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October 28, 2021Who invented Halloween?Before the Catholic feast of All Saints (November 1) there is that of Halloween (October 31), which is increasingly present in Italian families. But are they really two separate occasions? By carefully marching back through the centuries, we can find the arguments to build our answer to this question.
October 25, 2021When did the spread of the Sars-Cov-2 virus start?FBK's Center for Health Emergencies contributed to the new study published in Nature
October 21, 2021PHOTONICS: FBK study reveals an innovative method for reading optical signalsThe study, published in the international journal "Optica" and funded by the joint laboratory Quantum @ Trento, is the result of FBK's proven experience in the production of photonic devices and integrated silicon detectors
October 19, 2021Hidden Trento – the city of the Council within reach of an APPThe city of the Council in an app developed by the Italian-German Historical Institute at Fondazione Bruno Kessler as part of the PURE European research project
October 19, 2021cheSpreco! Togliamo il cibo dalla spazzaturaFinalmente dal vivo, ospiti del Centro di Formazione Professionale Enaip Alberghiero e Ristorazione di Ossana, abbiamo figuratamente tagliato il nastro di inaugurazione del progetto “cheSpreco! Togliamo il cibo dalla spazzatura”, finanziato dalla Fondazione Caritro.
October 15, 2021Mattia Antonino Di Gangi’s excellence path in machine translation awardedThe Best Thesis 2020 award of the EAMT European association went to the former doctoral student of the machine translation team at Fondazione Bruno Kessler
October 11, 2021DIGITAL ONBOARDING AND GDPR: DISTRIBUTED CONTROL AND USE OF DATA AND DOCUMENTSThe first of a series of in-depth studies by CherryChain, an entrepreneurial reality co-located in the FBK headquarters in Povo that collaborates with the Cybersecurity research center of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, directed by Silvio Ranise
October 4, 2021MANLIO DE DOMENICO won the Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics – 2020 editionThe Award of the German Physical Society annually recognizes outstanding original contributions that use physical methods to develop a better understanding of socio-economic problems