Strategic agreement between FBK and ITALIT: artificial intelligence to the benefit of PA
Memorandum of understanding within the Digital Transformation for Public Administration with focus on AI and Blockchain signed.
On April 12, 2022, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Italit network of companies signed a memorandum of understanding in the context of Digital Transformation for Public Administrations. By signing a strategic agreement, the two organizations commit to pursue a joint effort in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology. The idea is to combine resources and skills to identify innovative technological methods suitable to support the operational needs of the PA, adopting a holistic view of new technologies as tools that work with people and organizations rather than replace them.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, with its 11 research centers and over 400 researchers, has been a point of reference for Italian, European and international research in the field of AI for over 30 years, and is considered as a scientific organization of excellence in various sectors and for the economic and social impact of its activities, also thanks to its interaction with the local area and its actors.
Italit, on the other hand, is a new network of 100% Italian companies that boasts an extensive geographic coverage at the national level and over 900 professionals in the ICT field. The five founding members of the network – Net Service, N&C TLC, Reevo, Webgenesys and Fides – have decided to form an all-Italian hub of innovative companies and to provide their know-how to large companies and Central and Local Public Administrations.
The Memorandum of Understanding between FBK and Italit brings together:
● the excellence of Italian research of a real scientific and technological district that operates in synergy with social and cultural innovation;
● a structured background of technical and organizational skills in the areas of Cloud, Cyber Security, Infrastructure and Software Development,
● to support and operationally enhance Digital Transformation, conceived as the set of technological, organizational and behavioral changes associated with the adoption of digital technologies, particularly in industry and PA.