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March 26, 2020A new study on the spread of the COVID-19 virus in LombardyThe outbreak in Italy started long before February 20 and aggressive containment strategies are needed to control the spread of Covid-19 and avoid catastrophic outcomes for the national health system.
March 26, 2020Taking care of your mind in an emergency contextConsiderations by prof. Fabio Sbattella, expert in Emergency Psychology from the Cattolica University of Milan,
March 26, 2020TreCovid19. The Web app for citizens to stay updated on the Coronavirus emergency in TrentinoThe collaboration between the Province Government, the Trento Province Healthcare System and FBK was developed by TrentinoSalute4.0
March 25, 2020CherryChain, simplifying and strengthening digital trustEven though we are all at home, the digital innovation ecosystem does not stop. We talk about it with Carlo Rizzi, CEO of an FBK co-located startup
March 24, 2020FBK Live – Fake news and coronavirus: from the epidemic to the infodemicThe first appointment of "FBK Live - La ricerca live" was broadcasted live on Facebook and Youtube. Guests are FBK researcher Manlio De Domenico and visual thinker Jacopo Sacquegno
March 24, 2020RISS, the Italian network of Science ShopsThe Italian Network of Science Shops is born: it unites realities which collect and carry on ideas for scientific research proposed by citizens
March 24, 2020Measuring fake news about Covid-19Too many countries are exposed to fake news: the CoMuNe Lab research unit (FBK) has analyzed conversations on twitter on a global level, discovering that the behavior of users and bots on social media produced faults in the correct information, especially in Italy before the arrival of the first cases of contagion
March 18, 2020FBK AWARDED AT IMAGE SENSORS EUROPEAN CONFERENCE 2020The title of Best Academic Research Team at ISEU 2020 awarded to the IRIS - Integrated Radiation & Image Sensors unit of the Materials and Microsystems Center of FBK
March 18, 2020Meno virus, più conoscenzaLe attività della Fondazione Bruno Kessler in questi giorni di emergenza proseguono in modalità smart working. Nasce il portale #menoviruspiùconoscenza con contenuti digitali a disposizione di tutti
March 16, 2020We are fragile but not defenceless: changing is possibleConsiderations on morality and human fragility in the time of the coronavirus, by the philosopher of FBK-ISR Paolo Costa. The good news is that we can do our part and change.
March 12, 2020EIT Digital 2021 – deadline May 7, 2020EIT Digital launched the call for the building of "EIT Digital 2021" activities. Five strategic areas: Digital Tech, Digital Industry, Digital Cities, Digital Wellbeing and Digital Finance.
March 10, 2020Of plague and passionTogether with Enrico Piergiacomi, we reconstruct a history of the relationship between emotion and reaction to epidemics / pandemics
March 3, 20205G brings doctors closer to peopleLong distance surgeries, connected ambulances, faster and more precise apps are some of the innovations brought by this upcoming network technology