#fbk per la salute
July 7, 2023Doctor or Robot? The Prospects of Digital HealthFBK promoted and hosted the first introductory course on the use of digital technologies in medical practice for the Trento School of Specific Training in General Medicine.
March 16, 2021TRANSFORMING NUMBERS IN LIFE STORIES: THE NEED FOR MOURNING THE DEATHS OCCURRED DURING THE PANDEMICA reflection to restore dignity to the lonely deaths of the pandemic
September 1, 2020“Artificial intelligence changes the way we do all things”Interview with the expert in technology ethics Paolo Benanti
June 17, 2019Capire fa bene alla salute: in Biblioteca il primo libro col “bollino blu”È stato presentato nella sala degli affreschi della Biblioteca comunale di via Roma il primo libro inserito in una bibliografia che punta ad orientare il lettore verso testi scientificamente verificati da un gruppo di lavoro composto da medici e bibliotecari
May 12, 2017On the frontline of fight against child cancerTwo meetings: one with Ospedale Bambino Gesù in Rome, and one with the Proton therapy Center in Trento
March 22, 2017Human brain and mind. The future of neuroscience in TrentinoFriday, March 17, 2017 a conference in Rovereto (Tn) on neuroscience and the new disciplines in the field. The program includes the Lecture by Roberto Cingolani, Scientific Director of the Italian Institute of technology – IIT