FBk research and projects meet the community at Trento Smart City Week
Labs, seminars and workshops to get to learn more about the work of researchers and the solutions developed to enhance the quality of life of citizens
Trento Smart City Week, an event dedicated to the presentation of services, projects and innovative experiences aimed at improving the quality of life for people within the city and in their relationship with institutions will be back September 16 through 22.
Citizens in the time of digital technology is the theme chosen for the third edition of the event which, this year, sees Fondazione Bruno Kessler among the promoters of the event together with the City of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the University of Trento, MUSE, the Trento Province Healthcare System and the Consortium of the Trentino Region Municipalities.
“Thinking about the future is a must-do exercise if we want to improve the quality of life of our communities, to imagine the city we would like gives us a way to plan and build the place that best suits our needs – Fondazione Bruno Kessler President Francesco Profumo said. FBK and the City of Trento have been working together to achieve this for years, offering tools for environmental sustainability, simplification of the relationship between citizens and the administration, support for parents and schools, with the sole aim of building a better future, the future in which we would like to live“.
Sustainable mobility, raising awareness on recycling issues, the responsible use of digital tools, educational projects for young people, the direct involvement of citizens in research through scientific dissemination activities: these are some of the many projects and initiatives of the Foundation that Friday, September 20 through Sunday, September 22 will be the focus of round table discussions, informative seminars, demonstrations and interactive workshops at the Digital Village set up in Piazza Duomo.
As for the initiatives organized with the researchers from Fondazione Bruno Kessler, we will be starting with the workshop for children on Friday morning Let’s imagine with the children the city of the future, while in the afternoon the research groups will present two projects to the public: the Student Folder (3.00 pm) and 5G, Smart roads and connected cars (6.30 pm). The digital happy hour dedicated to the theme of cyberbullying will follow at 7:00 pm.
On Saturday two events, both at 11.30 am, with the Kids go Green lab, to discover the world and a more sustainable school-work mobility, and the “digital cafè ” The healthcare of the future – Trentino Salute 4.0. Three events will be dedicated to health from Friday to Sunday, all of them at 6.00 pm, to learn more about TreC, Salute+ and other apps for the health of Trentino residents.
Sunday morning, the project entitled CheAria – IoT perspectives will be presented to support the monitoring of air quality (10.00 am) and the initiative of the Bottega della Scienza: students and citizens protagonists of scientific research (11.00 am). At noon, the lab DicoDiNo, youth cultures and online hate speech will address the issue of online violence, which will be resumed in the afternoon with the presentation of the project called Creep – Preventing the effects of cyberbullying (6.00 pm).
The 2019 edition of +Trento Smart City will pay special attention to environmental sustainability and in particular to the correct management of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE). To this end, FBK and HIT – Trentino Innovation Foundation will hold from Friday to Sunday. Don’t abandon them! Reuse, reduce, recycle: a new life for EEE and WEEE fun/educational awareness activities part of the wider European InnoWEEE project, while on Saturday at 6.00 pm they will offer the lab Fix your relationship with electronics.
The event will officially open on September 20, but already from September 9 some workshops and conferences will give a taste of the weekend’s highlights.
In particular, for Tuesday, September 17, EIT Digital has organized, at its offices on Via Sommarive in Povo, Design the future of your city. Smart citizens for a smart city, a lab for high school students that aims to offer participants some concrete elements to design and communicate services available to the local communities.
The full program of Trento Smart City Week is available at this link. Below are the details of the events organized by the Foundation’s research groups.
8.30 am
Immaginiamo con i bambini la città del futuro | Villaggio Digitale, Room 3
FBK researchers will conduct a co-design lab with elementary school kids. The city of the future will be experienced by the children of today: what if we listened to them to imagine and build it?
3.00 pm
Cartella dello studente | Villaggio digitale, Room 3
A project will be illustrated through which the Province intends to enhance the information on the students’ educational path (training, skills acquired, qualifications and certifications)
6.00 pm
Non li abbandonare! Riuso, Riduco, Riciclo: una nuova vita per gli AEE e i RAEE | Villaggio Digitale, Room 1
Launch of the EEE (electrical and electronic equipment) and WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) drive that will take place on Saturday and Sunday at the FBK stand.
6.00 pm
TreC, Salute + e altre app per la salute dei cittadini trentini | Villaggio Digitale, Room 2
Discover and learn how to use the services and apps you need in order to check your health records and exam results, and that can give you advice for a healthier life.
6.30 pm
5G, strade intelligenti e macchine connesse | Villaggio Digitale, Room 1
5G in the mobility of the future: how the car changes and becomes an intelligent digital environment.
7.00 pm
Cyberbullismo | Villaggio Digitale, Room 1
Meeting and discussion on cyberbullying, to further explore the topics of the conference “Words do more harm than beatings: the story of Carolina”.
11.30 am
La sanità del futuro – Trentino Salute 4.0 | Villaggio Digitale, Room 1
How new technologies and artificial intelligence will design the health of the future by supporting new models of care for patients with chronic diseases at home and by helping citizens manage their health and lifestyle in a more mindful way.
11.30 am
Kids go Green: alla scoperta del mondo e all’insegna di una mobilità casa-scuola più sostenibile | Villaggio Digitale, Room 3
Co-design lab for virtual teaching courses reserved for elementary school teachers.
6.00 pm
Trec, Salute + e altre app per la salute dei cittadini trentini | Villaggio Digitale, Room 2
Discover and learn how to use the services and apps you need in order to check your health records and exam results, and that can give you advice for a healthier life.
6.00 pm
Aggiusta il tuo rapporto con l’elettronica | Villaggio Digitale, Room 4
Test your repair skills: bring along some enthusiasm and try your hand at fixing small household appliances and out-of-work electronic equipment with the help of our repair volunteers. Stay with us also for the World Cafè! Sit down at a table for brainstorming with participants and experts on repair, like in a real Cafe.
10.00 am
CheAria – Prospettive IoT a supporto del monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria | Villaggio Digitale, Room 4
More and more sensors are part of our daily life and “do-it-yourself” tools are now available to control environmental features
11.00 am
La bottega della scienza, studenti e cittadini protagonisti della ricerca scientifica | Villaggio Digitale, Room 4
“La bottega della scienza” is an innovative participatory research laboratory where students from some high schools in the province carry out scientific research projects based on proposals from citizens, with the supervision of FBK researchers or other research institutions.
12.00 pm
DicodiNo, culture giovanili e discorsi d’odio online | Villaggio Digitale, Room 4
Reflection on stereotypes, discrimination and verbal violence against ethnic-religious minorities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of online hate speech and how it affects young people.
5.00 pm
Non li abbandonare! Riuso, riduco, riciclo: una nuova vita per gli AEE e i RAEE | Villaggio Digitale, Room 1
Results of the two-day EEE and WEEE drive.
Presentation of related projects launched by FBK and HIT in collaboration with schools in Trentino (INNOWEE, E-mining@school, REFER, AWARE, Re-Play).
Creep, prevenire gli effetti del cyberbullismo | Villaggio Digitale, Room 3
Technologies can offer support to prevent the effects of cyberbullying. The experimentation carried out with some Trentino schools will be presented to understand the use of technologies by young people and consciously reflect on their language in online interactions.
6.00 pm
Trec, Salute + e altre app per la salute dei cittadini trentini | Villaggio Digitale, Room 2
Discover and learn how to use the services and apps you need in order to check your health records and exam results, and that can give you advice for a healthier life.