September 27, 2024Trentino per la Ricerca: eight innovation awards to young FBK researchersThe award to enhance the research and innovation work of young people in the Trentino region
September 19, 2024AI-based innovative solutions for SMEs presented at FBKAgriculture, manufacturing and digitization were the topics addressed on the day dedicated to companies
July 26, 2024Artificial Intelligence as a driver for innovation for Trentino-based companiesMaurizio Gianordoli, FBK vice-president, illustrates the main applications of AI for the local area, the challenges of technological integration and the future vision for a competitive and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem.
May 30, 2024Innovation and research, new Pwc Center of Excellence in TrentoAndrea Simoni, Secretary general at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and Silvio Ranise, Director of the Center for Cybersecurity at Fondazione Bruno Kessler attended the event.
April 8, 2024Visiting in Trentino 2024 Call: open for applicationsThe research hospitality program promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento aims at providing support to highly qualified and experienced researchers and professors, currently working abroad, for study activities to be carried out in/with Trentino research organizations
February 10, 2024World Artificial Intelligence Festival: FBK among representatives of the Trentino system in CannesThe French Riviera will be hosting the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival, one of the world's most important fairs on artificial intelligence, February 8 through 10, 2024.
July 6, 2023Fifty years agoIn the 1973 provincial budget, we find the first small steps of the Italian-German Historical Institute, the oldest research institute in what is now Fondazione Bruno Kessler
May 6, 2023The biggest challenge for generative AI? Education!Held as part of Wired Next Fest Trentino 2023, "The Rules of the Perfect Algorithm," a diascussion between Marco Guerini, head of the FBK LanD research unit, and Lorenzo Cella, software engineer known to most as the creator of PizzaGpt.
April 6, 2023Trentino bombingsThere is little trace in Kessler's papers of the early part of his life, which remains in the background of an important political career: however, some of the experience of the bombings in World War II remains.
March 23, 2023The Kessler Era. Considerations on the sidelines of a research study2024 will mark the 100th anniversary of Bruno Kessler's birth. A research project aims to delve into his political story.
January 27, 2023Let’s start at the end: the footage of Kessler’s funeralThanks to a VHS, we can review the original 1991 footage, which allows us to reflect on the fact that the images we see are always the product of someone's choice.
December 29, 2022A journey through Bruno Kessler’s papersWith a new research project, we also begin a journey through the papers of Bruno Kessler, in the company of historian Camilla Tenaglia, from FBK-ISIG (Italian-German Historical Institute)
April 12, 2022The infinite lightness of explorationA journey inside the HERMES-SP project and the cross scientific return in the field of multi-messenger astrophysics
January 3, 2022The importance of studying Bruno KesslerSome possible lines of development for the research on the history of autonomy in Trentino presented by researcher Maurizio Cau
December 20, 2021So it was, if you likeTOTEM: A dip into the past through the eyes of the present and with the help of 3D
June 18, 2021A house is not a homeThe story of Omar Hammad Ali, researcher at FBK's Micro Nano Facility, is the ideal emblem to celebrate International Refugee Day, and to underline the Foundation's commitment to the defense and enhancement of human capital from even the most sadly known corners of the planet.
June 15, 2021More maps for everyoneThe "Trento Time Travel Maps" project of the FBK Digital Society Center provides citizens with a series of urban maps to understand how the city has changed from the 19th century to today
April 7, 2021VALORIZE CULTURAL / LANDSCAPE HERITAGE AND ENRICH CULTURAL TOURISMJUDIT - digital and interactive Judicaria: a new interdisciplinary project that leverages on the expertise of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and ICT technologies to valorise heritage locations and attract more people
March 30, 2021PAST TO PRESENT: rediscovering history through augmented realityChiese Valley in Trentino combines tradition and innovation to rediscover the history of Fort Larino and the Great War
January 21, 2021Artificial intelligence in the service of medicineThe AIMED project, with the support of Fondazione VRT, brings the technological and research results based on artificial intelligence developed at FBK to radiologists and neurosurgeons based in Trentino
August 20, 2020Towards an energy autonomous and zero emission TrentinoThe FBK study supporting the new Provincial Environmental Energy Plan has been published in the international journal "Energy"
January 2, 2020Are South Tyrol-based companies dreaming of electric cows?What opportunities and what risks does the coming of artificial intelligence bring with it? How will the world of work change in the next ten years? How will these changes affect South Tyrol?
January 16, 2019Mission Report. FBK’s results and their impact on societyThe mission of Fondazione Bruno Kessler is to build a concrete and effective relationship between research of excellence and the demand for innovation that comes from the most diverse sectors of society. The final balance depicts the results achieved and offers all stakeholders an opportunity for discussion based on data
June 16, 2017Ready to start? Here’s the Webvalley 2017 team12 Italians, of which 6 from Trentino, and 6 Americans are the protagonists of the 17th edition of WebValley, which will open the lab on Sunday, June 18, in Casez, Valle di Non (Trentino).
April 6, 2017EDUCA towards a new Digital SchoolWhich school will come from digital technology? The shared reflection of Educa starts from #scuoladigitaletrentina and expands to the entire national system.
September 5, 2016The book by Giovanni Bernardini on the De Gasperi-Gruber Accord. An international piece of history, is outThe volume, part of the FBK Press series, recounts the international significance of the Agreement, which helped make it a highly advanced legal document for its time in the protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities