For a Human-Centered AI

FBK in the Trentino delegation of companies at the International Festival of Artificial Intelligence WAICF 2023

February 10, 2023

February 9 through 11, the Palais des Festival in Cannes will turn into the world capital of artificial intelligence - a place where all the world's leading companies working on this topic will exchange views through workshops, B2B meetings and conferences. Every year, th event summarizes all the major innovations related to AI in business and beyond.

[Confindustria Trento press release]

Given these premises, a delegation representing Trentino, a region that has always been sensitive to innovation, including technology innovation, could not miss this opportunity. To promote the “Trentino system of innovation”, Confindustria Trento has organized a dedicated stand in which associates BlueTensor, Cosman, Dedagroup with its AI focused ORS, Delta Informatica, Gpi, HPA will participate. There will also be local organizations of reference, namely: the Digital Innovation Hub of Trentino-Alto Adige, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Trentino Sviluppo.

More in detail, the WAICF 2023 (World Artifical Intelligence Cannes Festival), in addition to hosting almost 300 companies specialized in the development of AI-oriented technologies, also offers many training events and interactive workshops that investigate the most varied AI applications involving the production sectors: industry and robotics, human resources, gaming, sports, hospitality, just to name a few.

In other words, the goal is to establish a horizontal exchange that favors contact etween small and large organizations, so as to generate common knowledge and therefore give rise to winning development strategies. Roberto Busato, General Manager of Confindustria Trento, said: “We have organized this delegation as we believe that Artificial Intelligence is no longer a domain issue, but a priority element on which to plan the growth of companies, of any sector and size. Innovative by Nature, the slogan of our exhibition space – he stressed – responds to the belief that Trentino has a natural propensity to guard the frontiers of innovation in its DNA: it is therefore a duty for us to be here”.

Confindustria Trento’s participation in WAICF is part of the path that will culminate in the fall of 2023 with the presentation by the Association of the <strong>position paper “Società Trentino 5.0″</strong>: a series of proposals that put together an idea of territory where development, sustainability and digitalization fall within a single reference framework.


HPA is an accredited spin-off of the University of Verona and the Arti­cial Intelligence Competence Center of Terranova. It designs and develops custom ML/DL solutions for predictive analysis, anomaly detection, constrained optimization, NLP, and image recognition for SMEs and large companies.

We are a global Group with +30 years of experience in Digital Health. We offer knowledge and skills for the improvement of healthcare processes, through software, services and technologies, for public&private organizations in 70 countries. Over 7000 professionals to provide solutions making healthcare systems more sustainable.

Delta Informatica is operating in the IT and business consultancy sector since forty years. It is a holding including a group of companies working on software services, automation, innovation and digital solutions and is among the founders of, a consortium focused in the ­eld of Big Data & Arti­ficial Intelligence.

Deda Group has been supporting businesses and public organizations with application solutions and IT services for more than 40 years. We are a group of companies and individuals united by our passion and expertise in technology, data, AI and the changes that have shaped the digital society.

With over 100 quali­ed analyst, 4 technical expertise centers, over 30 managed cost areas, 5 operating o‑ces, +20 billion€ analyzes, 2000 customer projects, Cosman is a leader in the sector of digital services related to business phenomena, starting from cost management to increase operational e‑ciency.

Bluetensor is a customer and technology-oriented company that provides arti­cial intelligence (AI) technologies and solutions to grow businesses and increase productivity by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Applied technologies: computer vision, natural language processing, predictive analytics.

FBK is a top Research Institute in Trento, Italy. With its 3,500 square meters of laboratories and scienti­c infrastructures and a community of over 400 researchers, 140 doctoral students, 200 visiting fellows and thesis students, 700 a‑liates and accredited students combined, FBK acts as a scienti­c and technological hub, its premises and platforms hosting a lively ecosystem of co-located ventures, spin-offs, projects and training opportunities.

Trentino Sviluppo is a one-stop-shop in Trentino for business location, FDI investments, development of strategic clusters, business innovation, internationalisation, ­nancial system interventions. It supports companies wishing to invest and set up their business in Trentino, by providing assistance throughout the process, from HR recruiting to building relations with research facilities, ­nding the best industrial sites, accessing credit and facilitations, and oering support in R&D projects.

Con­ndustria Trento, together with other local partners, has established the regional Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) in order to help companies in their digital transformation:

  • Conducting assessments to measure the digital maturity of companies;
  • Organizing events to spread the awareness about new technologies;
  • Helping companies to ­find the right partners for their digital transformation projects.

In the cover photo, Engineer Vittorio Guarnieri, in Cannes representing FBK, with the aim of creating new synergies between research and innovation.

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