December 2024: The FBK projects making headlines
An overview of FBK's innovative projects covered by the media in the past month: from sports to healthcare, cloud platforms and artificial intelligence for the future of Europe.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler proved once more to be a protagonist on the technology and science scene thanks to initiatives that have been covered in numerous in-depth reports in the national press over the past month. The projects presented reflect FBK’s commitment to finding innovative and concrete solutions to the challenges of contemporary society.
Prominent among them is 5VREAL, a project that integrates artificial intelligence and 5G to transform the world of volleyball, improving both the technical preparation of athletes and coaches and the fan experience. In the field of healthcare, artificial intelligence is opening up new possibilities to optimize doctor-patient communication, simplifying administrative tasks and enhancing the human relationship in care.
On the European level, FBK strengthens its position with the IT4LIA AI Factory project, which places Italy among the leaders in advanced artificial intelligence research, and with the IPCEI project, geared toward developing an innovative and interoperable Cloud and Edge ecosystem.
Artificial intelligence takes the field in volleyball
Ansa reported on the 5VREAL project that saw the collaboration of Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s Technologies of Vision – TeV unit together with the Free University of Bolzano, Vodafone Italia, Small Pixels and EMG Italy. This project combines 5G and Artificial Intelligence to improve technical analysis and the sports experience, from the playing fields to the TV broadcast.
Using real-time video analytics, 5VREAL provides advanced tools for coaches and athletes, who can immediately access detailed data on position, speed, and game trajectories, improving technical preparation. Live statistics, interactive graphics, and technical insights expand the viewing experience, making every match unique for fans.
Artificial intelligence now analyzes volleyball matches – Ansa – 3 December 2024 | https://www.ansa.it/trentino/notizie/2024/12/02/lintelligenza-artificiale-ora-analizza-le-partite-di-pallavolo_381558a8-c5e5-439f-97e3-54ee9ee371db.html
Improving doctor-patient communication thanks to AI
An article in Corriere della Sera’s health column explores how artificial intelligence can improve the relationship between doctor and patient. Communication, a crucial element of the care relationship, is affected by limited time and resources: tools such as speech recognition systems can transcribe conversations and organize information, simplifying paperwork and allowing physicians to focus on the patient.
Already used in some U.S. settings, these systems aim to improve efficiency and reduce misunderstandings, but Monica Consolandi‘s article stresses the importance of viewing AI as a support, not a substitute, for the human relationship. It is still critical that physicians and patients always have the final say in the responsible and informed use of technologies.
Can Ai help communication between doctors and patients? – Corriere Salute – 8 December 2024 | https://www.corriere.it/salute/24_dicembre_08/l-ai-puo-aiutare-la-comunicazione-fra-medici-e-pazienti-67296184-947f-4d83-8113-4818bf2bfxlk.shtml
IT4LIA AI Factory: Italy drives innovation in Artificial Intelligence
Il Sole 24 Ore analyzes Italy’s strategic role in the European artificial intelligence landscape, highlighting the importance of the “IT4LIA AI Factory” project, recently selected by the European Commission as one of the first continental platforms in the field. Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is among the organizations involved in a large and prominent consortium coordinated by CINECA.
The initiative aims to create an advanced infrastructure for artificial intelligence in Europe, with a supercomputer that will support the Italian production system, with particular attention to SMEs and start-ups, promoting competitive and sustainable growth.
The Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, emphasizes how the project positions Italy at the center of European technological progress, consolidating its leading role in the adoption of advanced artificial intelligence solutions. The selection of IT4LIA AI Factory shows the importance of collaboration between national and European entities in strengthening Italy’s global competitiveness.
AI: Miur, EU selects’ IT4LIA AI Factory ‘, will be among the first European platforms – Il Sole 24 Ore – 10 December 2024 | https://www.ilsole24ore.com/radiocor/nRC_10.12.2024_13.43_367
Cloud to Edge: Italian alliance for IPCEI European project
This La Repubblica article delves into the European project IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest), which aims to create a value chain for cloud infrastructure and services in Europe. Fondazione Bruno Kessler – along with other partners such as Politecnico di Torino, ENEA, Fincantieri and TIM – will contribute to the development of a shared testing environment to foster interoperability of cloud solutions, attract public and private investment and promote technology innovation.
FBK, with its expertise in advanced research, will play a crucial role in implementing innovative solutions and testing on Edge platforms, integrating resources and expertise with other participants. This collaborative approach aims to certify the validity of the projects and lay the groundwork for their future industrialization. Thanks to its contribution, Fondazione Bruno Kessler has proved once again to be a strategic player in the development of the European technology landscape, fostering the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and the strengthening of the digital ecosystem.
Cloud To Edge, Italian alliance for project funded by IPCEI rogram – La Repubblica – December 16, 2024 | https://finanza.repubblica.it/News/2024/12/16/cloud_to_edge_alleanza_italiana_per_progetto_finanziato_dal_programma_ipcei-97/
Youth employment, AI against mafia and energy waste
Radio24 featured a number of FBK experts in their Smart Cities, La Zanzara and Focus Economia shows.
FBK President Ferruccio Resta, guest at Focus Economia, discussed the opportunities for young people in the job market, stressing the importance of new generations entering it.
Gian Maria Campedelli, Research Scientist at FBK’s Mobile and Social Computing Lab, participated in two episodes of Smart Cities, recounting an innovative study on the use of artificial intelligence to predict mafia infiltration in municipalities, analyzing its characteristics and risk factors.
Finally, Senior Advisor on Innovation Francesco Matteucci, speaking on La Zanzara, addressed the energy impact of artificial intelligence and its challenges.
Focus Ecconomia, Radio 24 | https://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/programmi/focus-economia/puntata/trasmissione-23-dicembre-2024-170500-2367836616275493
Smart Cities, Radio 24, Episode 1 & 2 | https://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/programmi/smart-city/puntata/trasmissione-8-ottobre-2024-6500-2375271523616640
La Zanzara, Radio 24, Trends after 2 years of GenAI and the energy impact | https://www.radio.it/podcast/2024-speciale-intelligenza-artificiale