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December 20, 2019Raccontascienza: ecco il libro che parla di scienza ai più piccoliUn progetto letterario della Fondazione Bruno Kessler per spiegare la scienza ai più piccoli attraverso brevi racconti
December 20, 2019New platform to help SMEs get started with cyber-physical systemsSmall and medium-sized enterprises need better opportunities to exploit the benefits of computer-based models for cyber-physical systems; this is the objective of a new, large-scale, pan-European development project headed by Aarhus University. FBK is part of the consortium
December 16, 2019Using artificial intelligence to design future citiesBruno Lepri's talk at the seventh edition of TEDxTrento: "FOCUS 2039"
December 16, 2019Artificial intelligence, facts and dream, overcoming fearsPaolo Traverso a speaker at TEDxTrento 2019
December 13, 2019What influences the selection of a Nobel laureate?The study by FBK researchers Riccardo Gallotti and Manlio De Domenico examined the data of 17,000 nominees between 1901 and 1965 and was published in Nature's "Scientific Reports" journal
December 8, 2019The first functional atlas of the human brain based on intra-operative mapping data has been publishedThe amount and complexity of information processed by the human brain at any given moment is huge and varies extremely from one individual to another. Understanding the anatomical structure and functional mechanisms of information processing that occur between the different brain circuits is one of the greatest challenges for research in clinical neuroscience of the third millennium
December 4, 2019Gianni Lazzari Award – the third edition finalThe winner of the "Energy and environment" category is the startup INDIV with FBK as scientific partner. The Agrishelter emergency housing modules receive the recognition for "Quality of life and interior environments". Special mention for design objects made of wood by Vaia Wood.