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August 31, 2020“AI for Future Italy”: challenges of the present and indications for seizing the opportunities availableAn open document containing discussions, proposals and recommendations for Italian research in Artificial Intelligence and the connection with institutions, industry and society. Organized by the National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics
August 27, 2020Gamification, a hi-tech antidote for ADHDFrom the US, a new recipe to contain hyperactivity and low attention.
August 26, 2020Tessa si aggiudica il premio sostenibilità della Banca Monte dei Paschi di SienaLa startup di FBK specializzata in sensoristica per l'agricoltura sta seguendo il programma Trentino Startup Valley
August 20, 2020Towards an energy autonomous and zero emission TrentinoThe FBK study supporting the new Provincial Environmental Energy Plan has been published in the international journal "Energy"
August 11, 2020COVID-19 and death rates. A study coordinated by Trento based FBKThe research led by epidemiologist Stefano Merler was published in the scientific journal Eurosurveillance
August 7, 2020Sempre più facile gestire la nostra salute grazie alla App TreC_FSEI trentini che accedono a TreC sono oltre 110mila. Con l’applicazione TreC_FSE si punta ad aumentare il numero di utilizzatori
August 6, 2020More transparent water in the Venice lagoon after lockdown. A study with satellite imagesThe research coordinated by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Trento was published in the international scientific journal "Remote Sensing"
August 5, 2020EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF TRANSLATED, FBK AND PERVOICE FOR REAL-TIME TRANSLATION OF DEBATESA contract was signed to transcribe and translate the speeches of parliamentarians with an innovative system. The new technology preserves human sensitivity towards the nuances of language incomprehensible to machines