January 31, 2025InnovAction: supporting SMEs for digital and green transformationFBK supports the Twin Transition of Italian companies through a consortium with innovative services and dedicated funding.
January 27, 2025Do you take care of your cyber hygiene?Tips from the Center for Cybersecurity on the Data Protection Day
January 7, 2025December 2024: The FBK projects making headlinesAn overview of FBK's innovative projects covered by the media in the past month: from sports to healthcare, cloud platforms and artificial intelligence for the future of Europe.
December 16, 2024FBK, Politecnico di Torino, ENEA, Engineering, Fincantieri, Reply, TIM and Tiscali allied for a cloud-to-edge infrastructureItalian industry and research join forces in the leading European project on digital and industrial policy funded by the EU
December 4, 2024FBK certified for quality management and information securityTrento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler has obtained certifications for Quality Management (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015) and Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001:2022).
September 27, 2024Trentino per la Ricerca: eight innovation awards to young FBK researchersThe award to enhance the research and innovation work of young people in the Trentino region
September 27, 2024The culture of cybersecurityFBK researcher Giada Sciarretta's talk at the Wired Next Fest in Rovereto
July 8, 2024Regulating and learning about Artificial Intelligence through the challenges of deepfakesRegulating AI is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a balanced approach.
April 4, 2024The CLEANSE Lab – CLoud Native ApplicatioN Security is hereFBK and DEDAGROUP have created a new Co-Innovation Lab dedicated to Cybersecurity.
July 12, 2023Trends & Digital IdentityVideo interviews of SACMAT and TDI's local scientific committee, the director and researchers of FBK's Center for Cybersecurity.
May 26, 2023E-Wallet: the Italian experimentation of the EU digital wallet to start from the Autonomous Province of TrentoThe project was presented, that sees the area of Trento at the center of the tests for the implementation of the European Digital Identity Wallet conducted by PagoPA - based on the IO app experience - in cooperation with Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, today guests of the HIT Foundation at the Trento Festival of Economics.
May 10, 2023Bit armiesSilvio Ranise, director of FBK's Center for Cybersecurity and professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento, was among the speakers at #WNF23 and talk about cyber attacks and their effects in the real world. Riccardo Meggiato, consultant in digital forensics and cybersecurity, discussed with him
May 8, 2023Artificial intelligence for urban securityFBK and the City of Trento are partners in three EU-funded international projects aimed at improving the protection of public spaces.
January 23, 2023FBK for the National Recovery and Resilience PlanThe section that monitors and provides information on FBK projects for the PNRR is available on www.fbk.eu
December 16, 2022Cybersecurity: the agreement between FBK, University of Trento and Confindustria Trento for an ecosystem of international standingHelp companies learn about, understand and address new cybersecurity threats. Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Confindustria Trento sign the Memorandum of Understanding.
October 6, 2022A brand new digital platform for fairsTOFANE is a research project funded by the autonomous Province of Trento whose aim is the creation of a state-of-the-art platform for providing services for fairs based on localisation of visitors and assets. With the double goal of enriching the visitor experience of a given event and providing added value services for the exhibitors and the fair organization.
August 23, 2022FBK and Extended PartnershipsThe results of the call on the Extended Partnerships of the MUR, based on the PNRR, have rewarded FBK, protagonist of 5 proposals among those that have passed the first selection, dedicated to 14 topics of national interest.
August 11, 2022Four European projects for energy transition in TrentinoFBK obtains Horizon Europe funding for NEVERMORE, FLEXIndustries, InCUBE and COMUNITAS
April 13, 2022Strategic agreement between FBK and ITALIT: artificial intelligence to the benefit of PAMemorandum of understanding within the Digital Transformation for Public Administration with focus on AI and Blockchain signed.
March 28, 2022Cryptography: a millennia-long historyWhat trends for the future of Cybersecurity? An introductory lesson with Prof. Silvio Ranise, director of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Cybersecurity Center
December 27, 2021The “AI-TN” project – Artificial Intelligence at Trento is hereWith an additional act, the Province of Trento has allocated 1.2 million to FBK for the new "AI-TN" project aimed at carrying out activities in connection with artificial intelligence, including activities in collaboration with the University of Trento.
July 6, 2021I is another meSilvio Ranise, director of the FBK Cybersecurity center, tells how the issue of digital identity is current and in constant evolution, between the duty to protect our privacy and the duty to facilitate our life.
December 30, 2020A new organization for the Bruno Kessler FoundationStarting from January 1, 2021, the statute of FBK has changed: there are now 6 new Research Centres and a Management dedicated to Marketing and business development will be soon inaugurated.
October 2, 2020FBK has chosen who will lead the new Research CentersCimatti will lead the digital industry center, Crema the one for sustainable energy, Pistore the one for the digital society and Ranise the one for cybersecurity. As for health, there will be three new centers: health and wellness services will be entrusted to Forti, health emergencies to Merler and artificial intelligence for health and well-being to Ghidini.
November 7, 2018DECENTER, a joint EU-South Korea research and innovation projectThe goal is to build advanced cloud platforms to enhance Artificial Intelligence applications
October 11, 2017Cybersecurity. The Internet of Things.Suggestions from the Future: live innovations from the coming decade. This was discussed at FBK by Riccardo Meggiato, a writer and cybersecurity expert.
May 29, 2017Daniel Ricardo Dos Santos talks about his experience in the SECENTIS European Industrial DoctorateI was looking for a great mix of leading academic research and industrial application
February 4, 2016IT security: a school for young researchers at FBK in TrentoCyberspace attack and defense. Privacy of personal information. Web application security. These and others are the main topics of the winter school organized February 8 to 12, 2016 at the Center for Information and communication Technology (FBK-ICT) at Povo, on the hills sorrounding Trento.