January 7, 2025December 2024: The FBK projects making headlinesAn overview of FBK's innovative projects covered by the media in the past month: from sports to healthcare, cloud platforms and artificial intelligence for the future of Europe.
December 2, 20245VREAL project: technology innovation for sportsThe project was designed and implemented by the Free University of Bolzano with EMG Italy, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Small Pixels and Vodafone Italia. 5VREAL combines 5G and Artificial Intelligence to improve technical analysis and the sports experience, from playing fields to television broadcasting.
January 31, 2024AI@EDGEFBK-coordinated European project to build a secure, flexible and reusable artificial intelligence platform wrapping up
February 28, 2023Micro and Nanotechnologies as pillars of 6G and Future NetworksLooking at 2030 and ahead, future generations of telecommunications and distributed services will be demanding for miniaturized hardware components conceptually closer to software.
July 28, 2022A vision of future 6G from the point of view of Micro-Nano Hardware componentsWhat a potentially catastrophic failure in a passenger flight, back in 1982, has to do with future visions and prospects of 6G in 2030? This article will address the red wire linking these facts.
June 22, 20225G: connected autonomous and assisted driving vehicles on motorway between Italy-Austria and Austria-Germany5G-CARMEN European project tests innovative automotive functions and services across countries
February 2, 2021Digital society: FBK wins 7 European projects in 2021Thanks to the application of artificial intelligence and 5G technology, innovation will be pushed in various areas of society such as urban security, cyberbullying prevention, PA digitization, cultural heritage enhancement. The funding amounts to almost 3 million euros
March 3, 20205G brings doctors closer to peopleLong distance surgeries, connected ambulances, faster and more precise apps are some of the innovations brought by this upcoming network technology
November 18, 2019“MADE IN FBK” 5G TECHNOLOGY AT B-APCO 2019This year, 5G is at the center of the important international event as far as public safety is concerned. Also FBK has participated with the 5G-ESSENCE project and the 5G-EmPOWER asset
June 6, 2019FBK CREATE-NET awarded at INFOCOM 2019The work on connected vehicles of the FBK CREATE-NET WiN Unit wins the Best Demo Award at the International Conference on Computer Communication
November 23, 2018The 5G-CARMEN. A digital corridor for the mobility of the future is kicking offFunded with € 18.5 million, the mobility project based on 5G technology concerns the "Bologna to Munich corridor" and is coordinated by Trento-based Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The kick-off meeting was held on November 21st and 22nd in Innsbruck, Austria.
September 5, 20185G-CARMEN: a digital corridor for the mobility of the futureThe mobility project based on 5G technology has received funding for 18.5 million euros. It will concern the "Munich-Bologna corridor" and will be coordinated by Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler
March 21, 2018Toward 5G for Aircraft CommunicationsThe EIT Digital Innovation project ICARO-EU addresses a new integrated high capacity direct-air-to ground communications system. FBK research center CREATE-NET contributed to the system prototype design and implementation
February 26, 2018FBK takes part in Mobile World Congress 2018The Foundation will be contributing to the global summit of experts in mobile devices and industry technologies, with the presentation of the "Munich-Bologna 5G Corridor" and "City Sensing Living Lab" projects
December 12, 2017FBK-Create-Net awarded at the IEEE CNSM 2017 conferenceThe FUN - Future Networks Research Unit paper won the Best Student Paper at the prestigiousInternational Conference on Network and Service Management organized by the IEEE association.
June 28, 2017CREATE-NET, A RESEARCH CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF THE FUTUREThe Center is part of Fondazione Bruno Kessler since January 1.
December 19, 2016RF-MEMS technology for 5G applications at CMM-FBKThe upcoming 5G mobile standards will pose challenging demands on hardware components, requiring very boosted performances in terms of high-frequency and wideband operability, low-losses, high-linearity, and so on. The RF-MEMS technology developed at the MST unit of CMM-FBK was recently demonstrated up to 110 GHz, and is a promising candidate to meet the 5G challenges.