May 23, 2024The delicate balance between economy, energy and the environmentToday, as part of the 19th Edition of the Trento Festival of Economics, Fondazione Caritro hosted the panel "Finding the balance between economy, energy and the environment".
March 27, 2024Trento capital of hydrogen: the Zero Carbon Community meeting held at FBKDuring the TEH Ambrosetti event on March 26, 2024, the discussion covered the need for common national strategies and Trentino's main sustainability projects
February 8, 2024A map of science in society: the Italian public opinion on climate, environment and energyIm this first of three in-depth analysis articles dedicated to the latest edition of the "Science, Technology and Society" yearbook, a survey conducted since 2003 by Observa Science in Society, we present the positions of Italians on three sustainability-related "hot topics"
April 11, 2022War and energy crisis: risks and opportunitiesGiancarlo Sciascia talks with Luigi Crema, director of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's SUSTAINABLE ENERGY research center.
July 22, 2020Luigi Crema elected as chair of the Hydrogen Europe Research BoardA particularly critical position at European level that comes just as the European Commission publishes its hydrogen strategy
May 20, 2020OnePlace: the new online platform to improve energy efficiency of our citiesThe restoration of existing buildings and the improvement of energy management are among the targets required by the European Union. These goals led FBK to coordinate the BOOSTEE-CE project in collaboration with 13 other partners from 7 European countries
February 11, 2020AN INNOVATIVE SMART ENERGY PLATFORMFondazione Bruno Kessler and Trentino Sviluppo have chosen Madonna di Campiglio to test a software system aimed at improving energy efficiency in Alpine ski resorts
December 4, 2019Gianni Lazzari Award – the third edition finalThe winner of the "Energy and environment" category is the startup INDIV with FBK as scientific partner. The Agrishelter emergency housing modules receive the recognition for "Quality of life and interior environments". Special mention for design objects made of wood by Vaia Wood.
June 19, 2019Smart Altitude: on the slopes for an ever more sustainable winter tourismFBK, Trentino Sviluppo and Funivie Madonna di Campiglio SpA present the first results of the experimentation of new solutions for energy efficiency and sustainability in alpine ski resorts
January 28, 2019Hydrogen to store renewable energy: FBK in the HyCARE projectFondazione Bruno Kessler's ARES Unit together with the University of Turin is participating in the program funded by the European Commission
January 22, 2019Riplaid, the first plastic-to-fuel plant is made in TrentinoFrom non-recyclable plastic to Eco Fuel, a fuel oil that meets transportation standards, can be used in existing engines or in industrial plants
October 30, 2018India – Italy Technology Summit 2018Fondazione Bruno Kessler's researcher Luigi Crema will be the speaker for Italy on renewable energy at the Technology Summit 2018 scheduled for October 29 and 30 in New Delhi, India.
February 22, 2018FBK’s mission Russia: agreement signed with Moscow-based SkoltechInnovative solutions for 3D city modeling and energy are the first areas on which the Trentino based research center and the Russian university will collaborate
January 17, 2018BOOSTEE-CE – Boosting energy efficiency in central European cities through smart energy managementGeospatial data, smart energy management tools, energy audit and innovative financial schema to facilitate efficiency of existing buildings