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December 20, 20172018: FBK dedicates the year to Artificial IntelligencePresident Profumo presented the new strategic and business plans, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. A tight 2018 calendar of events, starting with the sixth Bruno Kessler Lecture with Piero Angela
December 20, 2017FBK*AI 2018: main events calendarFBK dedicates the year to Artificial Intelligence also through a series of informative events, starting from the VI Bruno Kessler Lecture 2018 with Piero Angela
December 19, 2017Algortimi educativi: al centro della IX edizione di EDUCA i rapporti tra educazione e nuove tecnologieDal 13 al 15 aprile a Rovereto, grazie ad ospiti nazionali e alla presentazione di pratiche innovative, si proverà ad individuare in un’ottica multidisciplinare un percorso per integrare educazione e tecnologie digitali
December 18, 2017AL MUSE PER INVENTARE! una nuova proposta per trascorrere le feste al museoL’iniziativa prevede due cicli di attività dedicate alla coppia adulto-bambino e adulto-ragazzo, con un approccio all’avanguardia a livello italiano per quanto riguarda l’apprendimento intergenerazionale
December 15, 2017Innovation and research, the collaboration between Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti and Fondazione Bruno Kessler has kicked offPresident Luca Barbini: leading organization at the national level. The digital innovation hub should enter the Trentino innovation ecosystem to encourage contamination
December 14, 2017Event in memory of Paolo ProdiRomano Prodi gave the speech "The reflection of a brother". The prize was awarded to the two best doctoral theses.
December 12, 2017FBK-Create-Net awarded at the IEEE CNSM 2017 conferenceThe FUN - Future Networks Research Unit paper won the Best Student Paper at the prestigiousInternational Conference on Network and Service Management organized by the IEEE association.
December 12, 2017Dialogues between believers and non-believersRenewing theology through dialogue between religious and skeptics: this is the topic of the lesson held at FBK by Anthony Carroll, in memory of Davide Zordan
December 7, 2017When research is carried out by citizensCNR hosted the first Italian conference on citizen science, dedicated to research projects that directly involve non-professionals