The Center is part of Fondazione Bruno Kessler since January 1.
The Research Center CREATE-NET (Center for REsearch And Telecommunication Experimentation for NETworked Communities) has obtained a further H2020 grant for a new project in the field of the future 5th generation mobile communications networks “5G”.
The Center, internationally renowned for its competence in the field of Information and Telecommunication Technologies, strengthen its research and development on-going activities within a number of further H2020 European research projects on 5G technologies where it is involved: SESAME, COHERENT and 5G-CROSSHAUL. In particular, the 5G-Essence project will evolve the current 4G mobile network to provide a better response to service needs in terms of data exchange speed and network response time. Specifically, 5G technology is being developed to respond to multiple scenarios ranging from connected self-driving cars, to smart factories, to applications developed with connected drones, to telerobotics or telemedicine, where network response time must be less than a millisecond. The project will have a duration of 30 months and, together with CREATE-NET, other 20 companies in the field of research organizations and European companies in the industry will be participating.
Established in 2003 as a non-profit association with the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento, CREATE-NET has become one of Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s Centers since the beginning of this year. CREATE-NET’s main goals are to reach research of excellence in the field of Information and Telecommunication Technologies (with a special focus on Digital Infrastructures of the Future such as networks, cloud and Internet of Things) and to promote technology transfer to the market thanks to the engineering of technology and solutions.
“CREATE-NET,” emphasizes FBK President Francesco Profumo, “has achieved significant positive results in terms of European and industrial funding since its inception. We are proud that this year the Center has joined Fondazione Bruno Kessler integrating in full synergy its skills with the other scientific and technological centers of the Foundation. ”
“In addition to the many research projects in which it participates as coordinator or scientific partner,” says the director Elio Salvadori,” CREATE-NET has established a number of collaborations, formalized with commercial agreements and international projects, with major companies such as Cisco Systems, Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, Orange and Telecom Italia. Encouraging the creation of innovative technological solutions for real-world market applications is one of the key missions of the Center”.
The long-standing collaboration with Cisco Systems represents one of CREATE-NET particular strengths. In the context of this partnership, the Center has been given the important task of developing the control plane platform for the high-speed optical networks of the future, making their operation as automated and homogeneous as possible compared to traditional packet networks with which the optical network, the so-called Internet “backbone”, interface locally.