War and energy crisis: risks and opportunities
April 11, 2022
Giancarlo Sciascia talks with Luigi Crema, director of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's SUSTAINABLE ENERGY research center.
The scenario of war on Europe’s doorstep that emerged at the end of February has immediate consequences in terms of political and economic choices.
The ongoing conflict is forcing an acceleration of European cooperation on a military level in the name of a principle of solidarity and to affirm a common sphere of security to be protected.
At the same time, this dynamic risks reducing the ambitious project of ecological transition of the Green Deal, the cornerstone of the guidelines of the European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen.
In this new podcast episode of Radio FBK – Scienza e Società, expert Luigi Crema addresses some crucial aspects that describe and help interpret the delicate historical transition we are experiencing:
- What are the factors that can bring a solution to understand where will sustainable energy end up in Europe?
- As for Italy, what are the priorities for actions that will facilitate the transition?
- What is the role of information that is polarized, fragmented and sometimes contradictory?
- How can citizens contribute to change through their behavior?
- What is FBK’s contribution to support innovation in the energy supply chain?