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September 24, 2018A rather special boutiqueWe visited the "Boutique des sciences" in Lyon, one of the most interesting landmarks in the European landscape of "Science Shops", organizations that carry out scientific research on behalf of civil society
September 24, 2018Report on the freedom of belief and religious tolerance of the European ParliamentThe report investigating violations of the right to religious freedom in non-European countries and the influence that the EU can have on them was presented in Brussels on September 4. The FBK-ISR research centre is among the authors of the document
September 21, 2018The 2018 researchers’ Night in TrentoThe event will be held on Friday, September 28 at the MUSE Museum of Science and in the "Le Albere" neighborhood. The program, dense and varied, was presented during a press conference this morning
September 19, 2018Complex Networks: what are and why we need themHow can we understand real systems? How can we predict what will happen next? Network science gives some answers to that and can help researchers to find a new way to gain insights into different domains.
September 18, 2018The future of the school is for everyoneAnother school year has just begun, and it seems like a good time to wonder about how the school will evolve in the future. Can technology really help us learn more and better? Which digital tools will we use to study?
September 18, 2018Investing in research to innovate social enterprisesWe interviewed Flaviano Zandonai, Ezio Manzini and Francesco Profumo, protagonists at the 16th Workshop on Social Enterprise
September 14, 2018The history of the media between the modern and the contemporary agesTrento is hosting the FBK-ISIG Study Week September 19-21
September 14, 2018“Being a Researcher is complicated, but I hope it will be my future job” | A Researcher’s StoryGunel Jahangirova comes from Baku (Azerbaijan) and worked in a private company before entering the research world. She's encountered some difficulties in changing, but she's also found many positive aspects
September 11, 2018The factory of the future is being designed at the competence centersArticle by Francesco Profumo, FBK President, for GARR NEWS No. 18, July 2018
September 11, 2018“Footprints in the park”Active ageing, play, health promotion and wellness tourism. The first pilot study with a group of elderly people in the Paneveggio Park - Pale di San Martino, in Trentino has been completed
September 5, 20185G-CARMEN: a digital corridor for the mobility of the futureThe mobility project based on 5G technology has received funding for 18.5 million euros. It will concern the "Munich-Bologna corridor" and will be coordinated by Trento based Fondazione Bruno Kessler
September 5, 2018Artificial Intelligence Can Reduce Food WastageWe met Felix Wick (Vice President, Data Science in Blue Yonder GmbH) during the EuroSciPy 2018 conference in Trento. We talked about A.I. in the retail market and the importance of Python among all the languages available
September 3, 2018Researchers’ Night: the Festival of Research Is Coming back to Trento on Friday, September 28A preview on the night's program