#caffè scientifico
September 2, 2020What’s the weather like in Trentino today? Ask the chatbot!The last Trento Film Festival science café focused on the work in progress between Meteotrentino and FBK to make the short-term forecasts ever more accurate and on the new ways to learn about them
January 15, 2017“The importance of communicating science” is the next Science CafèThe next event of this series, scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, at 6.00 pm at the MUSE Science Museum is entitled "The importance of communicating science", and will feature Federico Taddia, tv writer and journalist for La Stampa and Radio24.
January 10, 2017“Youth and digital reading”, a chat with Davide AzzoliniIn the framework of the cycle of scientific meetings promoted by Trentino Higher Education and Research System on Wednesday, February 15, at 6pm at MUSE, the researcher Davide Azzolini from the Institute of Research Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP) will talk about youth and digital reading.