IT security: a school for young researchers at FBK in Trento
Cyberspace attack and defense. Privacy of personal information. Web application security. These and others are the main topics of the winter school organized February 8 to 12, 2016 at the Center for Information and communication Technology (FBK-ICT) at Povo, on the hills sorrounding Trento.
In IT security, companies are increasingly attentive to adopting advanced systems and technology, and constantly committed to security in digital communications and to the fight against cybercrime. Moreover, the new cloud-sharing systems offer many opportunities, but also a range of issues including the management of citizen data in a way that is safe and respectful of privacy, especially when it comes to healthcare.
The goal of the school is to train young scientists so as to enable them to meet challenges on security, gain knowledge to overcome the inherent risks of using new technologies (for example, cloud computing, mobile applications, Software-as-a-Service) and manage the impact of these changes in the industrial sector.
FBK, with its own Security & Trust research group, led by Alessandro Armando, has involved, in organization of the school, SAP (world leader in IT solutions for the automation of enterprises) and Poste Italiane (sponsors and partners of the Cyber Security Innovation Lab shared with FBK on related issues) and has obtained the patronage of the Laboratorio Nazionale di CyberSecurity (CyberSecurity National laboratory) of Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics) (CINI), of which the Security & Trust Unit is part.
To attend the school, supported by the EU Marie Curie project called “SECENTIS”, 28 researchers (including 6 young women) were selected from all over Europe and from around the world, including Iran, Brazil, Turkey, and Indonesia.
Outstanding lecturers include Sandro Etalle, a professor in Eindhoven, founder of a startup called “SecurityMatters” and one of the authors of the Dutch agenda on cybersecurity; Stefano Di Paola, advisor on cybersecurity and founder of “Minded Security”, as well as director of the OWASP Italian Chapter and Anders Moller, a young professor holder of an “ERC” scholarship and various awards received by IBM, Google and ACM. (m.l.)
The SECENTIS project
The European project SECENTIS (Security and Trust of Next Generation Enterprise Information Systems), whose main partners are Fondazione Bruno Kessler and SAP Labs France, is a European industrial PhD program (Marie Curie), funded with a 1,2 million Euro budget by the European Union, whose aim is to provide an innovative PhD educational program, in order to train a new generation of security experts that can handle the technological and scientific challenges that the adoption of new technologies and to forecast the impact on businesses entail.