DIGITAL MAGICS to launch “Magic mind”
Digital Magics S.p.A., the leading business incubator in supporting startups in the digital and tech sector -with its services for the empowerment and acceleration of projects from conception to IPO-, on the strength of its experience and established role as a builder of advanced business ecosystems, is further expanding the scope of its activity as an anticipator of tech trends and partner for innovation by creating MAGIC MIND.
MAGIC MIND is the first three-year acceleration program aimed at the most advanced frontier of technology innovation: artificial intelligence.
MAGIC MIND aims to be the leading European AI accelerator intended to drive the development of AI solutions in numerous sectors including: healtcare, transportation, cybersecurity, and marketing.
“We are ready to bet and invest”- said Gabriele Ronchini, co-founder and CEO of DIGITAL MAGICS S.p.A.- “on the most promising startups in the field of Artificial Intelligence together with our partners, the excellence in the innovation ecosystem, who, like us, have accepted the challenges of the market with enthusiasm.Artificial intelligence is the strategic horizon not only for product and process innovation, it is first and foremost the ecosystem in which business, services, human activity as a whole will develop and organize. A market that in Italy is worth 380 million euros and has doubled in two years: the numbers are on our side and confirm that this is the right time to invest in AI. As a Digital Magics group, we flank and support talent in the development and growth of companies with very high technological potential.”
In the vision of Digital Magics S.p.A., which has always worked to transform the ideas of the future into the business of the present, MAGIC MIND will be a continental benchmark for the application of AI through the creation of a full-cycle platform to promote a diverse network of cutting-edge companies capable of bringing, as leaders and innovation drivers, new products and services to the global market.
“We have taken up the challenges of the Artificial Intelligence market, together with the companies in our area, and launched Magic Mind,” said Maria Imbesi, Program Director for MAGIC MIND, “an acceleration program that aims to create value for the entire ecosystem. Our vision is to create the European benchmark for the sector. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, the competence of companies can be fundamental to bring startups’s ideas to the market. To create a platform that strengthens Italy’s position in the artificial intelligence market aimed at fostering innovation and realizing a diversified network of cutting-edge companies with enormous potential for growth and the ability to transform the current scenario, bringing deep technical expertise, thanks also to highly qualified teams, that will enable them to propose new products and services to global markets. Our experience, working closely with startups, has enabled us to understand their needs, and one of them is precisely discussion with companies, which are the first users of their models. Therefore, together with our partners we aim to seek not the perfect solution but the one that is most suitable for the market and consumers.”
The MAGIC MIND Program targets startups that have highly innovative projects, focused on AI as a driver for development, in the areas of enterprise software (robotic process automation, intelligent document management, predictive and optimization systems, quality control), healtcare (diagnosis, treatment, clinical research and pharmaceutical training), marketing (content generation, data analytics), cybersecurity (user behavior analysis, threat detection, risk analysis, identity verification, access management) of logistics and transportation (autonomous driving, warehouse automation, smart roads and logistics hubs, demand forecasting).
MAGIC MIND can also count on a series of partners of international importance that will also make it possible to implement the projects that will be selected and support the entire acceleration process. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo will be an ecosystem partner. Corporate partners will be: IBM, Exprivia, Bricoman, Dentons, SCAI Group, Angelini Ventures, IC Infocamere.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence will be technical partners in the initiative.
MAGIC MIND will offer six pillars on which selected startups can grow their project into an advanced business: up to 90,000 euros of initial investment in a combination of cash and services, more than 20 locations in the heart of Milan, pathways to market access through roundtables with program partners, more than ten additional partner-sponsored services, up to 120,000 euros of funding for graduates selected by the program, end2end support on business products, investments.
The preliminary phase of MAGIC MIND will kick offon October 4, 2022 with the opening of the call. Bootcamps will take place from October 17, 2022 to January 19, 2023, during which selected startups will have the chance to explain their projects in detail. On February 8, 2023, the pitch day and the start of the acceleration program for projects will be held, which will close on May 24, 2023.
DIGITAL MAGICS S.p.A. listed on Euronext Growth Milan (symbol: DM), is a business incubator that supports startups in the digital and tech world with services for the enhancement and acceleration of business. Digital Magics, Talent Garden and Tamburi Investment Partners have created the biggest national innovation hub for MADE IN ITALY DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, offering support to innovative start-ups for creating successful projects, from conception to IPO. Digital Magics has always been a partner of top companies with its Open Innovation services, creating a synergistic bridge between companies and digital start-ups. Incubation and acceleration services by Digital Magics are active on Talent Garden coworking campuses throughout Italy. Complementary to services are investment activities, which over the years have produced a portfolio of over 90 investments in start-ups, scale-ups and digital spin-offs with high growth rates.
– DIGITAL MAGICS press release: October 4, 2022 –