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September 28, 2020COVID-19 and digital communication in healthcareThe pandemic has pinned down both the pros and the cons of a revolution that involves relational aspects.
September 25, 2020THE “CHE ARIA” PROJECT AT THE “GIOVANI RICERCATORI CERCANSI” (YOUNG RESEARCHERS NEEDED) CONTEST: EXCELLENT RANKING FOR THE GALILEI HIGH SCHOOLThree students from the Trento-based high school for science have ranked second in the "basic research" category with a project based on a school-to-work experience at FBK
September 21, 2020Big data, big faith? About beliefs and biases in algorithmic decision-makingWith the arrival of Big Data analytics, data rapidly became the petroleum of the 21st century and a new social contract came into existence.
September 21, 2020Trento e Rovereto Play&Go, oltre 240 mila km sostenibiliIniziata il 26 ottobre scorso, la sfida per una mobilità amica dell'ambiente; si avvale dell'App Viaggia Play&Go messa a punto da Fbk.
September 16, 2020“PRINCIPIA”, a new peer-review platform is hereA group of Italian researchers has advanced a chainblock-based platform, which aims to reform the scientific publications system, restoring the centrality of academia over journal publishers
September 15, 2020FAMILIES_SHARE: technology research to best balance family and workThe FBK experience within the European Families_Share project wraps up with the last activity dedicated to children. An open lab that lasted 3 years in which people, organizations and new technologies have created synergies to co-design community welfare solutions and improve families' private life-work balances
September 13, 2020Generating Counter Narratives against Online Hate Speech: Data and StrategiesHow big is the hatespeech phenomenon online? What effects does it produce? How can we tackle it? What is the contribution of artificial intelligence? Marco Guerini and other researchers at FBK are pushing forward this knowledge frontier
September 8, 2020Combating hate speech, preserving freedom of expressionNovel techniques against hate speech are ready to be exploited to generate counter narratives about the many dimensions of hate speech: right-wing extremism, islamophobia, racism, cyber hate against LGBTI+ community, ecc. Interview with Marco Guerini
September 4, 2020FBK joins the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable DevelopmentThe network currently includes 124 international organizations and research institutes aiming to promote the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
September 3, 2020Crime in large cities: different cities, different causesThe new study led by researchers Marco De Nadai and Bruno Lepri with FBK's Mobile and Social Computing Lab that explores the correlation between crime, socioeconomic conditions, environment features and mobility in 4 megacities has been published in "Nature Scientific Reports". Findings show how the variability of the dynamics and the history of each city make it very difficult to suggest universal recommendations to reduce crime
September 2, 2020What’s the weather like in Trentino today? Ask the chatbot!The last Trento Film Festival science café focused on the work in progress between Meteotrentino and FBK to make the short-term forecasts ever more accurate and on the new ways to learn about them
September 2, 2020ECT* – the new website is onlineDeveloped during the lockdown, it has been designed according to an innovative logic that includes remote events
September 1, 2020“Artificial intelligence changes the way we do all things”Interview with the expert in technology ethics Paolo Benanti
September 1, 2020Religious nones around the worldThe category of non-affiliates, the so-called religious nones, includes all those who declare that they do not belong to any religious denomination. The highest concentrations are among men, among people under the age of fifty, among highly educated individuals and among those who reside in urban areas.