June 12, 2024OPEN Trento x3What is meant by open artificial intelligence? Openness in AI not only has to do with the availability of software, but also with key issues such as transparency, reusability and sustainability of systems, while respecting essential ethical constraints imposed by standards.
July 3, 2023Thoralf Skolem Award 2023There is also Alessandro Cimatti (FBK) among the signatories of the most influential field study over the period 2002-2022, which won the Thoralf Skolem 2023 award, presented yesterday in Rome at the CADE-29 conference.
February 28, 2023Micro and Nanotechnologies as pillars of 6G and Future NetworksLooking at 2030 and ahead, future generations of telecommunications and distributed services will be demanding for miniaturized hardware components conceptually closer to software.
July 28, 2022A vision of future 6G from the point of view of Micro-Nano Hardware componentsWhat a potentially catastrophic failure in a passenger flight, back in 1982, has to do with future visions and prospects of 6G in 2030? This article will address the red wire linking these facts.
April 13, 2022Strategic agreement between FBK and ITALIT: artificial intelligence to the benefit of PAMemorandum of understanding within the Digital Transformation for Public Administration with focus on AI and Blockchain signed.
November 16, 2020PapyGame: teaching programming turns into a gameThe platform, to which Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researchers contributed, received the award for best software at the MODELS 2020 International Conference
February 17, 2020Inside the software used in scientific applications: SciPyA scientific paper listing our researcher Emanuele Olivetti and describing the "SciPy" Free/Open Source software, which reached version 1.0 after more than a decade worth of upgrades, has been published in Nature Methods
April 13, 2018The most influential paper of the past 10 years award of the ICST 2018 has been awarded to Paolo TonellaTen years after the publication of the Most Influential Paper Award conferred by ICST 2018.
June 1, 2017Double recognition for the Software Engineering Unit at the Buenos Aires International Conference on Program Comprehension.Best Paper Award and ACM Sigsoft Distinguished Paper Award. The FBK Software Engineering Unit led by Paolo Tonella came back with two prestigious awards from Buenos Aires, where they participated in the twenty-fifth International Conference on Program Comprehension on May 22 and 23.
October 28, 2016Silver Medal for Giovanni Moretti at IBM Watson Services ChallengeGiovanni Moretti, Software Developer of the Digital Humanities unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, won the second place at the IBM Watson Services Challenge.