For a Human-Centered AI

FBK presents TreC (Cartella Clinica del Cittadino, Citizen’s Medical Records) at ​ECDESS 2016

May 30, 2016

The first European conference on digital ecosystems for social services (ECDESS 2016) was held in Rome on May 20. FBK was present, among the nearly 400 scholars and field experts, with Enrico Maria Piras, a researcher with the eHealth group.

In particular, during the session dedicated to “Social Innovation Experiences supported by ICT”, Piras brought to the attention of the public the experience of the Cartella Clinica del Cittadino, or Citizen’s Medical Records (TreC), the online platform that enables residents of the Autonomous Province of Trento to manage their health conveniently from home.

“We were invited to present TreC and a potential extention of it for social services” – Piras explained. He adds: “The topic of social and healthcare integration is being widely discussed and the opportunity to use tools managed by citizens/patients is one of key to create it, so as to put end users at the heart of the process”.


The questions that have drawn the attention of the participant of the “ECDESS 2016” (European Conference on Digital Ecosystems for Social Services) conference, created under the auspices of the EU, to the end of studying and implementing innovation in the area of social services, were: how are social services changing in the cities under the impulse of digital technology? In what ways can the “digital ecosystems” enhance how services are produced and provided to citizens? And what is the role of volunteers? What are the best practices on a European scale and the new paradigms that public administrations, the community of innovators, investors, professionals, etc should adopt? Is it possible to grow in times of financial crisis? Do digital technologies and data management support innovative responses to the novel and increasing social needs?

-The speakers explained how the evolution of digital technologies enable real-time monitoring of data, with significant benefits in the field of personal services, lower costs and higher quality of interventions. The new information and communications technology (ICT) allows for the study of new welfare solutions for our cities, to quit a “charitable” vision of the social, make the best use of resources from the volunteer associations and assess the opportunities provided to companies , start-ups, professionals of the new “market” of civil society.

Below is the closing press release of the Scientific Committe of the ECDESS Conference.


May 21, 2016, Rome

Great attendance success at the first ECDESS European Conference

Great attendance success at the First European Conference on Digital Ecosystems for Social Services, with more than 400 registered participants. The event was held in the splendid setting of the Campidoglio, and involved researchers and policymakers in the field of social and digital technology services, who discussed the potential of digital technology in welfare reform. Dr. Gianluca Misuraca, with the Institute for Prospective Studies of the European Commission presented for the first time the most likely scenarios of welfare reform, as they emerge from the public consultation on the “Pillar of Social Rights” under way in Brussels. A lively discussion followed, that included speakers from of Agenzia Digitale Italiana, Roma Capitale, BIC Lazio, the Italian Post Office, the St. Egidio Community, Catholic University and Fondazione Bruno Kessler. They highlighted different languages and diverging approaches on welfare. “The success of this first conference and intensive debate demonstrate the growing strategic interest on the topic of social innovation supported by digital technologies in Europe”, explains Prof. Fabrizio Davide from the Guglielmo Marconi University, the event organizer and coordinator of the CROSS European project. “Together with representatives of the government of the Netherlands, Manchester and Seville present here – Davide continues – we established today the European Alliance, open to all stakeholders, in order to support the requests of social services in the European debate on welfare reform “.

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