April 12, 2022The infinite lightness of explorationA journey inside the HERMES-SP project and the cross scientific return in the field of multi-messenger astrophysics
June 15, 2021More maps for everyoneThe "Trento Time Travel Maps" project of the FBK Digital Society Center provides citizens with a series of urban maps to understand how the city has changed from the 19th century to today
February 23, 2021Digital technologies for the enhancement and reuse of historical and cultural heritageThe possibility of visualizing and requalifying sites through three-dimensional technologies favors the rediscovery of the air-raid shelter in Piazza Venezia in Trento, the scene of a piece of city history of the Second World War
October 26, 2020TOTEM – 4D Trento Time MachineICT technologies, archive data, space-time analyses of the urban area, apps and Artificial Intelligence to enhance Trento, its history and its archives
September 4, 2019FBk research and projects meet the community at Trento Smart City WeekLabs, seminars and workshops to get to learn more about the work of researchers and the solutions developed to enhance the quality of life of citizens
June 29, 2018Impronte nella ScuolaRagazzi e anziani insieme in una sfida a colpi di passi e indovinelli
September 11, 2017Jeff Kramer at the SEFM conference organized by FBKThe fifteenth edition is being held in Trento from September 6 to 10, and aims to bring together leading researchers and professionals from academia, industry and administration to advance the state of the art in Formal Methods.
August 9, 2017HEALTH AND IT IN THE SERVICE OF CITIZENSFBK research will be aired on RAI3 on Sunday, August 13, in the "VivinTrentino" show
June 15, 2017“Andare avanti. Non fermarsi. Approfondire. Questo è quanto quell’esperienza mi ha insegnato”Daniele Gadler ha partecipato WebValley nel 2013 e attualmente studia Informatica in una prestigiosa università in Germania
June 15, 2017“AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE!”Federico Scrinzi, 2009 edition "webvallian", now works for Google in Dublin
June 1, 2017AWARD-GIVING CEREMONY OF THE “IMPRONTE” (FOOTPRINTS) PROJECT AIMED AT FAVORING ACTIVE AGING AND INCLUSIONA treasure hunt with pedometer bracelets and a geolocation app to hide or find real or virtual objects
April 14, 2017What fuels for the mobility of the future?On the occasion of the Trento edition of “Greenweek – Festival della Green Economy” in March, we collected the voices of three experts who testify how increrasingly urgent it is to invest in alternative fuels.
March 3, 2017Il presidente CNR Massimo Inguscio alla Fondazione Kessler di TrentoLo scorso mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017 Massimo Inguscio, presidente del CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, in visita alla FBK accompagnato dall'assessore PAT Sara Ferrari e dalla dirigente del Dipartimento della conoscenza Livia Ferrario.