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence,” will lead FBK's Center for Digital Society.
September 29, 2024Orbiting companiesElena Donini tells Wired Next Fest about research in the space field
September 27, 2024Trentino per la Ricerca: eight innovation awards to young FBK researchersThe award to enhance the research and innovation work of young people in the Trentino region
July 10, 2024ENCORE project: An educational platform for customized and motivating training programs, thanks to generative AIThe project will develop an educational platform based on Open educational resources and, through generative AI, will model training programs Based on each student’s characteristics
June 17, 2024Call for the selection of the Director of FBK’s Center for Digital Society publishedThe selection steps for the position of director of the Digital Society research center, dedicated to the new challenges of the digital society of the future, are underway.
April 23, 2024HatedemicsArtificial intelligence for countering online hate speech. European project coordinated by Trento's Fondazione Bruno Kessler to kick off
March 22, 2024Tourism, water and energy: three key elements for sustainabilityMarch 22 marks World Water Day, established by the United Nations in 1992. This year's theme is the link between water and climate change, an issue that deeply engages Fondazione Bruno Kessler's agenda. Let's see how.
February 28, 2024New digital frontiers: the Interlink collaborative environment for increasingly citizen-centered public servicesPublic and private entities, organizations and citizens from six European countries participated in the project coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
February 2, 2024Elena Donini selected visiting scientist by ESA ARCHIVAL RESEARCH VISITOR PROGRAMMEThe FBK researcher has been selected by an independent committee and will be spending a period at ESA in spring-summer 2024. She will develop an advanced method to efficiently select significant radargrams in large archives. The research will be applied to RIME/JUICE and SRS/EnVision subsurface radar space missions in which FBK is involved
January 29, 2024European project revitalises rural areas with smart innovation packagesThe EU-funded project SMART ERA, worth €6.5 million, aims to revitalise rural areas using smart innovation packages to combat depopulation.
December 21, 2023Air-Break, the project under the European Union’s Urban Innovative Actions program, is endingAir quality goes from acceptable to good thanks to the many initiatives put in place by the project partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, City of Ferrara, Deda Next, University of Ferrara, Politecnico di Milano, S.I.P.R.O. Provincial Agency for the Development of Ferrara, Hera Group, Lab Service Analytica.
November 8, 2023Leonardo Lamanna wins an AIxIA 2023 awardLeonardo Lamanna is the 2023 winner of the "Marco Cadoli" neo-doctoral research award.
September 22, 2023Curbing recruitment by cartels is the main way to reduce violence in MexicoStudy to which FBK researcher Gian Maria Campedelli contributed published in "Science".
August 21, 2023Tell me how you play and i’ll tell you who you areBest Paper Award for Antonio Bucchiarone at the 5th international conference on human-computer interactions in games, as part of the HCII 2023 held in Copenhagen on July 23-28
July 25, 2023Climate change and misinformationA study of tweets about the Marmolada tragedy was presented this summer at the SETE Festival in Rovereto. To explore further, we asked Riccardo Gallotti, head of the CHuB Unit at FBK's Digital Society Center, and Veronica Orsanigo, a future doctoral student, a few questions
May 17, 2023The digital twin and the city-as-a-platformREbuild Italia 2023 aw the presentation of the digital twin model for Bologna: an infrastructure that does not merely reproduce the urban fabric but supports its relationships, co-evolves with the city dynamically and is able to predict and anticipate behaviors and transformations occurring in the real world, supporting decision-makers' analysis thanks to a representation that is both concise and comprehensive, taking into account the complexity and mutual influences among various urban systems.
May 8, 2023Artificial intelligence for urban securityFBK and the City of Trento are partners in three EU-funded international projects aimed at improving the protection of public spaces.
May 6, 2023The biggest challenge for generative AI? Education!Held as part of Wired Next Fest Trentino 2023, "The Rules of the Perfect Algorithm," a diascussion between Marco Guerini, head of the FBK LanD research unit, and Lorenzo Cella, software engineer known to most as the creator of PizzaGpt.
May 6, 2023Algorithms against fake newsArtificial intelligence as a valuable ally for press and fact-checkers in promoting truthful and accurate information
March 31, 2023Artificial Intelligence: Tango guides the revolutionThe new EU-funded project that will kick off in autumn 2023, with 21 partner organisations from 9 countries across Europe, is set to develop a new generation of human-centric AI systems and to strengthen the leadership of Europe in this area
March 23, 2023Reducing the spread of contagions with targeted hygiene in crowded environmentsFBK has collaborated on a scientific study published in Nature Communications
March 8, 2023AI4TRUST: Artificial intelligence to reduce online disinformationFake news is a big challenge for society, and artificial intelligence can help. The European project will improve factchecking by testing new methodologies and tools and automatically analyzing text, audio and video sources in 7 different languages
February 9, 2023Destination: GanymedeThe European probe JUICE is set to be launched from Kourou Space Base in French Guiana in the second half of April. Mission goal: to reach Jupiter's orbit in seven years and study its icy moons. The Bruno Kessler Foundation (with the research group coordinated by Francesca Bovolo) is among the partners in the UniTrento-led project.
January 23, 2023FBK for the National Recovery and Resilience PlanThe section that monitors and provides information on FBK projects for the PNRR is available on www.fbk.eu
December 20, 2022INTERLINK Project – the presentation of the results achieved in the first two years was held in RomeThe goal of the project coordinated by FBK is to overcome the barriers that prevent administrations from reusing and sharing services with citizens by developing a new model of collaborative governance.
December 14, 2022The first center for computational social sciences in TrentoA new Center has stemmed from the collaboration between Fondaziione Bruno Kessler, the departments of Sociology and Social Research, and of Economics and Management at UniTrento. Smart cities, changing work, and strategic management of public data: the collaboration between information technology, statistics, and social sciences provides support for decision-making.
December 13, 2022Francesco Weikmann wins a prize promoted by the United Nations and the European CommissionThe software developed, which enables the involvement of citizens to improve data collection on urban cycling, came in second at the Open Source Software for Sustainable Development Goals – Sustainable Cities & Communities (OSS4SDG) competition organized by the EU and the UN
November 25, 2022STOP ONLINE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENStandByMe european projects aim at countering online Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) via youth actions in Italy, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and the rest of Europe.
September 14, 2022AI for banks: new tools for business growth in the FBK and Dedagroup Business Solutions research projectAccelerating territorial development and business growth is the goal of the AIAAA project, which capitalizes on the experience and assets developed in the Co-Innovation Lab in which FBK and Dedagroup collaborate to develop Open Data and Open Services.
August 23, 2022FBK and Extended PartnershipsThe results of the call on the Extended Partnerships of the MUR, based on the PNRR, have rewarded FBK, protagonist of 5 proposals among those that have passed the first selection, dedicated to 14 topics of national interest.
July 13, 2022Designing innovative teaching: the ENCORE project is kicking offCoordinated by the University of Pisa, it involves European universities, institutions and companies. FBK is among the partners of the initiative thanks to the contribution of Antonio Bucchiarone (MoDiS) and Gianluca Schiavo (i3)
June 23, 2022“KIDS GO GREEN”, small steps in sustainable mobility1800 kids participated in the project for elementary schools in Trentino coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
June 9, 2022Complexity Article of the Year 2021 for an FBK paper on Adaptive Urban Policy-Making"Complex Urban Systems: Challenges and Integrated Solutions for the Sustainability and Resilience of Cities" is the title of the awarded paper, published in Complexity - special issue "The Complexity of Mobility and Human Dynamics in Cities", and coauthored by Riccardo Gallotti, leader of the Complex Human Behaviour Lab @ FBK Digital Society Center.
May 23, 2022“Can che ha bias non morde?”In the new episode of Radio FBK, an interesting conversation about the relationship between discriminations and technology. Protagonists of the dialogue, Luisa Bentivogli and Marco Guerini, respectively Researcher of the Machine Translation unit of the Digital Industry Centre and Head of the Language and Dialog Technologies Research Unit of the Digital Society Centre.
May 13, 2022The visit of the German Ambassador Viktor Elbling to FBKViktor Elbling, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Italy, visited the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento, accompanied by the Honorary Consul of the German Federal Republic for the Trentino-Alto Adige Region, the lawyer Gerhard Brandstätter. They were welcomed by Francesco Profumo, the President of the Foundation, the Secretary General Andrea Simoni and the Director of the Italian-German Historical Institute (FBK-ISIG) Christoph Cornelißen
May 11, 2022No more news, let’s focus on informationHere come the Radio FBK podcasts: the Research you don't expect
April 28, 2022Call for PhD Programme in Information Engineering and Computer ScienceWithin the Doctoral Programme on "Information Engineering and Computer Science" at the University of Trento there are 12 scholarships on reserved topics by Fondazione Bruno Kessler
April 27, 2022“BIKE2WORK – A Shift Towards Sustainable Mobility” @ SMARTGREENS 2022The FBK researcher Antonio Bucchiarone presented the case study at the International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. The project, in collaboration with Dedagroup Public Services, is part of a larger initiative, "AIR BREAK- Co-producing healthy clean commuting air spots in town", with a focus on Air quality for the city of Ferrara.
April 8, 2022Responsible Artificial IntelligenceImages and privacy of citizens in a Smart City. FBK participates in the MARVEL European project
April 5, 2022Playful learning for SustainabilityThe FBK - DIGITAL SOCIETY Research Center is committed to promoting sustainable lifestyles through mobility choices and reuse, reduce and recycle practices. To do this, it develops applications and playful learning programs for schools and local communities
February 10, 2022Giulia Cencetti appointed “Emerging Researcher” by the Complex System SocietyWe asked her to give us an overview of her work and a reflection on the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science.
January 26, 2022Living in a pandemicA study conducted by researchers from Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Cnr-Isti, published in Scientific Reports, analyzed changes in daily routines and the ability to adapt to precautionary measures following the outbreak of COVID-19.
December 27, 2021The “AI-TN” project – Artificial Intelligence at Trento is hereWith an additional act, the Province of Trento has allocated 1.2 million to FBK for the new "AI-TN" project aimed at carrying out activities in connection with artificial intelligence, including activities in collaboration with the University of Trento.
November 12, 2021Deep Gravity: the algorithm that explains how people travelFondazione Bruno Kessler, with the CNR Institute of Science and Information Technologies and the Argonne National Laboratory in the U.S., has developed an artificial intelligence-based algorithm, capable of predicting and explaining mobility flows in detail. The study has been published in Nature Communications
October 15, 2021Mattia Antonino Di Gangi’s excellence path in machine translation awardedThe Best Thesis 2020 award of the EAMT European association went to the former doctoral student of the machine translation team at Fondazione Bruno Kessler
September 14, 2021We grow by experimentingParents keep collaborating to offer multidisciplinary informal education opportunities at the Foundation
July 6, 2021I is another meSilvio Ranise, director of the FBK Cybersecurity center, tells how the issue of digital identity is current and in constant evolution, between the duty to protect our privacy and the duty to facilitate our life.
June 15, 2021More maps for everyoneThe "Trento Time Travel Maps" project of the FBK Digital Society Center provides citizens with a series of urban maps to understand how the city has changed from the 19th century to today
May 14, 2021Tackling cyberbullying through innovative monitoring and educational technologiesCoordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union, the KID_ACTIONS project is running from January 2021 to December 2022.
May 13, 2021Reusable, secure and trustworthy AI solutions in the Network EdgeFondazione Bruno Kessler coordinates AI@EDGE, one of the 9 research projects retained from the 81 proposals submitted to the European Commission in response to the 5G-PPP ICT-52-2020 call: 5G-PPP Smart Connectivity beyond 5G. The project, started in January 2021, lasts 3 years and involves 19 partners among industries, universities and research institutes from 8 countries.
May 3, 2021Attention to safety, high precision, low power: the first products from the Janus project are making it to the marketSocial distancing and workplace safety: these are the main applications for businesses and communities that the Janus “two-faced” system, created in the laboratories of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento, provides.
March 26, 2021Dyslexia: the power of reading aloudReading aloud, assisted by a technology that "captures" the reader's attention on the written word, allows children with dyslexia to increase their comprehension of a text. This is what emerges from a study, the result of the collaboration between the Bruno Kessler Foundation and the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento, which involved 40 boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 years, half diagnosed with dyslexia and the other half with typical reading skills. With “Gary,” an average 24% improvement in reading comprehension scores is possible
March 15, 2021New study reveals the effects of digital tracing in combination with other non-pharmaceutical interventions on the control of the Covid-19 pandemicThe work, the result of a collaboration among the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Isi Foundation - Turin, the University of Turin and other foreign research institutes, has been published in the authoritative journal Nature Communications. The results analyze in which cases isolation strategies and digital contact tracing via app can help contain re-emerging outbreaks
March 9, 2021Surprise: Bots are less central than verified accounts during contentious political eventsThe new scientific paper by Manlio De Domenico (FBK) has been published on PNAS. Very different information ecosystems emerge in terms of prevailing news sources when comparing social media with the web
February 26, 2021Released the full version of COVID19 INFODEMIC OBSERVATORY by FBK CoMuNe LabWith many new features, a freely and user friendly platform to independently conduct a number of analysis for which at the moment there is no other online resource available
February 5, 2021From code to market: Network of developers and correlated returns of cryptocurrenciesCode has become an important societal regulator that challenges traditional institutions, from national laws to financial markets. A new research paper, coauthored by FBK researchers Lorenzo Lucchini and Bruno Lepri, has been published on Science Advances
February 2, 2021Dedagroup Public Services and Fondazione Bruno Kessler together for the development of INTERLINK — a European Open Innovation projectThe INTERLINK 3 - year project aims at creating and enabling new digital collaborative governance models centered on the citizen's needs. The international team is carrying out tests in three Administrations: the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the Latvian Ministry for Regional Development and the City of Zaragoza.
February 2, 2021Digital society: FBK wins 7 European projects in 2021Thanks to the application of artificial intelligence and 5G technology, innovation will be pushed in various areas of society such as urban security, cyberbullying prevention, PA digitization, cultural heritage enhancement. The funding amounts to almost 3 million euros
January 28, 2021Identification of therapeutic targets and drug repurposing against Covid19 based on proteins, diseases, drugs, and symptoms network analysisNetwork medicine aims at using networks to uncover patterns in diseases and use them to understand their biology and propose new drugs.
January 22, 2021Unraveling the hidden organisation of urban systems and their mobility flowsPublished on EPJ Data Science the Open Access new scientific paper authored by the FBK - CoMuNe Lab researchers Riccardo Gallotti, Giulia Bertagnolli and Manlio De Domenico
December 30, 2020A new organization for the Bruno Kessler FoundationStarting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.
December 15, 2020FBK researchers among the most cited in the worldWe highlighted the scientific results of Francesca Bovolo, Alessandro Cimatti, Manlio De Domenico, Paolo Massa, Fabio Remondino and Carlo Strapparava. The Scopus data analysis was published in the international journal Plos Biology
November 16, 2020PapyGame: teaching programming turns into a gameThe platform, to which Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researchers contributed, received the award for best software at the MODELS 2020 International Conference
October 2, 2020New research paper on Autonomous Shuttles has been published on IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems journalFBK contributes to the research with the proposition of the Autonomous Shuttles-as-a service (ASaaS) concept as a pillar for the realization of innovative and sustainable proximity mobility
August 27, 2020Gamification, a hi-tech antidote for ADHDFrom the US, a new recipe to contain hyperactivity and low attention.
March 3, 20205G brings doctors closer to peopleLong distance surgeries, connected ambulances, faster and more precise apps are some of the innovations brought by this upcoming network technology
December 16, 2019Using artificial intelligence to design future citiesBruno Lepri's talk at the seventh edition of TEDxTrento: "FOCUS 2039"
November 18, 2019“MADE IN FBK” 5G TECHNOLOGY AT B-APCO 2019This year, 5G is at the center of the important international event as far as public safety is concerned. Also FBK has participated with the 5G-ESSENCE project and the 5G-EmPOWER asset
October 9, 2019Inside the game engineWith the help of our researcher Antonio Bucchiarone, we look into the model on which the gamification of many FBK projects on smart communities are based. The study was presented during the Models Conference 2019 which was held in Munich in September
October 5, 2019Rovereto is the Trentino stage of the 2019 Global ClimathonOn 25 and 26 October, Progetto Manifattura will host the hackaton promoted by Climate-KIC with the aim of developing innovative solutions for the environment. In Trentino the focus will be on the recycling of electrical and electronic waste and on repair
September 20, 2019The architects of the future at the Trento Smart City WeekIn a “smart” version of Piazza Duomo, the children of the 5th grade of the Vela elementary school (TN) met with FBK researchers to imagine how the city of tomorrow could be
September 5, 2019Human-centered artificial intelligenceFondaziobe Bruno Kessler in the "Humane AI" consortium that should outline the European strategy for human-centered artificial intelligence
September 4, 2019FBk research and projects meet the community at Trento Smart City WeekLabs, seminars and workshops to get to learn more about the work of researchers and the solutions developed to enhance the quality of life of citizens
June 6, 2019FBK CREATE-NET awarded at INFOCOM 2019The work on connected vehicles of the FBK CREATE-NET WiN Unit wins the Best Demo Award at the International Conference on Computer Communication
March 29, 2019FBK paper awarded with honorable mention at the International Conference on Human-Computer InteractionThe study on the use of technology in the Piedibus Smart project by the FBK researchers will be awarded in May at the CHI (Computer Human Interaction) 2019 international conference
November 23, 2018The 5G-CARMEN. A digital corridor for the mobility of the future is kicking offFunded with € 18.5 million, the mobility project based on 5G technology concerns the "Bologna to Munich corridor" and is coordinated by Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The kick-off meeting was held on November 21st and 22nd in Innsbruck, Austria.
September 5, 20185G-CARMEN: a digital corridor for the mobility of the futureThe mobility project based on 5G technology has received funding for 18.5 million euros. It will concern the "Munich-Bologna corridor" and will be coordinated by Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler
March 21, 2018Toward 5G for Aircraft CommunicationsThe EIT Digital Innovation project ICARO-EU addresses a new integrated high capacity direct-air-to ground communications system. FBK research center CREATE-NET contributed to the system prototype design and implementation
February 26, 2018FBK takes part in Mobile World Congress 2018The Foundation will be contributing to the global summit of experts in mobile devices and industry technologies, with the presentation of the "Munich-Bologna 5G Corridor" and "City Sensing Living Lab" projects
December 12, 2017FBK-Create-Net awarded at the IEEE CNSM 2017 conferenceThe FUN - Future Networks Research Unit paper won the Best Student Paper at the prestigiousInternational Conference on Network and Service Management organized by the IEEE association.
September 8, 2017Move. Play. WinOn September 9, 2017, the game "Travel Trento and Rovereto Play & Go" starts and that will last until Friday, March 2, 2018 for a total of 25 weeks
July 18, 20173D Buildings for Monitoring and Forecasting Energy UseThe SENECA project (Smart and sustaiNablE City from Above), funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (CARITRO) and led by Fondazione Bruno Kessler's 3D Optical Metrology Research Unit in collaboration with TRILOGIS, an IT company based at the Polo Meccatronica, the mechatronics hub, has been completed.
June 19, 2017FBK AMBASSADOR OF INNOVATION AT CAGLIARI ‘S G7 ON TRANSPORTATION WITH THE “CLIMB” PROJECT ON CHILDREN’S INDIPENDENT MOBILITYIt is one of the seven good practices, selected by a scientific committee of more than 400, that will be representing Italy in Cagliari, during the "Transportation G7"
May 9, 2017The smart “Piedibus” (walking bus) becomes a game to walk across the worldThanks to the collaboration of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, technology supports sustainable mobility
December 19, 2016RF-MEMS technology for 5G applications at CMM-FBKThe upcoming 5G mobile standards will pose challenging demands on hardware components, requiring very boosted performances in terms of high-frequency and wideband operability, low-losses, high-linearity, and so on. The RF-MEMS technology developed at the MST unit of CMM-FBK was recently demonstrated up to 110 GHz, and is a promising candidate to meet the 5G challenges.
October 15, 2016ICSOC2016 Best demo Award goes to FBK researchersA great recognition for the FBK-DAS research unit, headed by Annapaola Marconi, that in October 2016 won both the "Best Demo Award" at the 14th International conference on service oriented computing, held in Banff (Alberta - CA).